• 智慧簸散恶人用碌碡辊轧他们

    A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them.


  • 最后水平出口使应力增加

    The compressive stress can be increased in the case of continuous rolling with vertical edging rolls at the exit of last horizontal rollers.


  • 介绍了管机装置功能压下装置调整控制技术进行了分析

    This article has described the function of the screw-down device of the three roll pipe mill, meanwhile the control technology for the screw-down device adjustment has been analyzed as well.


  • 采用美国MARC公司MSC/superform软件叶片辊轧工艺进行数值模拟

    This paper introduces the numerical simulations of the blade rolling technology by MSC/superform of American MARC Co.


  • 新型管机技术先进操作方便作为传统辊轧管机其它形式延伸机换代产品。

    This new type 3 roll tube mill has a very advanced technology with easy operation, which shall replace the conventional tube mill and other type of skew rolling mill.


  • 金属型材成形金属带材深度加工一个重要领域,对其成形制度确定方式的影响因素很多

    Cold roll-forming of metal sections is a significant field in advancing forming of strip metal, and the forming processes are influenced by many factors.


  • 针对目前磨粉机调节方式落后,工作强度效率问题,提出了磨辊轧距自动调节的方案

    Aiming at shortage of regulation of rolling gap, great intensity and low efficiency at present, a program of rolling gap automatic regulation was proposed.


  • 简述水火弯板成形原理,分析了曲板收缩整体成形关系确定重要性,应用分段圆弧样条函数拟合曲板的辊轧线。

    The principle of line heat forming of ship hull is described. The importance of determination of relationship between the local contraction of circular plates and the integral forming is analysed.


  • 辊轧成型C形冷弯薄壁型钢构件切割成若干短柱,在中将产生不同程度歪曲变形,进而引起附加的初始几何缺陷

    Cutting roll-formed steel C-section to stub columns will produce different extent of cross section distortion along the lengths and cause additional initial geometric imperfections.


  • 基于切边中立变形物理模拟分析了平中厚板断面形状的影响。

    Based on physical simulation of edge rolling process in Trimming-Free plate rolling method, the effection of V rolling and chamfer rolling on the plate profile is analyzed.


  • 行星变形复杂剧烈,对于其成形规律研究具有很大的难度

    Three-roll planetary rolling is of complex severe deformation process and it is difficult to study the forming laws.


  • 基于切边中立变形物理模拟分析了中厚板断面形状影响

    Based on physical simulation of edge rolling process in Trimming-Free plate rolling method, the affection of V rolling and chamfer rolling on the plate profile is analyzed.


  • 本文花键整体凹正挤工艺、多挤压成形工艺、冷滚成形工艺、平板齿条搓挤工艺等花键冷成形技术特点进行介绍

    This article introduced some methods of spline cold forming technology: forward die extrusion die forming, mud-rolls die extrusion forming, cold rolling forming and plate type cold rolling forming.


  • 对于立式机,导向固定导向时,其旋转速度环件尺寸运动无关,与导向的尺寸、驱动的尺寸和运动有关;

    The rotate speed of the guide roll has no relations to the ring dimension and movement and has relations to guide roll dimension, driven roll dimension and movement when the guide rolling is fixed.


  • 介绍了具有代表性的研发趋势,薄板坯连铸薄带工艺

    Rather new manufacturing technologies such as thin slab casting rolling and twin roll casting technology were prospected.


  • 本文从工艺出发,探讨钻头过程中金属流动规律揭示带对扭金属流动影响

    In this paper, the metal flowing regularity of twist drill in rolling process has been researched, and it finds that the edge-line of the drill influenced the metal flow.


  • 电磁场快速技术中的核心部件—电磁感应器过程关键作用

    Inductor and roller shells which play an important role in the course of roll-casting are the key parts of the technology of high speed electromagnetic roll-casting.


  • 本文通过DEFORM有限元软件理论建模,对三整个过程进行模拟计算。

    In this paper, the numerical simulation on the wholly rolling process of trio cross wedge rolling has been finished, by using finite element software DEFORM.


  • 修正后的钢板温度场应用后续未道次的修正计算中。

    And the corrected plate temperature is used to adjust the gap setup values.


  • 本文介绍了管机失效分析过程

    This paper introduced the procedure of failure analysis for rolling wheels mounted on pipe rolling machines.


  • 本文论述了工具设计所遵循原则联合穿孔型设计

    In this paper, the principles which should be adhered to when designing skew rolling tool and the pass design for three-roller combining piercing and rolling are discussed.


  • 采用拉格朗日随体坐标建立过程瞬态传热数学模型

    A transient heat-transfer mathematic model was established using a Lagrangian coordinate system in twin-roll aluminum trip casting and rolling process.


  • 程序通用性强,除设计外,还能进行生产模拟计算计算。

    This program can be widely used, such as in roll pass design, the imitation of practical production and the calculation of allocating rolls in continuous rolling.


  • 介绍热连测速结构特点给出了具体实施方式。

    The article describes design and features of velocity measuring roller of hot rolling mill, and provides the actions to be taken.


  • 理论研究开拓了带材随后深加工的领域

    Theoretical study on the rolling process with conical rollers has devel-oped a new field for rolling and other advanced cold working of strip steel.


  • 根据铝带坯连续过程瞬态凝固流变成形特点,同时考虑影响铸坯传热界面的接触热导问题,建立了铝带坯连续铸过程热力耦合有限元分析模型。

    According to the characteristics of transient solidification and rheological forming in continuous roll casting process, a set of thermal-mechanical coupling equations had been set up.


  • 为了消除工作磨损热膨胀对设定精度影响开发出了磨损热膨胀数学模型生产实践中收到了良好效果

    In order to eliminate the effect, mathematical models for wear and thermal expanding of work rolls were developed, and good effect has been produced since they were used in production.


  • 为了消除工作磨损热膨胀对设定精度影响开发出了磨损热膨胀数学模型生产实践中收到了良好效果

    In order to eliminate the effect, mathematical models for wear and thermal expanding of work rolls were developed, and good effect has been produced since they were used in production.


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