• 几乎所有来自躯干感官信息经由脊髓传递

    Almost all sensory information from the trunk and limbs passes through the spinal cord.


  • 我们没有尸体时我们开始他们大腿胳膊还有躯干

    When we had run out of bodies we started giving them limbs, legs, arms, torsos.


  • 有着粗壮的利爪有力的脖颈躯干覆盖着鬃毛,类似现存的鸸鹋的毛发,它还有着宽而扁的

    It had massive legs, taloned claws and a long, powerful neck. Its body was covered in bristling, hair-like feathers, like those of the emu, and its beak resembled a broad-headed spear.


  • 1948具有2400年历史斯基台男性干尸西伯利亚冰层发现躯干有华丽神秘动物的图案。

    In 1948, the 2, 400 year old body of a Scythian male was discovered preserved in ice in Siberia, his limbs and torso covered in ornate tattoos of mythical animals.


  • 现在集中主要他们关系躯干

    Right now I want to concentrate on the main limbs and their relationships to the torso.


  • 这些武士的躯干空心的,而实心的。

    The torsos are hollow, with solid arms and legs.


  • 可能是因为方式体重分布-毕竟只有尾巴背后后腿,四不仅支持,但头部躯干以及

    This is probably because of the way a dog's weight is distributed - after all, only the tail is behind the hind-limbs, but the forelimbs have to support not only the torso but the head as well.


  • 躯干颈部血管密度,血管网丰富层次清楚,而的血管密度低,血管网稀而层次少。

    The density of vessels and vessel plexuses in the neck and trunk is higher than that of the legs.


  • 装配主题身体每个区域躯干面部眼睛),进一步分离特定主题颈部手指嘴巴眼睑清晰

    The rigging topics are divided by each region of the body (torso, limbs, face, eyes), and further separated by the specific topic (neck, fingers, mouth, eyelids, etc) for clarity.


  • 前言躯干韧带手术范围主要依据肿瘤切缘阴性

    Introduction surgical treatment has been the mainstay for extremity and trunk desmoid tumors with a negative surgical margin.


  • 动物整个生理组织,有时特指躯干

    Refers to the physical system of person or animal, and sometimes stands for trunk and arms and legs.


  • 段时间身体躯干形态

    Take a moment to become aware of your body and the shape your are making with your trunk and limbs.


  • 研究目的:分析躯干韧带样患者术后临床结果确定影响复发因素

    The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical outcome of patients with extremity and trunk desmoid tumors after surgical treatment and to determine the factors influencing local recurrence.


  • 躯干肌肉脊骨起到稳定作用并且运动提供坚实基础

    The muscles of the torso stabilize the spine and provide a solid foundation for movement in the extremities.


  • 结果状神经纤维瘤一般儿童期发病,好发头颈部躯干

    Results: PNF developed in childhood generally and often occurred at head and neck, limbs and trunks.


  • 于是,他用辛夷做人躯干蝉蜕的做人脑袋和四最后,再用白芨把这几样东西在一块。

    He made the body of the man with the lily magnolia and his head and limbs with the cicada slough. Then he stuck them together with bletilla.


  • 移植部位躯干

    Grafting region: trunks and limbs.


  • 方法对38躯干血管损伤病例进行了回顾性的分析。

    Methods 38 cases of vascular injury in trunk and extremities were reviewed.


  • 躯干动作躯干人体支柱承上启下连接

    Torso Action: the backbone of the body trunk, nexus, connecting his head and limbs.


  • 传统躯体感觉拓扑图中,沿着大脑中央躯干代表区倒置排列,头面部代表区正立的。

    The face component of the classical somatosensory homunculus has long been thought to be oriented right-side up along the central sulcus of the human brain, the rest is upside down.


  • 文中提出了企业管理“拟人”模式人格化模式,对这一模式的“大脑”、“躯干”、“”等的构成功能进行了分析

    This paper forms a management model of modern-man, and analyses the functions of brain, body, arms and legs.


  • 习惯工业机器人照料空间站居民们已经长成外形像巨型娃娃圆圆的面孔浑圆躯干短粗无力

    The residents of the space station, accustomed to being tended by industrious robots, have grown to resemble giant babies, with soft faces, rounded torsos and stubby, weak limbs.


  • 看得见婴儿床孩子轮廓,能辨认出那孩子以及躯干

    He could make out the shape of the child in the crib9, head and limbs and torso10.


  • 脊髓转移引起后背部正中病变部位疼痛躯干转移引起部位局限性疼痛。

    After the spinal cord caused by back pain in the middle or lesion, while the limbs or trunk caused by bone metastases of the parts of the limitations of the pain.


  • 2003年1月15日加拿大人布伦特·莫法特加拿大温尼佩格计划1000支医用针头分别穿在自己躯干,创造一项新的基尼斯世界纪录

    On January 15, 2003, a Canadian wanted to prick near 1000 syringe needles in his body and limbs in Winnipeg City, Canada in order to set a new record of Guinness.


  • 低蛋白血症会造成低肿胀压力。这些症状有腹水水、躯干水肿。

    These signs include ascites, pleural effusion, and edema of the limbs and trunk.


  • 从现存的木乃伊来看,纹身遍布躯干手指某些时候还有脸部纹身

    Then on the mummified remains which have survived, the tattoos were noted on torsos, limbs, hands, the fingers and thumbs, and sometimes facial tattooing was practiced.


  • 所有病例按照皮疹部位分为手部湿疹躯干湿疹分析在不同组别中各种致敏原斑贴试验阳性率。

    All cases were divided into groups according to the distribution of rash namely the hand eczema group and the trunk and limbs eczema group.


  • 所有病例按照皮疹部位分为手部湿疹躯干湿疹分析在不同组别中各种致敏原斑贴试验阳性率。

    All cases were divided into groups according to the distribution of rash namely the hand eczema group and the trunk and limbs eczema group.


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