• 知道路森修。

    Yes, I know thee to be Signior Lucentio.


  • 影片中这位警长正在追逐一个来自德克萨肯纳的卡车强盗,从德克萨斯到乔治亚一直追了600英里暴跳如雷,但格里表演来没有过份夸张,只是让人物内心那种猛烈的挫败感溢于言表,他的这种演绎手法太恰如其分了,想想看,看着别人怒火攻心,而自己却置身事外,真够滑稽的。

    He’s chasing the Bandit from Texarkana, TX, 600 miles to Georgia, and he is PISSED the whole way! Gleason is not over the top in this performance.


  • 汤普当时正在23岁男朋友克里斯·戴维斯购物他们参观三星时,邀请试一试打破世界纪录。

    Thompson was shopping with her boyfriend Chris Davies, 23, when they visited a Samsung roadshow and she was invited to have a go at breaking the record.


  • 超人应付莫里设计一切麻烦,以此向过去漫画致敬角色无穷可能变得有血有肉了。

    Along the way, Superman deals with all manner of distractions designed by Morrison to pay homage to past comics and flesh out the character's infinite possibilities.


  • 苏菲.阿蒙放学回家乔安娜同行了前一,两人一讨论着机器人。

    Sophie Amundsen was on her way home from school. She had walked the first part of the way with Joanna.


  • 福特高中足球队在去年赛季中,所向披靡,一打进决赛圈。他们希望今年更进一步,争取登上密西根冠军宝座

    The team had an undefeated season last year going into the playoffs, something they hope to repeat this year as they try to take the team further toward the Michigan state football championship.


  • 如果接下来有更多订单而且现代“司者”载客40的话这种新型公交车可能让人们记住约翰先生

    If more orders follow and the modern Routemaster is still ferrying passengers in 40 years' time, the new bus could be a lasting legacy for Mr Johnson.


  • 临终前夕,西安一直忙于大卫大型肖像,大卫既是忠诚助手,也时常作为他的模特出现。

    Before his death, he occupied his days with a big portrait of David Dawson, his devoted assistant and frequent model.


  • 今年初夏,汤姆这位五个孩子母亲曾经写过的梦中之——走澳大利亚

    Earlier this summer, Jo Thompson, a mother of five, wrote of her dream to travel overland to Australia. Now she is ready to set off.


  • 两条翻越山顶都在英属哥伦比亚的班尼特湖附近终止,发现金矿还有九百公里的水,他们必须乘船空河走,这里没有提供船运服务

    From there it was almost nine hundred kilometers by boat down the Yukon River to the town of Dawson were gold had been discovered. But there was no boat service.


  • 铁甲威龙》时髦心脏装置雅马哈制造;《星际旅行》中“进取号”舰长让。克•皮卡德(Jean -Luc Picard)2328年移植颗人造心脏。

    In "Robocop", snazzy cardiac devices are made by Yamaha and Jensen, and in "Star Trek", Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise, has one implanted in the year 2328.


  • 澳大利亚能源部长马丁·费格“戈尔工”“普托”工程可以年内使澳大利亚每年液化天然气出口价值加倍240亿澳元。

    Martin Ferguson, Australia's Resources Minister, says Gorgon and Pluto could double the value of Australia's LNG exports to A$24 billion a year in eight years.


  • 伦敦商学院的埃罗伊(Elroy Dimson),保罗马什(Paul Marsh)麦克斯丹顿(Mike Staunton)统计,1900年以来风险溢价一直每年4%左右。

    Since 1900 this has been around 4% a year, according to Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton at the London Business School.


  • 然而乔纳·罗斯偏偏喜欢打扮一棵树公交车站,看巴士愿意舍伍德(Sherwood Forest)。

    But what Jonathan Routh preferred to do was to dress up as a tree, wait at a bus stop and enquire which bus would take him to Sherwood Forest.


  • 她心想乔纳卖场出来后都会走,差不多有1000了,后面装着买来的生活必需品、俗气的奢侈品偶尔还会有些珠宝首饰。

    Thinking: This was the same road that she and Jonathan had taken to and from the mall a thousand times carting back necessities silly luxuries and occasional treasures.


  • 其他上榜“型男”包括音乐制作人马克·朗摄影师亚历克斯·米斯基,他们分列排行榜第二位。

    Other honorees on the list of "Stylish Men" include music producer Mark Ronson, who took second place, and photographer Alex Lubomirski, who was third.


  • 利兹联主教练西蒙·格雷借鉴过去战绩给现在希望能够星期二球场击败英超豪门利物浦

    United manager Simon Grayson will draw on both the past and the present as he looks to plot the downfall of Premier League Liverpool at Elland Road on Tuesday.


  • 上海特兰涂装机械有限公司上海喷具位于上海市宝山区9611号。

    Shanghai Telansen Coating Machinery Co. , Ltd. (former Shanghai Coating Equipment Plant) is located at No. 9611, Hutai Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai city.


  • 格里正一小跑进来投新一轮第一

    Gleeson is now trotting in to bowl the first ball of a new over.


  • 这部灵异电影安雅·泰勒·乔伊贝蒂·巴克利、杰西卡·苏拉海利··理查联袂主演。

    The supernatural film co-stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Betty Buckley, Jessica Sula and Haley Lu Richardson.


  • 我们曾经与阿加大家庭栖身在了,我们知道他们地心地表世界实沟通一强烈的渴望

    We have lived among them for millennia and know how much they desire to reunite the realms of Inner and surface Earth.


  • 这座899英尺(274),118英尺(36),架于亨德之上,新加坡最高的步行桥。

    This 899 feet (274 meter) long pedestrian bridge is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. It is 118 feet (36 meters) above Henderson Road.


  • 苏菲·阿蒙放学回家乔安娜同行了前一人一讨论着机器人

    Sophie Amundsen was on her way home from school. She had walked the first part of the way with Joanna. They had been discussing robots.


  • 球场教练接待区球员休息室里布满了唐-李维霍华德-威尔金以及大卫-奥莱利治下著名球员的照片(译注:三人皆为利兹联史上知名主帅)。

    The manager's area, reception, and players lounge at Elland Road are covered with pictures of the great players who made their names under Don Revie, Howard Wilkinson and David O'Leary.


  • 会为加油,我希望他们走下去

    I will be cheering on Arsenal - I hope they go all the way.


  • 会为加油,我希望他们走下去

    I will be cheering on Arsenal - I hope they go all the way.


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