• 还是自己高兴跳跃起来呢?

    Or did they jump into midair because of their own joy?


  • 实际上已经联系过这种思维跳跃,就使用内置函数的时候。

    In fact, you are already practicing this leap of faith when you use built-in functions.


  • 一个孩子开始学习时可能步子很小随着信心能力增长就能跳跃了每天都会跳得更快更远

    A child may start with very small steps but as confidence and ability grow, the child will leap ahead, faster and further each day.


  • 看到烹调器具表面一些水珠跳跃了起来,很快得蒸发了说明已经足够了,那么现在就可以加入了。

    You'll know that the pan is hot enough when a few drops of water thrown on the cooking surface skitter and evaporate quickly. Now you can add the oil.


  • 思维跳跃,他的温柔不由自主地摘了一朵最近

    His thoughts were so elastic, his heart so tender; and involuntarily he picked one of the nearest flowers.


  • 尽管我们知道,地球引力不可战胜,但他们每次跳跃提举表达克服地球引力局限希望

    Though we know of gravity's inevitable victory, with every leap and lift, they express our secret hope to overcome our own earthbound limitations.


  • 尽管恢复速度已经出现放缓迹象,但日本经济第三季度依然可以跳跃前进主要功劳便属于他们

    Largely thanks to them, Japan's economy jumped forward in the third quarter, though there are already signs that the pace of recovery may be slowing.


  • 恐龙时代之后,我们世界再也没有具备垂直跳跃能力蟑螂了。

    Not since the age of dinosaurs has the world known a roach with a vertical leap.


  • 老虎跳跃基金会继续运作诸多不同教育领域提供大量不同的服务

    The Tiger Leap foundation has continued to function and has provided a lot of different services to educational sector.


  • 共有八对情侣参加了角逐,其中货真价实夫妻。他们经历四轮预赛一场决赛,突破了赛道上的重重障碍包括跳跃水池等。

    Eight couplesonly three of them actually husband and wifebattled it out through four heats and a final around an obstacle course which included a water jump.


  • 我们常常会花上几个小时来练习花哨的动作或者跳跃直到我们掌握了技巧

    We would practice special jumps and tricks for hours until we had conquered them.


  • 组件压缩包或者updateJAR看起来应该大小大,或者每次进行编译时包的大小呈跳跃式增长,说明您应该执行以上步骤了。

    An indication of this need is when your distribution ZIP or update JAR seems larger that it should be, or keeps jumping in size, every time you run the build process.


  • 例如,如同史前动物大观园法国拉斯考克斯(Lascaux)洞穴壁画就描绘了野牛猫科动物、毛茸茸犀牛、一只鸟、一只跳跃母牛——以及微不足道人类

    the cave paintings at Lascaux, for example, are an ochred zooanalia of horses, stags, bison, felines, a woolly rhinoceros, a bird, a leaping cowand only one puny man.


  • 典型三思而后行”,因为执行基于 hook电子邮件规则反映了您的ClearQuest实施复杂性中的重要跳跃

    This is definitely a case of "look before you leap," because implementing hook code-based e-mail rules represents a significant leap in the complexity of your ClearQuest implementation.


  • 数值越小越先进,65纳米工艺落后了32纳米工艺龙芯3c处理器跳跃使用28纳米工艺Halfhill估计将使得龙芯速度提升

    But the Godson 3c processor will leapfrog current technology by using a 28-nanometer process, although this will only increase its clock speed by about a factor of two, estimates Halfhill.


  • 笔138亿美元的公共资金已经拨给伦敦奥运会,相比2005年预算的50亿美元有一个巨大跳跃

    Some $13.8 billion in public funds has been allocated to the London Games, a huge jump from the $5 billion that was budgeted in 2005.


  • 如果cowcowmoose(母驼鹿)moon安大略省moonRiver(或者也许是一头母水牛跳过湄公河一条名称相同支流),那么奶牛跳跃”就意义

    Cows jumping makes more sense if the cow is a cow moose and the moon is the moon river in Ontario (or perhaps a water buffalo cow jumping the river of the same name that is a tributary of the Mekong).


  • 6显示这个自动机森林火灾模型迭代跳跃恰当,很好地显示规则效果

    Figure 6 shows the iteration of the Cellular Automata Forest Fire Model, skipping appropriately to show the effect of the rule set.


  • 而且视频中有一部分的时间流逝从本质上导致了那些云看起来像是跳跃着,一种陌生方式出现。

    Also, the time lapse nature of part of the video causes clouds to appear to jump about and fade in an unfamiliar fashion.


  • 于是冰面反推回去提供了前进上升力量推动选手滑翔跳跃,而力量细节取决于选手们原作用力的特殊性。

    Well, the ground just pushes right back, supplying a force forward and up that propels the skaters into a glide or jump, depending on the particulars of the force they applied.


  • 发现:在印度尼西亚海岸发现了个新物种——一种“跳跃

    Found: a new species of "hopping" fish off the coast of Indonesia.


  • 国际电信联合组织提供最近几年的数据显示,移动电话的预约用户出现了跳跃的增长,2007年的10015人增长2008年的每100人有81人。

    The International Telecommunication Union recorded a leap in mobile subscriptions per 100 people from 15 in 2007 to 81 in 2008, the most recent year for which they have data.


  • 这些跳跃leap字母缩写词,阐释了生活进行全新跳跃的含义。

    The words form the acronym LEAP and take on the idea of taking a Radical Leap into a new life.


  • 因此可能是事实上也是掌握门语言希伯来语)】有助于篇文章中不同话题来回跳跃

    So maybe [the fact that I speak a few languages (in Hebrew)] helps me pop between different topics for this podcast.


  • 老李大大的深色眼睛激动的跳跃着:“给客户挣钱,我大家富了!”

    Mr. Munson's big dark eyes were dancing. "And I make the clients money.


  • Snowball现在已经14岁了,不能过去那样跳跃显然不再地毯过敏

    He's around 14 now, and can't jump like he used to, but is apparently no longer allergic to her carpet.


  • 阿基里斯对于走路跑动跳跃来说至关重要——如果发生了断裂几个星期的石膏了。

    The Achilles tendon is is crucial for walking, running and jumping - and if it ruptures, you'll be in a cast for weeks.


  • 如果医生总是选择了更有效的治疗,这一数字跳跃5340万。

    That number jumps to 53.4 million if doctors always opted for the more-intense treatment choices.


  • 如果医生总是选择了更有效的治疗,这一数字跳跃5340万。

    That number jumps to 53.4 million if doctors always opted for the more-intense treatment choices.


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