• 本文介绍仪器工作原理软硬件组成特点

    The principle, composition of hardware and software and characteristics of the instrument are introduced in this paper.


  • 重点阐述了系统软硬件组成、系统功能及其实现

    The compositions of hardware and software, functions of system, and implementation are described emphatically.


  • 文中详细探讨了系统的结构通信方式软硬件组成

    The whole structure, data communication mode, hardware and software are discussed in detail.


  • 介绍射频餐厅收费管理系统软硬件组成使用方法

    This paper introduces the composition of the software and hardware of the RF (Radio Frequency) Card restaurant charge manage system and it's operation.


  • 首先系统进行整体设计确定整个系统软硬件组成

    At first, we design the whole system to confirm the system components of software and hardware.


  • 主要介绍了焊接系统软硬件组成控制策略工艺试验结果

    The composition of software and hardware, control strategy and procedure test result of the welding system is mainly introduced.


  • 本文介绍了基于图像分析抑菌自动测量分析系统软硬件组成

    In this paper, based on image analysis of antibacterial circle automatic measurement system software and hardware components were introduced.


  • 介绍了BL- 410生物机能实验系统主要原理软硬件组成特点

    Describes the main principle of BL-410 Biological Functional System and the characteristics of its software and hardware.


  • 然后详细地介绍了整个工业机器人视觉系统的软硬件组成以及摄像机定标问题

    Afterwards we expound the whole industrial robot software and hardware and the problem about the camera calibration.


  • 讨论了一个移动通信客户服务中心派单系统软硬件组成设计思想实现技术等。

    This paper discusses the system architecture, design strategy and implementation technology of mobile communication customer service center worksheet processing system.


  • 一套软硬件组成完成原始数据智能采集,数据的分析处理以及结果输出等功能

    Comprised of the software and hardware, it can acquire and analyse the original data intelligently and print out the results.


  • 本文首先基于PC计算机数控系统进行了概述,研究了数控雕铣系统软硬件组成

    First of all, PC based CNC system of Engraving and Milling Machine is summarized in this dissertation.


  • 讨论了系统软硬件组成测试原理功能特性给出了系统软件工作界面测试数据

    The basic constitutes of hardware and software, working principle and character of the system were discussed and the working interface of the software and the testing data were given as well.


  • 本文针对电缆变特性测量需求描述架空导线蠕变量测试系统测试原理软硬件组成

    To meet the demand of creep test for cables, this paper describes the testing principle and components of the creep test system of overhead electric conductor.


  • 文章提出了多媒体网络教室构造原则,网络结构软硬件组成以及网络教室主要功能具体实现方法

    This paper gives out the principle of the building of multimedia net classroom, the net structure, the form of software and hardware, and the realization method of primary function of net classroom.


  • 介绍了采用高精度线阵CCD传感器构成的动态接触式丝带宽度在线测控系统基本工作原理软硬件组成

    Software, hardware and the basic operation principle of CCD dynamic and non-contact on-line measuring-controlling system for ribbon width are discussed.


  • 小型可编程控制器控制功能及其涂布刮刀涂布器控制应用讨论控制系统软硬件组成程序设计

    PLC and application to the Blade-coating machine. We discussed the software, hardware and program design of the control system.


  • 一个恒微并经精确校准的气浮LVDT 传感器相应软硬件组成测量系统球面加工工件表面进行在机测量。

    The On line measurement of aspheric workpiece surface is made by using a precise calibrated, low force, air bearing LVDT and the measuring system composed of corresponding software and hardware.


  • 本文介绍了一种面向虚拟仪器分布式网络测控系统。在文中针对该系统总体方案、软硬件组成及系统的功能做了详细的说明。

    This paper introduced a distributed measurement and control network system based on virtual instrument. The principle, software and hardware functions of this system are described in detail.


  • 介绍了运用PLC直接控制进电机系统软硬件组成阐述了PLC直接控制步进电机技术发动机台架试验测控系统中的应用

    This paper introduced the hardware and software constitution of the step-motor direct control system with PLC, and expounded the application in the engine control system in bench test.


  • 不过如果大型数据中心应用组成那么所有通过连接和交互现实世界软硬件都是它的周边设备。

    But if huge data centres and applications make up the cloud itself, then all the hardware and software through which it connects and communicates with the real world are its periphery.


  • 文中同时给出系统组成以及控制软硬件设计方案

    This paper also gives the system components and the control method of the hardware and software design.


  • 给出飞机火警系统测试设备设计思想,详细介绍了软硬件组成各个模块功能原理解决了一些相关技术问题

    The design idea of Airborne Fire Alarm System Test Equipment has been given, the components of software, hardware, the function, principle of each module, and solves some related technology problems.


  • 本文讨论了车辆传动试验台测试系统组成软硬件设计

    The composition of vehicle transmission test-bed and its software and hardware designs are discussed in this article.


  • 介绍一个测试仪,它运用工业PC最小系统充分发挥软硬件功能组成嵌入式测试系统。

    Using the minimum system of industrial PC and making the most of the software and hardware function, constitute the embedded measurement system.


  • 本文介绍了网络锁的发阶段组成,详细剖析了网络锁的长处各种功能软硬件体系体系需求

    This text introduces the developing stage and composition, analyzes the advantage, various function, software and hardware system and system demand in detail.


  • 介绍了仪征原油库区自动消防灭火系统组成软硬件配置系统功能

    Composition, software and hardware disposition, and the system function of the automatic fire-fighting system in Yizheng crude tank farm are expounded.


  • 本文阐述系统测试原理软硬件组成实现方法

    The testing principle and the composition including the software and hardware of the system together with its implement method are stated in the paper.


  • 介绍采用直接位移测量算法实现传动参数测试系统组成软硬件设计涉及问题解决的方法。

    This paper introduces the composition of the drive parameter test system, the software and hardware design, the correlative problem and its solution in the system.


  • 介绍采用直接位移测量算法实现传动参数测试系统组成软硬件设计涉及问题解决的方法。

    This paper introduces the composition of the drive parameter test system, the software and hardware design, the correlative problem and its solution in the system.


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