• 突尼斯内政部国防部表示由于这次袭击的影响,突尼斯政府已经关闭利比亚之间的两个边境口岸

    The Interior and Defense ministries said that the Tunisian government has closed its two border crossings with Libya because of the attack.


  • 墨西哥港口边境口岸一直毒枭必争之地。

    Mexico's ports and border-crossings have always been in dispute among the big players in the drugs business.


  • 季节性边境口岸加强海关监管商品检验

    The supervision of the customs and the inspection of commodities should also be reinforced at seasonal frontier ports.


  • 自从今年尼泊尔地震后,中尼边境口岸关闭

    But the border between China and Nepal has been closed since the earthquake in Nepal earlier this year.


  • 出境入境机场港口火车站其他边境口岸边防海防哨所。

    Airports, harbours and railway stations of entry or exit and other frontier ports, frontier stations and coastal defence stations.


  • 本刊记者漫游欧洲一月,借机了解了一下新的电子护照边境口岸的使用效果

    A MONTH of tramping around Europe has given your correspondent a chance to see how effective the new e-passports are at border crossings.


  • 出境入境机场港口火车站其他边境口岸边防海防哨所。

    Airports, harbours and railway stations of entry or exit and other frontier ports, frontier stations and coastal defence stations.


  • 但是发生伤害事件可能性并不能阻止他们试图穿越中国关闭的边境口岸

    But the possibility of similar mayhem appears not to deter some from finding ways round China's clampdown on crossings.


  • 本刊记者漫游欧洲一月,借机了解了一下新的电子护照边境口岸的使用效果

    MONTH of tramping around Europe has given your correspondent a chance to see how effective the new e-passports are at border crossings.


  • 采用公告方式送达人身关系案件外,可以采取边境口岸张贴公告形式

    Where the manner of announcement is adopted in service of process, the form of Posting announcements in border ports may be adopted except cases of personal relation.


  • 两个主要说辞支持在护照中加入芯片提高边境口岸安全性加快入境手续办理

    The two main justifications for adding chips to passports are that they improve security at border crossings and speed up immigration procedures.


  • 改善边境口岸通关设施条件,加快边境口岸“单一窗口”建设,降低通关成本提升通关能力

    We should improve the customs clearance facilities of border ports, establish a "single-window" in border ports, reduce customs clearance costs, and improve customs clearance capability.


  • 改善边境口岸通关设施条件,加快边境口岸“单一窗口”建设降低通关成本提升通关能力

    We should improve the customs clearance facilities of border ports, establish a "single-window" in border ports, reduce customs clearance costs, and improve customs clearance capability.


  • 媒介监测表明在广西登革热旧疫点及边境口岸查到埃及伊白纹伊蚊分布广泛并且密度

    Vector surveillance results indicate that Aedes aegypti was not discovered but Aedes albopictus had wide distribution and high density.


  • 同时我们边境口岸采取了必要的措施这些都是本着对中国公民以及其他国家公民负责态度

    Meanwhile, we have also taken necessary steps at the border crossings with a responsible attitude to citizens of China and other countries.


  • 美国海关边境巡逻部门发言人表示:“口岸已经被关闭持续小时。”该口岸世界上繁忙边境口岸

    "The port is closed and will remain closed for several hours," said a spokeswoman of us Customs and Border Patrol.


  • 两个主要说辞支持在护照中加入芯片提高边境口岸安全性加快入境手续办理本刊记者认为纯粹胡扯。

    The two main justifications for adding chips to passports are that they improve security at border crossings and speed up immigration procedures. Your correspondent thinks this is poppycock.


  • 中国西部地区拥有各类口岸100多个,已经形成边境地区综合口岸体系

    The western region of China has over 100 ports of various types. Together, they form a comprehensive port system in the border areas.


  • 《条例》被动地应对边境入境口岸疾病暴发转向积极主动地作出反应目的是出现国际传播机会之前,从根源消除威胁

    They move from a reactive response to outbreaks at borders and points of entry, to a proactive response aimed at snuffing out a threat at source, before it has a chance to spread internationally.


  • 瓦拉纳西直达尼泊尔边境巴士Sunauli口岸,路程9小时,路费100印度卢比

    Direct buses from Varanasi to the Nepalese border at Sunauli take 9 hours and cost about rs 100.


  • 2005年上半年通过友谊关游客超过30万。广西边境旅游收入大部分来自凭祥口岸

    Only in the first half of the year of 2005, the number of tourists across Friendship Pass was more than 300, 000 and Pingxiang Port was the largest contributor to the border tourism income of Guangxi.


  • 允许沿边重点口岸边境城市经济合作区人员往来加工物流旅游等方面实行特殊方式政策

    Special methods and policies will be implemented at key borders, and in bordering cities and economic cooperation zones to promote personnel exchanges, logistics and tourism.


  • 昆河经济走廊将建立交通干线为辐射优势产业体系城市体系、口岸体系边境经济合作区。

    This includes the building of a promising industrial system, a city system, a trade-port system and a border economic development zone along the main line of communication.


  • 边境口岸,已经没有排队等待逃避安全地带了。

    There were no long queues of people at border crossings wanting to flee to a safe place.


  • 新疆吉尔吉斯斯坦边境两个口岸,分别吐尔尕特口岸伊尔克什坦口岸。伊尔克什坦口岸奥什

    Xinjiang has two land ports that border Kyrgyzstan -Turgart port and Irkeshtam port, which is about 260 km from Osh.


  • 新疆吉尔吉斯斯坦边境两个口岸,分别吐尔尕特口岸伊尔克什坦口岸。伊尔克什坦口岸奥什

    Xinjiang has two land ports that border Kyrgyzstan -Turgart port and Irkeshtam port, which is about 260 km from Osh.


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