• 这种治疗包括补充身体损失水。

    This therapy involves giving fluids by mouth to replace losses by the body.


  • 可以放弃,但是放弃前想想为了那些焦油尼古丁,你要承受多少身体上和金钱上的损失

    You can stop — you've proved it. Consider the tar and nicotine you spared your body and the expense you spared your wallet while you stopped.


  • 如果开始跟你谈论发生的事情,能够从情感上身体面对她的痛苦损失继而就能够谈起自己的未来和选择。

    Once she began talking about what had happened, then facing that loss emotionally and physically, she was able to talk about her own future and talk about what her options were.


  • 比较众多分析完美主义精神健康影响研究,很少研究检查这种情况身体造成的损失

    Compared with the number of studies looking at perfectionism's impact on mental health, relatively few have examined the condition's toll on physical health.


  • 不幸身体柔弱,不能过京城去正如咖苔琳夫人所说,这实在使得英国宫庭损失了一件明媚的装璜;她老人家对我这种说法很是满意。

    Her indifferent state of health unhappily prevents her being in town; and by that means, as I told Lady Catherine myself one day, has deprived the British court of its brightest ornament.


  • 调查显示他们一生,80%至少受害一次包括语言身体侵犯武力威胁孤立或者财产损失

    The study showed that 80 percent had been victimized at least once during their lifetimes, including verbal and physical assaults, threats of physical violence and being "outed," and damaged property.


  • 然而人们蜂拥而至也引发抢占“发达玛”土地冲突有时甚至造成身体伤害财产损失

    But with so many converging in the areas, there has been conflict between the people on the fadama land - with the conflict sometimes leading to physical injury and destruction of property.


  • 可以包括头皮上的头发圆形光滑补丁程序,在发生身体损失

    It can involve hair loss on the scalp or the body that occurs in small, round, smooth patches.


  • 节段性皮肤颜色损失发生您的一个身体一侧。

    Segmental: Loss of skin color occurs on one side of your body.


  • 个又一个的埃克融合身体失去心灵自我但某种意义上不是一种损失而是一种获得

    One by one man fused with ac, each physical body losing its mental identity in a manner that was somehow not a loss but a gain.


  • 补充牛奶可以补充流汗损失盐分帮助身体更好锁住水分。

    He added that milk replaces sodium lost in sweat and helps the body retain fluid better.


  • 醛固酮抑制剂血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂可辅助阻断RAAS有助于防止小管损失身体保钾,这样可减少口服补钾

    Aldosterone inhibitors and ACE inhibitors help block the RAAS and help prevent potassium loss in the distal tubules. The body conserves potassium, and less oral potassium supplementation is needed.


  • 目前身体机能视觉听觉移动损失

    There is the loss of physical faculties such as vision, hearing, and mobility.


  • 大脑皮层神经损失-大脑皮层也即是大脑表层有意识思考身体感知以及身体运动更高层次的控制这些活动是在大脑皮层里进行的。

    Loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex-the surface layer of the brain, which carries out conscious thought, physical perception, and higher-level control of body movements.


  • 侵权通常某人过失疏忽,而对其他人身体财物造成损害损失

    Tort is usually committed as the result of a person's fault or negligence that causes damage, loss or injury to the body or property of another person.


  • 一些人来说白癜风传播速度缓慢许多对于其他人发生迅速蔓延额外脱色(颜色损失)可以按照身体情绪紧张时期

    For some people, vitiligo spreads slowly, over many years. For other people, spreading occurs rapidly. additional depigmentation (loss of color) can follow periods of physical or emotional stress.


  • 删除了一些长的身体上来运球损失(皮卡)动画系统提高响应

    Removed some long, drawn out dribble loss (pickup) animations from the body up system to improve responsiveness.


  • 参加者活动个人行为造成不好影响导致严重后果意外受伤损失身体剧场不负任何法律责任

    If injury, loss or other negative results occur during the activity due to the individual actions of participants, Tao Dance Theater will not hold any legal responsibility.


  • 赔偿意外事故导致他人身体伤害财产损失依法实际支付赔偿金额。

    Cover legal expense and compensation for bodily injury or damage to property of the third party as a result of accident.


  • 问题就所有的“涉案人员全都是自愿的参与者没有胁迫的人,没有受到身体财产损失的人。

    It is that all your "defendants" were consenting participants. Nobody was forced into anything, and nobody suffered any harm to body or property.


  • 公司产品无论是否承保)是否造成他人医疗费身体伤害财产损失

    Has anyone ever requested payment of damages for medical expense, bodily injury or Property damage caused by your product (whether insured or uninsured)?


  • 赔偿以外事故导致他人身体伤害或财产损失

    After the accident he satisfied all claims for the damage he had caused.


  • 我们身体能够自动地损失作出补偿这个来看尽管我们明显地需要REM Crapid eye movement睡眠,但REM睡眠对我们身体有什么作用还清楚

    Although we apparently have a need for REM sleep, judging from the fact that our bodies automatically compensate for a loss of it, what REM sleep actually does for us is not clear.


  • 伤害不仅成为目前严重危害郑州市居民身体健康生命安全重要卫生问题之一,而且导致郑州市社会劳动力WYPLL潜在经济损失最多主要死亡原因

    Injury has become a serious public health problem endangering people's life and heath in Zhengzhou city and also the leading cause of death in loss of labor WYPLL and potential economic loss.


  • 伤害不仅成为目前严重危害郑州市居民身体健康生命安全重要卫生问题之一,而且导致郑州市社会劳动力WYPLL潜在经济损失最多主要死亡原因

    Injury has become a serious public health problem endangering people's life and heath in Zhengzhou city and also the leading cause of death in loss of labor WYPLL and potential economic loss.


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