• 图层之间起始高度距离各种组合特定距离视角生成不同体积效果

    Various combinations of starting altitude and distance between layers will produce different volumetric effects at specific distances and viewing angles.


  • 为什么强大运用全球定位系统生成一张附近房地产销售开盘地图,可以根据住房距离房子大小价格范围对结果进行优化等等。

    Why it's great: it USES GPS to produce a map of properties for sale and open houses near your current location, which you can refine according to distance, size of house, price range, and more.


  • 对于以上每种情况关键查询一个基于距离FunctionQuery结合起来,生成一个包含关键字记录距离记录结果

    In each of these cases, I've combined a keyword query with a distance-based FunctionQuery to produce a result set that factors in both the keyword score and the distance score.


  • 外推方法生成的内层代数网格能够保证在物面附近的网格具有很好的正交性,控制第一层网格至物距离

    The inner-layer grid generated with the algebraic method is orthogonal and easy to control the distance to the wall.


  • 根据空间自相关性,可以普通克里距离加权平均法生成插值。 所产生多幅地图较合理显示小麦白粉病地理空间分布格局

    Based on these results, interpolated graphs could be created with Ordinary Kriging and IDW methods to show the overall pattern of geographic distribution of wheat powdery in China.


  • 介绍一种基于点云数据生成距离影像而后引入对比度纹理辅助的点云数据建筑物快速提取方法。

    The range image is abstracted from the original data and then the height texture is used for assisting classification.


  • 通过有机地整合连线距离逻辑关系类型匹配诸多因素,利用生成虚拟仪器软件逻辑顺序设计了自动连线方法

    The automatic wiring method was designed by integrating wiring distance, logical relation, type matching, etc. and using logical sequence of generated virtual instrument software.


  • GBSCFO首先利用CLIQUE算法生成微簇,然后在微簇的粒度上计算障碍距离

    The algorithm first generated the micro-clusters based on CLIQUE and computed the obstructed distance between the micro-clusters.


  • 功能包括消弥接受主客距离生成接受客体意义满足接受主体精神需求

    The positive functions include filling the distance between subject and object, producing the signification of cultural products, and satisfaction of recipients' spiritual needs.


  • 然后根据相关优化理论,提出了求解时间目标数学模型最小生成算法求解距离目标数学模型的最小矩形斯坦纳树算法。

    According to the related optimizing theory, the Minimum Spanning Tree arithmetic and the Rectilinear SteinerMinimum Tree arithmetic were selected as the solution of the problem in this thesis.


  • 生成三维立体地貌,计算地面距离、坡度、土方、面表积等基础数据模型也是巡航飞行器地形相关匹配基础数据。

    It is the basic model for various GIS operations, and the key data for terrain correlation matching of cruise missiles as well.


  • 模拟得到原始数据进行成像压缩过程中,本文提出由实际距离拟合方位参考函数方法成功提高方位向压缩效果

    And an optimum method of producing the azimuth reference function based on polynomial model is brought out, which has improved the azimuth compression effect successfully.


  • 计算距离最小生成完整源代码经过测试

    Calculates the distance in minimal spanning trees complete source code, has been tested.


  • 我们观测到射电信号中子星表面距离生成的?

    At what distance from the neutron star's surface is the radiation created that the radio observatories detect?


  • 运输需求生成递减的,因此探讨铁路距离大规模运输产品策略有意义了。

    However the transport demand is becoming less with the distance now. It is meaningful to explore a production strategy of short haul & large scale transport.


  • 为此,设计导航多边形观测凸多边形之间距离最小准则识别算法。针对星光制导导弹观星时间很短,提出了根据弹道生成上导航星表的方法,其导航星表只需存储30颗星的75 个凸多边形。

    As the star sensor of ballistic missile works only for short time, the navigation stars in the missile can be reduced to 30, and the convex polygons can be reduced to 75 for different trajectories.


  • 为此,设计导航多边形观测凸多边形之间距离最小准则识别算法。针对星光制导导弹观星时间很短,提出了根据弹道生成上导航星表的方法,其导航星表只需存储30颗星的75 个凸多边形。

    As the star sensor of ballistic missile works only for short time, the navigation stars in the missile can be reduced to 30, and the convex polygons can be reduced to 75 for different trajectories.


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