• 相反,我们无法通过观察跟踪道德差异没有证据表明道德冲突结果会理性妥协作为终结。

    By contrast, morals do not track differences in observation, and there also is no evidence for rational convergence as a result of moral conflicts.


  • 他们段时间跟踪个体观察不同因素导致了什么样的不同结果——这个研究中,就是癌症的发生。

    Their work follows a group of individuals over time and looks at how different factors contribute to different outcomes-in this case, the development of cancer.


  • 这些一直跟踪观察——如果喜欢恶搞的双关语,可称之为白蚁

    These individuals - called Termites, if you like bad puns - have been followed ever since.


  • 这种标准来看,在我们跟踪观察20个国家里面,澳大利亚的房价高估的。

    By this measure Australian property is the most overvalued of any of the 20 countries we track.


  • 总的来说:内存观察点将帮助跟踪特定内存板块使用情况

    To summarize: memory watch points help you in tracing the use of a given memory block.


  • 位经济学家跟踪观察英格兰大量次级借贷者,并掌握了他们详细信息包括他们抵押贷款期限还款历史

    The economists tracked down a large number of subprime borrowers in New England on whom they already had detailed information, including the terms of their mortgages and their repayment histories.


  • 这个公司拥有一套工具通过观察地理相关搜索跟踪流感病毒的传播。

    The company has a tool to track the path of the flu virus by looking at geographic trends in Internet queries for related terms.


  • 尽管一个很简单示例但它演示了通过应用程序跟踪可以观察程序内部机制程度

    Although this is a simple example, it illustrates the degree of transparency enjoyed through application tracing.


  • 网络程序》跟踪观察40浏览器

    Net Apps tracks about 40 different browsers.


  • 美国冰雪数据中心(National SnowandIce Data Centre)使用NASA开发工具跟踪观察北冰洋冰架从1979年以来每个月制作卫星地图

    The National Snow and ice Data Centre tracks the Arctic ice-shelf using tools developed by NASA, and has produced monthly satellite maps going back to 1979.


  • 到目前为止这个领域已经有很多了解并且也在Talis对待新兴潮流方式跟踪观察关联数据公共知识普及化。

    Thus far, this has made a lot of sense to me, and I have been tracking the publication of linked data and increasing access to public knowledge as emerging trends over at Talis.


  • 米歇尔·米勒·亚当斯供职于Upjohn,她正跟踪观察这个计划于今年出版本与有关

    Michelle Miller-Adams, also at Upjohn, is tracking the programme and will publish a book about it this year.


  • 组研究数字并不是草草得出的结论,据悉,英国伦敦大学学院的研究团队7000名白厅(英国)”工作的“英国公务员”进行了长达11跟踪观察,专家们研究他们平均每日工作需要多少时间,从而他们的健康状况做出相应的联系,专家们还对他们心脏状况做了相应的记录。

    The team from University College London looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall over a period of 11 years and established how many hours they worked on average a day.


  • 跟踪观察细分市场的方法同样重要的。

    It is also important to be tracking and looking at the right segments.


  • 史密森全球火山机构怎样跟踪观察冰岛火山呢?

    How is Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program keeping track of the Icelandic volcano?


  • 研究人员使用跟踪观察实验人员理解脸部表情时聚焦部位。

    They used eye movement trackers to monitor where the participants were looking when interpreting the EXPRESSIONS.


  • 跟踪观察两个所有参与者观察第3个6个月时情况,评定抑郁焦虑症状

    The participants in both groups were followed up at three and six months and assessed for symptoms of depression and anxiety.


  • 研究对象年龄在55岁到65岁之间之前年中接受过医院门诊治疗20年中研究人员跟踪观察1824名参与者,被调查人员样本一个缺陷是:人数分布不平均,其中63%是男性。

    The sample of those who were studied included individuals between ages 55 and 65 who had had any kind of outpatient care in the previous three years. The 1,824 participants were followed for 20 years.


  • 业务模仿他人最好办法就是跟踪观察他们,看他们如何行事。

    The best way to emulate someone in business is to follow him or her around and make observations of what they do.


  • 玩家第一获得球员国际比赛上表现相关信息跟踪观察球员的职业生涯他们最高水平赛事中的表现

    For the first time, managers will receive information on international performances, allowing them follow their players' careers and ascertain how they are performing at the highest level.


  • 有着麸质过敏症儿童严格安排接受无饮食2年内跟踪观察

    The kids with celiac disease were put on a strict gluten-free diet and followed for 2 years.


  • 方法采用访谈跟踪观察的方式了解语言发育迟缓儿童语言发育现状,并对该病成因进行分析

    METHODS: the recent status of language development in children with language development delay were surveyed by interview and tracking observation to analyze the pathological reasons.


  • 方法选定调研单位,每年跟踪观察心理卫生工作情况,精神疾病的患病率进行线索调查

    Methods Select some study unit, follow up and observe how practise the mental health work, and investigate psychosis' prevalence rate.


  • 看到美军的侦察飞机云层间轻快地飞过,对自己舰队实施跟踪观察

    He could see the American reconnaissance planes flitting in and out of the clouds, tracking his task force.


  • 起初试验中,没有一个患者需要注射胰岛素。但是到试验报告发布的时候,所有病人跟踪观察不到14个月

    In that initial test, none of the patients needed insulin shots-but when the report was published, none had been followed for more than 14 months.


  • 利用电导实验技术在线跟踪观察吸附固-液吸附二元体系中的行为

    The behavior of adsorbate in solid-liquid adsorption system was observed on-line, by the experimental technology of conduction.


  • 经过年来中心早教指导实践的跟踪观察分析,本研究主要深入探索了早教指导形式现场指导、场外指导网络指导。

    This dissertation mainly studied three kinds of instruction patterns through two years observation and analysis: on-the-spot guidance, outside the field instruction and network instruction.


  • 干预基础上制订睡眠干预计划,重点给予健康教育心理行为的对症干预出院跟踪观察

    In the intervention group, sleeping intervention plans were laid and the patients were subject to health education and the mental and behavioral interventions. Follow up was done after discharge.


  • 干预基础上制订睡眠干预计划,重点给予健康教育心理行为的对症干预出院跟踪观察

    In the intervention group, sleeping intervention plans were laid and the patients were subject to health education and the mental and behavioral interventions. Follow up was done after discharge.


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