• ·德鲁”,伸出手来。

    "I'm Nancy Drew," she said, holding out her hand.


  • 最严重地震碰撞发生在康赛普西翁(智利第二大城市还有遥远胡安 费尔德斯群岛海岸一系列小镇村庄

    Worst hit were a string of towns and villages on the coast either side of Concepción, the country’s second city, as well as the remote Juan Fernández islands.


  • 天傍晚庞蒂切利水渠气味难闻堆满垃圾的小路找到了萨拉瓦

    I met Saravanan one evening in the town of Pondicherry, on a back road piled with garbage overlooking a smelly canal.


  • 读到此处,德文悬崖的村舍没有互联网、没有移动信号、也没有电视收音机

    BY THE time you read this, I will be at a cliff-side cottage in south Devon, with no internet access, mobile phone reception, television or radio.


  • 座巴拉吉塑像,巴拉吉印度受人尊崇女神,懒懒的坐在紧贴吧台的角落里,品味当地闻名的特色类的食物

    A small statue of Balaji, a deity worshiped in southern India, sat snugly on the counter. And the food was rich with the crepe-like dosas for which the region is known.


  • 温水池一个繁星满天夜晚温泉找出十字星座其他星座的比较方便。

    Pools are conveniently south-facing, which means that on a starry night you can spot the Southern Cross and other constellations while soaking in the tub.


  • 组成冬季毕宿五、五车二、北河二(北河三)、三、参宿七和天狼星

    The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaren, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius.


  • 人报:“陵大路,一彝陵山路。”

    "On one side is the South Yiling road; on the other, the North Yiling road," he was told.


  • 他们是从的尽,就是海汊起。

    Their southern boundary started from the bay at the southern end of the Salt sea.


  • 日本东北部,被地震海啸摧毁三陆町市。人们加油站运行一个脚踩曲轴汽车加油

    Men operating a bicycle crank pump refuel cars at the site of a gas station in the earthquake- and tsunami-destroyed town of Minamisanriku, northeastern Japan. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)


  • 随着客家先民迁,一命名方式传播到了闽粤赣畲族地区

    With migration of the ancient Hakkas, this way of naming was spread to the areas inhabited by She nationality.


  • 煤电公司露天矿稳定情况进行了实例分析,变形区稳定性主要受四个泥岩弱控制,采取内排压脚等控制开采方法有效的。

    The stability of south slope in Yinmin Coal and Electricity Company is analyzed and the stability of the slope is controlled by four weak layers and the restraining mining methods is effective.


  • 设计小费同学(费德)无敌转过去的动作搞,朋友聊起来都这个场景好玩

    Design tip schoolmate (south Feder) lets the movement which stands invincibly one side and has turned around ultra do, chatted with the friend said that this scene was amusing.


  • 北轻,即统治方面重视北方、相对忽视倾向,封建王朝治方略的重要组成部分。

    The administrative emphasis on the border area of north China rather than south China was an important administrative strategy of the Feudal Imperial Court of China.


  • 研究露天煤矿排土场下采动沉陷规律,结合平安家岭露天矿排土场实例采用FLAC3D程序进行了数值模拟计算。

    Based on the example of south dump slope of Anjialing open colliery in Pingshuo, the rule of surface subsidence was studied using FLAC3D.


  • 多先生本来挨着站,现在,好电梯。

    Don Fernando, who was next to the doors, stepped to one side to allow me to go out first.


  • 论文通过高速公路K 93 K 154路段绿化植物群落进行了调查研究。

    The thesis of Nanyou highway slope greening plants communities in section K93K154 are investigated.


  • 满足三峡水利枢纽工程支护需要特别是永久船闸坡的支护要求,三峡工程永久船闸现场进行了无粘结预应力锚索专项试验

    To meet the requirements of slope support for TGP, specially for its permanent lock's high slope, a special test on non cohesive prestressed cable anchor has been performed in situ.


  • 它们大洋上空遨游数月之后,求爱仪式拉开了序幕。

    The courtship ritual renews their pair bond after months of roaming the Southern Ocean. ?


  • 陕西泾阳塬塬黄土滑坡频繁发生造成经济损失人员伤亡极为惨重。

    In the Southern Tableland (Nanyuan)of Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province, the loess landslides often occur along the slope of the tableland, causing heavy casualties and serious economic losses.


  • 这座木制西式灯塔呈六样式,耸立坂井防波堤端11.3

    This wooded, hexagonal Western-style lighthouse stands 11.3 meters tall and is located on old Sakai Harbor's southern seawall.


  • 沿大路很多的地块是属于上海铁路局的。

    Both sides of the highroad austral the edge has very much lot belong to Shanghai railroad bureau.


  • 交战时,爱德华·帕克上校粒余势将尽子弹打中脖子显然伤了神经从此得侧向一

    During the fighting Captain Edward Pakenham was hit in the neck by a spent bullet, which apparently damaged a nerve so that he was forced to carry his head at an unusual Angle.


  • 交战时,爱德华·帕克上校粒余势将尽子弹打中脖子显然伤了神经从此得侧向一

    During the fighting Captain Edward Pakenham was hit in the neck by a spent bullet, which apparently damaged a nerve so that he was forced to carry his head at an unusual Angle.


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