• 轨道科学公司计划于2010年第四季度开始进行COTS演示任务

    Orbital's COTS demonstration mission is scheduled to take place in the fourth quarter of 2010.


  • 轨道科学公司计划位于弗吉尼亚州Dulles马里兰州Greenbelt工厂完成“天鹅座太空船货物模块开发制造集成

    Orbital plans to carry out the development, production and integration of the Cygnus spacecraft and cargo modules at company facilities in Dulles, Va., and Greenbelt, Md.


  • 我们太阳系中,行星轨道几乎是圆形的,这使得科学预测其他恒星周围的行星位于圆形轨道上。

    The nearly circular orbits of planets in our solar system led scientists to expect that planets around other stars would also reside in circular orbits.


  • 当时电脑主要用来科学计算的,例如计算火箭轨道

    Back then computers were mostly for scientific computation, like calculating the orbits of rockets.


  • 布鲁克斯没有这样想过。当时电脑主要用来科学计算的,例如计算火箭轨道

    Brooks: Oh, no. Back then computers were mostly for scientific computation, like calculating the orbits of rockets.


  • 随着曙光进入轨道科学团队获得关于维斯引力更为精确测量数据收集精确的时间轴信息

    With Dawn now in orbit, the science team can take more accurate measurements of Vesta's gravity and gather more accurate timeline information.


  • 认为轨道太阳能电站依据科学机制和通信卫星所依据几乎没有什么不同

    He argued that the science behind the orbiting solar farms was little different to that of communications satellites.


  • 行星的轨道距离地球太阳距离的数千——解释了为什么时至今日科学家们才发现

    Its orbit would be thousands of times further from the Sun than the Earth's - which could explain why it has so far remained undiscovered.


  • 月球轨道侦察已经传回有关我们这个最近天体邻居大量漂亮照片科学数据,并且美国宇航局已经举办了一些宣传活动

    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been sending back loads of pretty pictures and gobs of new science about our nearest astronomical neighbor, and the folks at NASA hosted several outreach events.


  • 照片美国宇航局火星探测轨道高清晰科学实验成像仪(HRISE)拍摄,时间为2008年4月。

    This image was taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in Aprl 2008.


  • 照片美国宇航局火星探测轨道的高清晰科学实验成像仪(HRISE)拍摄,时间为2009年12月26

    This image was taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Dec. 26, 2009.


  • 以上两张图片美国宇航局火星探测轨道高清晰科学实验成像仪(HRISE)拍摄。

    Both images were taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.


  • 照片美国宇航局火星探测轨道高清晰科学实验成像仪(HRISE)拍摄,摄于2009年2月

    This image was taken in February 2009 by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. It covers an area around.6 miles across.


  • 目前科学家们正在对近地轨道两万太空垃圾进行检测,其中绝大多数来自于碰撞残骸太空飞船废弃物

    Some 20, 000 pieces of rubbish are currently being monitored in low-Earth orbit, the majority of which are discarded bits of spacecraft or debris from collisions.


  • 为了探索太阳其它恒星工作原理早期观测活动后,科学使用火箭开始地球轨道对太阳进行研究

    To learn more about how the sun and other stars work, after early observations using rockets, scientists began studying the sun from Earth orbit.


  • 轨道中运行时宇航员通过无线电说道,“我们在这里科学实验好,感觉棒了。”

    From orbit one of them had radioed, "the science we're doing here is great, and it's fantastic."


  • 同时这些新发现行星体积轨道彻底改变了科学家对行星系形成和进化过程的认识

    Meanwhile, the sizes and orbits of planets already discovered are revolutionizing researchers' understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve.


  • 科学如同高速列车可能强大的发动机,(大多数时候)他被迫轨道前进

    The scientist is like a high speed train: he might have a huge engine, he is (mostly) forced to follow tracks.


  • 科学已经分析了奥特云中的彗星得出推论称,其中25%彗星在它们改变运行轨道需要至少木星大小的星体提供推动力。

    The scientists have analysed the comets in the Oort cloud and deduced that 25 per-cent of them would need a nudge by a body of at least Jupiter size before they changed orbit.


  • 科学家们认为这个速度加上行星重量屈服于强大的重力牵引力可以改变行星运行轨道

    Scientists think that this speed coupled with the planet's heft yields strong gravitational tugs that can alter the planets orbit.


  • 欧洲航天局两个太空望远镜发射进入轨道,将帮助科学理解宇宙信息

    The European Space Agency has launched into orbit, two space observatories that will help scientists understand the information of the universe.


  • 印度2008年将卫星发射月球轨道不过在一年后,由于卫星通讯突然中断科学失去了控制不得不之抛弃

    India launched a satellite into moon orbit in 2008, but had to abandon it nearly a year later after communication links snapped and scientists lost control of it.


  • 科学家们展示了如何将球放在木质轨道槽内,然后将重达吨的石头轻易移动起来。

    Scientists showed how balls placed in grooved wooden tracks would have allowed the easy movement of stones weighing many tons.


  • 科学家们知道火卫一被火星捕获小行星还是轨道形成的星体,想了解火卫一上是否曾经有过水。

    Scientists would like to know if Phobos is a captured asteroid or formed in orbit, and whether it had, or has, water.


  • 通过不同时期拍摄图片对比科学就可以推断那些恒定的遥远银河系从而专注于研究轨道运行彗星

    By comparing photos taken at different times, scientists can subtract out objects that appear stationary, like far-off galaxies, and focus on things that appear to be moving in orbits, like asteroids.


  • 科学发现许多行星——例如轨道距离水星距离太阳称为“炎热木星”的气体巨星或者远古时代的脉冲星

    Scientists have discovered a zoo of planetsgas giants known as "hot Jupiters," for instance, that swing closer to their stars than Mercury does our sun, or ancient worlds circling pulsars.


  • 我们伟大科学成功地伊朗第一颗图象收集卫星送入轨道,”电视台报道

    "Our glorious scientists successfully put Iran's first image-collecting satellite into orbit," the TV report said.


  • 陨石引起科学兴趣是因为他们流星破碎后的残余物(流星是运行轨道处于火星木星之间的那些小行星)。

    Meteorites fascinate scientists because they are the smashed-up remnants of asteroids-the tiny wannabe planets that orbit between Mars and Jupiter.


  • 承载气象科学希望颗科研卫星今天哈萨克斯坦的贝康诺卫星发射场再度发射,并成功抵达预定轨道

    A resurrected satellite, carrying the hopes of climate scientists, successfully made a second attempt to reach orbit today from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.


  • 承载气象科学希望颗科研卫星今天哈萨克斯坦的贝康诺卫星发射场再度发射,并成功抵达预定轨道

    A resurrected satellite, carrying the hopes of climate scientists, successfully made a second attempt to reach orbit today from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.


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