• 介绍LPC 2129单片机定时器捕获功能,以及车速信号采集中的应用

    This paper introduces the capture function of microcontroller LPC2129 and its application to the vehicle speed signal acquisition system.


  • 采用对车速信号进行滤波差分滤波方法获得具有良好实时性精度的汽车纵向加速度

    To investigate the method to obtain the real-time longitudinal acceleration based on its velocity, vehicle acceleration is obtained through the velocity filtering, differential, and then filtering.


  • 前面辆车减慢车速,发出信号,开上路顺利开进商业区

    The car in front of us had slowed down, signaled, pulled over toward the shoulder, and made a smooth right turn into a shopping complex.


  • 比如可以利用闪烁的车头车尾灯光传达车速以及刹车信号其他车辆防止车辆间的碰撞

    For example, the subtle flickering of car headlights and tail-lights could be used to transmit speed and braking information to other vehicles, to help prevent collisions.


  • 车速飞快时信号稳定,在地下根本没信号但是总体质量不断上升的。

    The reception isn't great while travelling at speed and doesn't work at all underground. But the quality is improving all the time.


  • Cohda的这项系统使车辆即使超过200英里每小时速度行驶时,仍保证城市峡谷弱信号区的网络链接,何况我们一般并不使车速过高。

    With Cohda's technology, vehicles can maintain links not just in urban canyons, but also at speeds in excess of 200 mph - although we hope no drivers around us ever put that to the test.


  • 基于回归滑动平均模型(ARMA)方法,实现了不同车速路面条件下随机振动信号实验室再现

    The reconstruction of vehicle random vibration signal under different vehicle speed and road conditions is realized in laboratory, based on an auto regressive moving average (ARMA) time series model.


  • 系统可安装在汽车上,用于雾天或夜间监测前方车辆,并车速达到临界安全值发出报警信号,以避免交通事故发生,确保行车安全

    It can give alarming signal when the speed of vehicle and the distance between vehicles reach the edge of security, so more traffic accidents can be avoided.


  • 试验表明滤波后信号延时响应速度快平滑效果比较理想可以用来直接估计车速

    The real vehicle tests indicate that the filtered wheel speed signal has small time delay and quick response with relatively ideal smoothing effects and can be used for direct speed estimation.


  • 系统89C51单片机核心处理器外围电器驱动电路,实现车速里程表信号采集处理转化输出显示功能

    The System takes 89C51 MCU as core processor, equipped with exterior-drivers to realize the instrument functions from signal collection to disposal, translation and output.


  • 本文介绍车速里程表工作原理信号取向标度设定,给出了车速里程表速比的计算方法

    Its working principle, the signal tropism and the setting of indexing plate are introduced here with the calculating method of its speed ratio.


  • 通过采样方法处理后采样信号,使动态轴重汽车保证其称量1%精度提高称重过

    By choosing sampling signals by the way of the over-sampling, the metrical speed of dynamic automotive metrical can be increased when holding the accuracy of weigh-in-motion within 1%.


  • 综合考虑系统各种影响因素研制相应信号检测自动调节系统。

    Integrated system to consider the various factors affecting development of the corresponding signal detection and vehicle speed automatic adjustment system.


  • 低速档时,根据装置输入转速信号求得的实际车速,来设定发动机转速的目标值

    At a shift-down time, the target value of the engine speed is set according to the actual speed determined from the signal of the input shaft speed of the transmission system.


  • 单片机f - V接口装置用于将6K传感器输出信号转换适合于国产ZTL - 3型自动停车装置输入要求的装置。

    Single chip processor F-V interface unit is a unit of converting the output signal of speed transducer for 6k locomotive into input signal demanded by domestic ZTL-3 automatic train stop apparatus.


  • 在此基础,建立了交通仿真模型,包含个子模型,分别交通信号变化模型、车辆产生模型、车辆行驶模型、车速限定模型、路网描述模型、路网分析模型。

    The model is made up of six sub-models, which are traffic light model, traffic generation model, traffic driving model, velocity restricting model, map description model, map analysis model.


  • 交通信号变成红灯时,减慢车速

    He slowed down at some traffic lights as they were changing to red.


  • 尼:不能完成转弯你不能不错的施用信号你不能保持车速你不能进入车位活该!

    Donny: You can't negotiate turns. You can't signal properly. You can't maintain speed. You can't parallel park.


  • TCM通过分析各种输入信号例如车速发动机转速节气门位置来决定何时换入何挡。

    Analyzing various inputs, such as vehicle speed, engine RPM, throttle position, etc., the TCM decides which gear to shift to and when.


  • TCM通过分析各种输入信号例如车速发动机转速节气门位置来决定何时换入何挡。

    Analyzing various inputs, such as vehicle speed, engine RPM, throttle position, etc., the TCM decides which gear to shift to and when.


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