• 单元并收起机身

    The main units are single-wheeled and retract into wheel troughs in the fuselage.


  • 介绍枞树铣刀设计原理应用

    In this paper, the design principles and application of tools for machining fir-tree type slot are presented.


  • 论述T转子加工中所用成形车刀设计方法制造关键要点

    The design method of forming lathe tool for machining double T-shape rotor wheel groove was discussed in this paper and finally the keys for manufacturing are illuminated.


  • 为了不让铜箔散开一个透明实际上都是铜箔里的一系列的曲线轮槽不是连续空隙

    In order that the foil does not fall apart, each transparent ring is actually a series of curved slots in the copper rather than a continuous gap.


  • 计时器实现时间间隔(si)可以使用no选项和timer_wheel_tick来进行配置。

    The slot interval (si) of the timer wheel implementation is configurable using the no option with timer_wheel_tick.


  • 具有某个计时间隔新的计时器ti(时间间隔),添加这个计时器时,将计算出这个计时器的ts(计时器位),具体如下所示。

    When a new timer with a timer interval, such as ti (time interval), is to be added to this wheel, the slot for the new timer, ts (timer slot), is calculated, as follows.


  • 运行一定时间后,宽度可以调节这样变化的,因此需要进行适当调整满足速度要求

    Pulleys are on the market that permit an adjustment in the width of the groove. The effective pitch diameter of the pulley is thus varied, and moderate changes in the speed ratio can be secured.


  • 室内弹性进行牵引性能试验研究及弹性7.50 - 16橡胶牵引性能对比试验研究。

    Tractive performances tests of elastic wheels were conducted in the in-lab soil bin in comparison With those of the driven tire of 7.50-16.


  • 设计了一种金属孔板波纹填料用孔机,包括,刺辊,辊,减速系统。

    It includes the up and down rolling wheel, thorny roller, groovy roller, reducing gears.


  • 进行动力性能试验、水田叶相互干扰试验、机耕船牵引阻力试验、滑板阻力试验插秧机牵引性能试验。

    This Paddy soil bin was successfully used for tests in the dynamic performance of a single blade-lug, the motion resistance of floating boats, and the performance of skids and rice transplanters.


  • 此外,还分析了在进行机耕船楔形缘叶片牵引特性对比试验

    By means of the bin, a comparative test of tractive performance between the wedged paddle wheels and nonrim ones ofpaddy-field tractor(P. F. T. ) is analysed.


  • 机器人承重行走采用伞形来实现,伞形的越运动机构控制

    The robot was supported and driven by umbrella shaped wheels, whose motions of spanning obstacles were controlled by groove pulley and cam mechanism .


  • 本文建立同时考虑钢丝绳长度及绳弹性衬垫磨损的微分方程式由此得到衬垫稳定磨损的条件;

    The paper establishes the general differential equations about elastic liner wear problem of mult-rope friction hoist considering the differences of rope's length and rope grooves.


  • 结果表明:螺旋前角等情况下,用本文设计铲磨滚刀,其基本蜗杆轴截在从新的整个使用过程中都是精确的。

    The following conclusion is obtained. In the cases of straight gash, spiral gash, zero rake angle and positive rake angle, the hob worm profile from hob put into use to hob abandoned i…


  • 并对该软件系统进行了可行性验证,通过验证结果,证明了辊导向式装置克服剪切峰值提高剪切质量等方面优越性

    The study results prove the advantages of groove guided roiling shear in improving the quality of shearing and reducing the peak shearing force.


  • 路面通过连杆机构可以调整切割深度采用切割保证锯片不跑偏保证切割准确

    Road cutting through the slot machines four linkage cutting depth can be adjusted by cutting card round, saw no guarantee that deviation, and ensure accurate cutting.


  • 机器人承重行走采用伞形来实现,伞形的越运动机构控制

    The robot was supported and driven by umbrella shaped wheels, whose motions of spanning obstacles were controlled by groove pulley and cam mechanism.


  • 成型中央上方隔板,在成型下方装一

    The separating plate wheel is arranged above the center of the molding groove, and the bottom slag releasing rod is arranged below the molding groove.


  • 播种圆周上设有,轴向里装有调整轴向位置滑动

    The circumference of a seeding wheel is provided with an axial groove, and the inner part of the axial groove is provided with a slide block whose axial position can be adjusted.


  • 播种圆周上设有,轴向里装有调整轴向位置滑动

    The circumference of a seeding wheel is provided with an axial groove, and the inner part of the axial groove is provided with a slide block whose axial position can be adjusted.


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