• 矿产品之一锡矿产品抗战时期对输出数量各种材料数据莫衷一是,甚至相差甚

    As one of the Special Mineral Products, the export of tin to America and Soviet Union in wartime is totally different from what has been recorded in the materials.


  • 因此,194 7年以后美国上海电影输出数量急剧减少,上海电影放映市场所占份额逐渐下降。

    Consequently, after 1947, the import of American films to Shanghai declined drastically, and their share of the film market in Shanghai declined as well.


  • 每当创建一个输出终端数量可变原语时,按照的进展创建这些终端确保所有可能路径明显的。

    Whenever you create a primitive that can have a variable number of output terminals, create them as you go, to ensure that all possible paths of flow are apparent.


  • 通常涉及到统计输入输出查询文件接口数量然后为各自制定一个复杂性系数

    Typically, this involves counting the number of inputs, outputs, queries, files, and interfaces, then assigning a complexity coefficient to each of them.


  • 使用发布/订阅每个主题订阅者数量影响消息吞吐量因为决定主题的每个发布操作将必须写入多少输出消息

    When using pub/sub, the number of subscribers per topic will affect message throughput as this will determine how many output messages have to be written per publication on a topic.


  • 服务操作能够拥有任何数量消息或者简单类型输入输出

    A service operation can have any number of inputs and outputs with types of messages or primitive types.


  • 一个用于显示关键性能指示器仪表板比如输入输出吞吐量等待处理中的请求数量以及平均的等待和处理时间

    A dashboard must display key performance indicators such as the input and output throughputs, number of requests waiting and in process, and average waiting and processing times.


  • 输出支持工作负载所需处理器数量估计值

    Its output is an estimate of the number of processors needed to support the workloads.


  • 不过这么使用晶体管时,因为其固有物理属性对于给定温度改变输出也会产生一个已知数量变化

    But, it is inherent in the physics of the transistor, when it is used in this manner, that the output will vary by a known amount for a given change in temperature.


  • 查询输出中,数量固定的,每行每个固定列的

    Query output has a fixed number of columns, with each row filling in values for every fixed column.


  • 流程基于现有文件数量生成一个文件名同时指定输出目录

    The process generates a new file name based on the number of existing files, and specifies the output directory.


  • 为了处理所有类型人工任务需要支持数量不限输入输出对象

    To cater to all types of human tasks, you need to support an unbound number of objects for input and output.


  • 这个命令输出包括线程最大数量以及使用未使用的线程总数

    The output from the command includes the maximum number of threads and the total number of used and inactive threads.


  • 有意思的区别出现了一对中间节点N1N2以及输出节点数量两个变成了四个(O1O4)。

    A more interesting difference is a pair of intermediary nodes, N1 and N2, and an increase in the number of output nodes from two to four, O1-O4.


  • 这个例子意图说明处理分区时,需要考虑操作输出流涉及分区数量

    The purpose of this example is to show that when dealing with partitioned tables, you need to account for the number of partitions from the operator output stream.


  • 解决方案检查CREATEPROCEDURE语句确保传递输入输出参数数量数据类型都正确

    Solution: Check the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and make sure you are passing the correct number of input and output parameters with proper data types.


  • 根据频率输出(计算集群所有模式频率总和之后),可以推断出所触发的模式最大数量CALL顺序排列如清单10

    From the frequency output (after summing up the frequency of all patterns in the cluster), you can deduce that the maximum number of patterns fired are in CALL order, as shown in Listing 10.


  • 输入输出参数数量太多

    The number of input and output parameters should not be very high.


  • 该表所生成行的数量输出类型无关

    The number of rows produced in this table is independent from the output type.


  • 可能发现OCAP RI运行命令行窗口生成了数量惊人输出

    You might have noticed that the OCAP RI produces an astonishing amount of output in the command-line window where it's running.


  • 数量以及这些表的内容基于执行单个规则还是规则以及规则定义输出

    The number of tables, and the content of these tables, depend on whether the executed rule is a simple rule or a rule set, as well as the output definition of the rule.


  • 如果使用更大数量,则对每个输出,令牌总数可能接近指定的50%。

    Using a larger number of tokens, it is far more likely that the total Numbers will be much closer to the specified 50% for each output.


  • 可以使用任何数量XQuery客户端检查输出

    You can check this output using any of a number of XQuery clients.


  • 这个参数决定把 map输出复制reduce使用线程数量默认值是5

    This parameter determines the number of threads used to copy map outputs to the reducer, 5 by default.


  • 最后PropertyBroker类型消息传递系统因为操作可以通过输入属性更改调用可提供任何数量输出属性更改。

    Lastly, the property Broker is a different type of messaging system because actions can be called with input property changes and also provide any number of output property changes.


  • 清单4显示了简单XQuery表达式书目不同出版商数量元素输出

    Listing 4 shows an even simpler XQuery expression, which outputs the number of distinct publishers in the bibliography in a single element.


  • 可以使用——show -limits选项显示xargs默认限制然后使用- s选项输出命令长度限制在允许最大字符串数量之内。

    You can use the — show-limits option to display the default limits of xargs, and the -s option to limit the size of output commands to a specific maximum number of characters.


  • 每秒输入输出数量变化。

    Evolution of the Numbers of input and output flows per second.


  • 选择Separated以适应在线扩展标签作为输出区分区域目标就是降低HTML空白区域数量

    Select Separated to render the output using inline span tags to differentiate between fields, with the goal of reducing the amount of HTML and blank space.


  • 选择Separated以适应在线扩展标签作为输出区分区域目标就是降低HTML空白区域数量

    Select Separated to render the output using inline span tags to differentiate between fields, with the goal of reducing the amount of HTML and blank space.


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