• 沿着一边墙脚下一条自行车

    There was a bike path running along this side of the wall, right at its base.


  • 因此让我们跳一步自尊心丢在一边跳过害怕,朝着爱我们伸出我们的手。

    So take the leap: throw pride aside, and jump through the wall of fear, and reach out to a loved one.


  • 最后终于有些好奇巴基斯坦人靠近询问他们一边喧嚣情况。

    Eventually a few curious Pakistanis approached to inquire about the commotion on the other side of the wall.


  • 他们蜂拥而至欢呼着、叫喊着一边同样欢呼雀跃西柏林市民相见。

    They surged through cheering and Shouting and were be met by jubilant West Berliners on the other side.


  • 除了避难,还可以看到急救,装着不明瓶子架子一边休息垫子还有多米诺骨牌。

    Against one wall of the shelter can be seen a first aid cabinet, shelves holding unidentified bottles, mats in a corner for rest, and a set of dominos.


  • 伸出手臂接着又伸出一条,两边接触到了发现巷道;他脚下滑了一下,发现石板很湿

    He extended one arm and then the other, touched the walls on both sides, and perceived that the passage was narrow; he slipped, and thus perceived that the pavement was wet.


  • 主夹板两边分别画明显的线确定隔断的位置。

    Lay out partition walls by snapping chalk lines to mark both sides of the bottom plates.


  • 他们抓着手腕朋友推倒(花圃)一边

    They grabbed my wrists and pushed my friend and he fell down on the other side of the [flowerbed] wall.


  • 本来是单层房子一边一道造成一个看起来好像层、层楼的样子。

    Well, what was originally a single floor house, they just built another taller wall along the street to make it look like it's a two or three-story house.


  • 一边没有分子因此吸引力会降低球的速度

    There are no other molecules on that side of the wall. So there's an attractive force that makes the velocity within not quite as fast.


  • 也许比喻不是最好,因为立刻会引出这个问题,一边什么

    Now, maybe the one-room metaphor is not the best metaphor, because it immediately prompts the question, "Well, what's on the other side of the wall?"


  • Michael牢房马桶边,设法将马桶差不多英尺的距离,然后那个自制六角扳手砖块之间混凝土

    Michael crouches next to the toilet in his cell. He's managed to pull it out about a foot from the wall and he USES his homemade Allen wrench to scrape out the concrete between the cinder blocks.


  • Levin计划打通两个商店之间这样顾客可以一边享受咖啡,一边店里闲逛,寻找音乐DVDs漫画或者欣赏店内表演

    Levin plans to tear down a wall separating the two businesses so customers can grab a coffee and check out the store's music, DVDs and comic books or catch an in-store performance.


  • 在别一后面学校大礼堂上层平面

    Behind the other wall is the upper level of the school auditorium.


  • 边座,座剧院大礼堂为了增加座席,而后面突出的具有倾斜地板的上面部分

    An upper section, often with a sloping floor, projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater or an auditorium to provide additional seating.


  • 个子高,看到那一边。

    She can see over the wall because of her height.


  • 不久听到一边传来茶壶“歌声”。

    Soon I could hear the teakettle sing on the other side of the wall.


  • 游戏非常富有挑战性如果控制不好容易两边

    The game is very challenging as car can easily crash if you touched the walls on either sides.


  • 蹬脚是因为他们没有等到恰当的出发时机而开始蹬腿游离池边。

    When they plant the feet too low, it's usually because they can't WAIT to push off and start swimming again.


  • 水泥板覆盖两端的山墙,灰,两边的屋顶包裹上了再生木质

    Cement panels cover the two gabled end walls, coated in a layer of render, while the two longitudinal walls and roof are now wrapped in reclaimed wooden boards.


  • 厂房上下游边墙围岩蜗壳混凝土结构水平杆约束对结构动力特性影响较小

    The parallel chain constraint, which is imposed by the sidewall on the concrete structure of the volute layer, plays a relatively small role on the dynamic characteristics of the structure.


  • 接下来两边开始出现模糊房子等等轮廓一切都静止的。

    Next, there begins to appear on either side vague Outlines of houses, walls, trees, etc., but everything is motionless.


  • 分隔两边的方格算是紧邻方格,除非该墙一个墙角

    Squares separated by a wall are not adjacent unless only a corner is between them.


  • 实际工程中,特别是对于糯扎渡这种边墙跨度大、相互交错的地下洞室群的围岩稳定性问题还缺少系统评价方法

    However, evaluation methods of wall rock stability in underground cavern groups with high side-wall, large span and intersect caverns are required for actual projects such as Nuo Zhadu.


  • 地下厂房开挖支护过程爆破震动控制直接影响到高边墙稳定及岩锚梁结构安全

    The control of blasting vibration in the excavation of underground powerhouse is the key factor influencing the construction safety of underground powerhouse.


  • 混凝土挤压边墙技术混凝土面板堆石坝上游施工方法

    The concrete crushing type sidewall technology is a new method for constructing the upstream side slope of concrete face rockfill dam.


  • 混凝土挤压边墙技术混凝土面板堆石坝上游施工方法

    The concrete crushing type sidewall technology is a new method for constructing the upstream side slope of concrete face rockfill dam.


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