• 提供流程名称作为输入输入一个字符

    Give the process a name and as input, enter a string value.


  • 编写函数输入一个字符其中元音字母置。

    Write a function that takes a string as input and reverse only the vowels of a string.


  • 输入字符a ”,确保包括引号

    Enter a string value "a" in the column and be sure to include the quotes.


  • 题意输入个字符串,将字符串中的单词反转输出,一反转一个

    Ignatius likes to write words in reverse way. Given a single line of text which is written by Ignatius, you should reverse all the words and then output them.


  • 为了字段MIDINIT设置限制以便只能输入一个字符,请执行以下步骤。

    To set a restriction on the field MIDINIT so that only one character can be entered, do the following.


  • 消息域中输入一个字符hello然后消息将在主题Greetings之下进行发布

    Enter a string, such as hello, in the message field; the message is then published under the topic Greetings.


  • 例如如果用户输入一个字符搜索某个索引则必须过滤掉可能会造成越界搜索的不合适的通配符,很重要的。

    For example, if a user were to type in a string that is used to search some index, it may be important to filter the string for improper wildcard characters that might cause unbounded searches.


  • 使用有限上下文统计建模技术混合多个顺序固定的上下文模型,预测输入序列中的一个字符

    It USES a finite context statistical modeling technique that blends together several fixed-order context models to predict the next character in the input sequence.


  • 种特别软件输入,它可以将每个键盘序列转换一个字符一系列字符

    A special piece of software called an input method converts each key sequence into a single character or a series of characters.


  • 我们应用程序中,用户输入日期时间连接一个字符转换成字节,然后被存储

    In our application, the date and time entered by the user are concatenated into a string, converted into bytes, and stored.


  • 处于游标定位模式时,用户可以切换或者定位游标输入区域任何个字符之上。

    When in cursor-positioning mode, the user can tab to, or position the cursor on, any character in the input field.


  • 记号赋予器穿过输入每次检查字符直到遇到整数或者直至文件结束

    The tokenizer moves through the stream, inspecting characters one at a time until it encounters either an integer or the end of file.


  • 为了快速选择一个资源管理器输入想要选择字符例中输入f

    To quickly select a resource manager, type the first character of your desired selection; in this case, type f.


  • 函数字符作为输入字符一个有效SQL选择语句

    This function takes a string value as input which is a valid SQL full select statement.


  • 如果结果数据一个字符,那么中间结果要转换输入代码

    In cases where the result data is a string, the intermediate result is also converted back to the input code page.


  • 可能知道应该允许用户输入中包括“/”,但是仅仅检查一个字符可能不对的。

    You may know that allowing users to include "/" would be a bad idea, but just checking for this one character would probably be a mistake.


  • 起始位置指定输入字符结果个字符长度单元所在位置。

    The start position specifies the position within input string that is to be the first string length unit of the result.


  • 这些数字表示Unicode字符而不是输入消息代码中的一个字符

    These Numbers represent a Unicode character, not a character in the code page of the input message.


  • Python版本2. x中,raw _ input会标准输入(sys . stdin)读取输入返回一个字符,且尾部换行符从末尾移除。

    In Python version 2.x, raw_input reads an input from standard input (sys.stdin) and returns a string with the trailing newline character stripped from the end.


  • 输入对象阵列两个Long对象响应也是字符而且此例只能返回

    The inputs in this example are an object array and two Long objects, and the response is also a string, and in this example you simply return it.


  • 这里逻辑parse输入首先查找一个字符然后查找整数,最后查找实数。

    The logic is that parse will look first for a string, then for an integer, and finally for a real, in that order, in the input stream.


  • 如果将其表示字符实体可以输入a(十进制)A(十六进制值)。

    If you wanted to represent it as a character entity, you can type a (the decimal value) or a (the hexadecimal value) instead.


  • clean方法一个字符数组作为输入归地“清理返回一个字符串或数组。

    The clean method takes a string or an array as input and returns the same string or array after it has been recursively "cleaned."


  • URI模板字符文字字符序列特殊标记组成,可以将一系列输入转换一个URI。

    A URI Template is a string value that includes a mixture of literal character sequences and specialized tokens that, when processed with a set of input values, yields a URI. For example.


  • 首先调用内置的input函数请求用户输入他们的计算随后input作为一个字符返回

    First calls the built-in input function to request the user to type in their calculation, which input then returns as a string.


  • Back按钮应该删除输入清单8定义文本字段中的一个字符

    In this case, the Back button should remove the last character entered into the text field defined in Listing 8.


  • arrayconcat函数获取一个字符数组作为输入字符输出中返回联接这些字符串。

    The array concat function takes an array of strings as an input and returns a concatenation of the strings into a single string output.


  • 由于替代文本字符引用因此它等同于输入横线字符

    Because the replacement text for - is a character reference, it's exactly the same as typing an en dash character.


  • 如果至少输入一个字符,则在enter后,例程将退出

    When the enter key is pressed, the subroutine exits if at least one character has been entered.


  • 如果至少输入一个字符,则在enter后,例程将退出

    When the enter key is pressed, the subroutine exits if at least one character has been entered.


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