• 我们开始转移希望完成

    We have just started migrating the data. We hope to complete the migration within a day.


  • 正在转移据库文件可能需要分钟

    Transferring the database file, you may need a minute!


  • 局部复发与否颈淋巴转移颅内转移相关。

    Local recurrence or not and the number of neck lymph node metastasis were related to encephalic metastasis.


  • -背景下,本文选择辽宁省农村劳动力转移问题进行研究

    In this context, the research chooses to study the transfer quantity problem on rural labor of Liaoning Province.


  • 外部中的管道用于两个实例之间转移磁盘空间保存据。

    Pipes in external tables can be used to transfer data between two instances and save on the disk space.


  • 几个线程卸载几个相应地分阶段转移,以此估算时间

    Estimate your time by unloading a few large tables in a few threads, and accordingly stagger the movement of the data.


  • 直接的解决办法就是建立一套可以不同”之间转移统一标准

    The obvious answer is to establish agreed standards for moving data between clouds.


  • 但是转移过程这个艰苦的过程,使得修复变为一个漫长的过程。

    But both the painstaking process of moving the data and the sheer number of volumes is making the fix a very lengthy process.


  • 光谱电化学方法测得反应标准电极电位电子转移肌红蛋白相符

    The formal electrode potential and electron transfer no. of this reaction are determine by using a spectroelectrochem. method, and the results are in agreement with literature.


  • 主要工作包括了设计据仓库架构转移创建多维据集、分析据。

    The most work includes designing DW frame, transacting data, building muti-dimension and analyze data.


  • 其中年龄肿瘤大小淋巴结转移、化疗药物四个自变量与病生存相关。

    Age, the tumor size, the lymph node number, the treatment medicine four independent variables to DFS condition to have the function.


  • 根本需要除了更多游说者以外不想雇佣任何人公司转移十亿美元的资金。

    What it very much does not need is a transfer of billions of dollars to corporations that have no intention of hiring anyone except more lobbyists.


  • 为此产生了一整套称为orm程序,用来缓解据库面向对象的代码之间来回转移痛苦

    A whole class of programs - ORMs - has sprouted up to ease the pain of moving data back and forth between databases and your code.


  • 随着调查深入,他被指控犯有严重罪行,涉嫌通过一系列复杂海外帐户空壳公司转移百万美元

    The probe led to allegations of far more serious graft, involving millions of dollars moved through a complicated array of foreign accounts and shell companies.


  • 结果颅内转移与患者年龄轻、临床体检颈淋巴结肿大、淋巴结转移、疾病分期组织学类型相关

    Results Encephalic metastasis was related to young age, clinical checkup neck lymph node swell, the number of lymph node metastasis, disease stage and histological type.


  • 因此LOADFROM CURSOR不同表空间据库之间快速轻松转移方法

    This way, a LOAD FROM CURSOR is a fast and easy possibility to move data between different tablespaces or different databases.


  • 一个160gb磁盘替换两个80gb磁盘需要系统离线,也不需要在磁盘之间手工转移

    Replace two 80gb disks with one 160gb disk without the need to bring the system offline or manually move data between disks.


  • 所以购买计算服务用户必须考虑到被“套牢”的风险,同时支持那些他们提供较方便转移服务的供应商。

    So buyers of cloud-computing services must take account of the dangers of lock-in, and favour service providers who allow them to move data in and out of their systems without too much hassle.


  • 现有协议或者已有存储转移据的协议,可能需要支持其他据集,甚至使用UTF - 8之外的默认编码。

    For existing protocols or protocols that move data from existing data stores, support of other charsets, or even using a default other than UTF-8, may be a requirement.


  • 麦克达德告诉检查人员,当时让富尔德浏览了一展示雷曼此前三个季度里一直使用回购105转移十亿美元演示文稿

    Mr McDade told the examiner he had walked Mr Fuld through a presentation that showed Lehman had been using Repo 105 to the tune of billions of dollars in the previous three quarters.


  • 结果:应用鱼软骨多糖各剂量组,小鼠原发抑制转移生理盐水比较差异显著性(P<0.05,P<0.01);

    Results:There were significant differences from inhibitory rates of primary tumor and the number of lung metastasis focuses between RCG groups and Saline group(P<0.05, P<0.01);


  • 除了管理据库时间特性之外,DB2 9.7支持在停止运行系统的情况转移据库模式,可以帮助管理员减少停机时间。

    In addition to new features for managing database time, DB2 9.7 also helps administrators minimize downtime by making it possible to move database schemas without taking the system down.


  • 使用DB2HighPerformanceUnload 4.1,使用个 DB2 High Performance Unload 控制文件能够卸载转移数以及加载据库中

    With DB2 High Performance Unload 4.1, you can use a single DB2 High Performance Unload control file to unload the data, transfer it, and load it into the new database.


  • 使用DB2HighPerformanceUnload 4.1,使用个 DB2 High Performance Unload 控制文件能够卸载转移数以及加载据库中

    With DB2 High Performance Unload 4.1, you can use a single DB2 High Performance Unload control file to unload the data, transfer it, and load it into the new database.


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