• 许多喜欢车楼因为如果忘了在哪一楼层(某一水平面),很难找到你的

    Many people don't like parking structures, because it's difficult to find your car if you forget which floor (or level) you are parked on.


  • 一则报道讲述一个完全失明男孩可以面部视觉围绕他家附近楼栋快速三轮车

    One report tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at good speed round the block near his home, using facial vision.


  • 兰特把车停到大楼前,看到火焰从二楼的窗户里喷了出来。

    Pulling up to the building, Grant saw flames (火焰) shooting out of a second floor window.


  • 美国国务卿抵达沙特阿拉伯几小时攻击者驶冲向幢西方人沙特人的混合居民楼引爆了炸弹

    Hours before a visit by the American secretary of state, attackers shot their way into three compounds housing Westerners and Saudis and set off car bombs.


  • 搞笑是,这些能够折叠辆大黄蜂车站起来也有四层楼的机器人打架时的居然是……拳头

    I find it amusing that creatures that can unfold out of a Camaro and stand four stories high do most of their fighting with...fists.


  • 希斯罗机场已经购买了18舱车,准备往来5航站楼商业停车场5号航站楼之间运送旅客行李。这段距离花费两、分钟时间

    At Heathrow, 18 vehicles have been bought to transport passengers and their luggage from the terminal 5 Business Car Park to the terminal, which will take between three and four minutes.


  • 克斯特亚平稳地车开街头艾薇塔抬头看着妈妈芭蕾舞学院二楼办公室

    As Kostya eased the van onto the street, Ivetta looked up at her mother's office, on the second floor of the Ballet Academy.


  • 此时此刻,努力地自己婴儿车位于市中心吉庆里(音译)9地下室里推出来。

    At the moment she's trying to push her baby carriage out of the basement of Building 9 in the Jiqing Li residential complex in central Beijing.


  • 好不容易到了距离我家英里一个学校将车停在旁。

    I fought my way to a nearby school two miles from my house, and pulled next to the building.


  • 通过检查垃圾车,诺卡尔公司便能找到不注意回收可回收废品街区他们进行提醒

    It inspects its trucks to see which buildings or neighbourhoods are throwing away lots of recyclables and gets its staff to contact the worst offenders to urge them to be more careful.


  • 如今,这里车道马路高档公寓楼小区座家乐福超市沈阳第一个宜家商场(外面标语写道无限、无限)。

    It now has new four-lane roads, upscale apartment complexes, a Carrefour store, and Shenyang's first Ikea (the sign outside reads: "no dream too big, no home too small").


  • Hale坐在车内,在后视镜里看到Veronica走出终极正义组织”的办公楼走去。

    Hale sits in his car. He watches in the rear view mirror as Veronica exits the Project Justice building and walks to her car.


  • 其标准的营房设施包括行政相关人员的生活区,以及存放导弹运输发射车和配套装备的车库。

    These facilities will typically contain administrative and support infrastructure for assigned personnel, and various garages for housing missile TELs and support equipment.


  • 重庆公交车移动电视广告,高端写字楼楼宇电视广告,看板宣传

    It will be publicized by more means: the mobile TV on bus, the TV advertisement on the office building and publicity board.


  • 因此非常适于严重汽车爱好者进入汽车展销会任何人想要他们看起来就像驾车离开陈列室

    So, it's perfect for serious car enthusiasts who enter car shows or for anyone who wants their car to look like they just drove off the showroom floor.


  • 二楼悬垂入口通道可停的车库的上面,创造漂浮外观

    The second floor overhangs the entrance approach and parking space for two cars, creating a floating facade.


  • 公司拥有自主工业厂房办公楼宿舍食堂职工上下班通勤车。

    The company has autonomous industrial plants, office buildings, dormitories, canteens and employees on commuter cars off.


  • 入团仅仅数月,车毅对于昆曲喜爱便更上层楼,不再仅仅满足于伴奏

    His love for Kunqu Opera grew beyond just accompaniment after the first few months of joining the club.


  • 惊奇的是,我们下了同一楼层

    To my surprise, we got off at the same floor.


  • 介绍PLC可编程控制器动板链式推车系统在任楼矿副井操车系统中的应用改造

    This article introduces the application and transform of the PLC programmable controller and liquid move-board chain type trolly system in Renlou mine assistant shaft operating system.


  • 步行火车站北广场站,114路公交车(15)琥珀邮局站下,步行至稻香楼宾馆。

    Walk to the North Square station, take the 114 bus (15 bus station) to the Amber Post Office station, walk to the destination.


  • 离开办公楼车时,发现我的车偷了,警察却说他们对此能干为力。

    When I left the building to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police say they can do nothing.


  • 事发时大批群众聚集附近街上大量消防车赶到现场电视报告画面显示部分居民顺着住宅楼的建筑脚手架往下

    Huge crowds gathered in the street as scores of fire engines responded, and television reports showed some residents climbing down scaffolding on the building.


  • 开车上班车停办公楼旁边停车场中。

    I drive to work and pull into the parking lot next to my office building.


  • 安排了一一起。车明天下午3点半到办公楼来。

    I've arranged a car to go with you. It will arrive at the office building at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon.


  • 主要用于高尔夫球观光游览电动车车等动力运行车辆

    Mainly used for golf car, sight-seeing cars, tour electric cars, see floor car dynamic operation vehicles.


  • 重庆摩配商行位于重庆市外滩摩配市场633号,主要经营三轮车发动机配套部件

    Chongqing chongqing shares in the firm is located in the bund 6 shares market in chongqing area 3 floor, 3 main business tricycle engine fittings.


  • 重庆摩配商行位于重庆市外滩摩配市场633号,主要经营三轮车发动机配套部件

    Chongqing chongqing shares in the firm is located in the bund 6 shares market in chongqing area 3 floor, 3 main business tricycle engine fittings.


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