• 文章提出了将线性发电机(LG)并入现有SCM以提高输出功率、改善功率因数测量系统可行性山梨磁悬浮试验线进行了试验

    We studied the feasibility of a linear generator (LG) that is integrated into an existing SCM, improved the output, power factor and measuring system, and tested it on the Yamanashi Maglev test line.


  • 我们提出采用光学装置稳定光源输出功率用于折射率调制型光纤传感器测量液体浓度实验中。

    We suggested to stable the output light intensity by using the bistable optical device and use this new device to measure the density of liquid by refractive index modulation sensor.


  • 测量了各装置输入输出功率计算了能量转换装置的转换效率传输过程中的能量损耗提出改进系统有效途径

    Input and output power of instruments was measured, and efficiency of energy conversion instruments and energy loss was calculated, and effective methods were put forward to improve the system.


  • 为了测量拖拉机动力输出输出功率设计了一计算机辅助测试系统

    We design a set of computer aided test system for measuring the output power of the tractor motive power shaft.


  • 本文介绍了如何通过变频器模拟输出测量变频器的输出功率,进而计算变频电动机效率方法

    This paper introduces how to measure output of the inverter by simulating quantity of it, and the method for calculating the efficiency of variable-frequency motor.


  • 分别采用白炽灯日光灯作为光源测量太阳能电池伏安特性开路电压短路电流最大输出功率填充因子、光照特性基本特性。

    Using fluorescent and incandescent as light source, basic features of solar cells such as short circuit current, open voltage, maximum output filling factor and so on were measured.


  • 闪光灯输出功率计算仍然根据反射光的中心加权测量结果。

    The flash power calculation is also based on centre-weighted metering of the light reflected by the pre-flash.


  • 如上所述,使用普通ttl模式闪光测量系统决定闪光输出功率不会考虑环境

    As described above, when you are using the flash in plain TTL mode, the flash metering system does not take the ambient into account when determining how much light to put out.


  • 左侧第一动态范围右侧第二纵轴为输出功率。 这些属性也体现了矢量网分扩频模块S参数测量的良好性能。

    On the left primary vertical axis is dynamic range in dB while on the right secondary axis is output power in dBm.


  • 将光纤缠绕两种不同半径实验测量相应条件激光器的输出功率光束质量因子M2。缠绕半径165mm时,输出功率为217W,M2为2.96;缠绕半径为52mm时,输出功率为160W,M2为1.38。

    Output powers and beam quality factors M2 are measured under two different coiling radii. 217 W with M2 of 2.96 can be obtained for coiling radius of 165 mm and 160 W with M2 of 1.38 for 52 mm.


  • 将光纤缠绕两种不同半径实验测量相应条件激光器的输出功率光束质量因子M2。缠绕半径165mm时,输出功率为217W,M2为2.96;缠绕半径为52mm时,输出功率为160W,M2为1.38。

    Output powers and beam quality factors M2 are measured under two different coiling radii. 217 W with M2 of 2.96 can be obtained for coiling radius of 165 mm and 160 W with M2 of 1.38 for 52 mm.


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