• DRWS配有一个日用用摄像机以及激光距离探测器工作站炮手或者指挥官遥控操作。

    The DRWS is equipped with a day camera, a night vision camera and a laser range finder (LRF), and is remotely operated from the gunner or commander workstations.


  • 国首个火星探测器传回的图片和视频让我们在如此近的距离看到了这颗红色星球。

    Pictures and videos sent back by China's first Mars probe allowed us to see this red planet at such a close distance.


  • 车上的探测器和摄像机能使其严格遵守道路规则,同其他车辆保持安全距离

    Sensors (探测器) and cameras on the car would allow it to follow the rules of the road strictly and keep a safe space from other cars.


  • 重力探测器距离极微小变化非常敏感

    Gravitational wave detectors are incredibly sensitive to the tiniest change in distance.


  • 时空涟漪使得光束测量距离引力波通过那样变化,同时使得在光电探测器发生变化

    The space-time ripples cause the distance measured by a light beam to change as the gravitational wave passes by, and the amount of light falling on the photodetector to vary.


  • 之间距离朱诺探测器了一

    Juno traveled this distance, from the Earth to the Moon, in less than a day.


  • 国家第二月球探测器嫦娥号,已经飞抵距离地球150万公里一个轨道上

    The country's second lunar probe, known as the Chang 'e 2, has reached an orbit of 1.5 million kilometers from earth.


  • WISE图像估算蛇夫座ζ星的跨度约为1.5,相当于12光年距离。 (译者注:WISE— 美国宇航局广域红外探测器

    The WISE image spans about 1.5 degrees or 12 light-years at the estimated distance of Zeta Ophiuchi.


  • 第一批传回壮美的图片展示广角镜头下的水星全景探测器在完成最近距离推进90分钟渐渐远离。

    The spectacular image shown here is one of the first to be returned and shows a WAC image of the departing planet taken about 90 minutes after the spacecraft's closest approach to Mercury.


  • 预定距离(),红外探测器看到”的圆形区域称为可见表面()。

    At a predetermined distance (a), the infrared detector "sees" a circular area that is called the visible surface (b).


  • 一个物体温度红外线探测器发现取决于排放系数距离照明领域

    The temperature of an object detected by the infrared detector depends on the emission coefficient, the distance and the lighting area.


  • 如果物镜光盘之间距离长于物镜的焦距柱面透镜也会使在光电探测器阵列成像变成椭圆影像。

    If the objective lens is further away from the compact disk than the focal length of the object lens then the cylindrical lens again creates an elliptical image on the photodetector array.


  • 如果物镜光盘之间距离物镜焦距柱面透镜会使光电探测器阵列成像变成椭圆影像。

    If the objective lens is closer to the compact disk than the focal length of the object lens then the cylindrical lens creates an elliptical image on the photodetector array.


  • 如果物镜光盘之间距离物镜焦距柱面透镜就会使光电探测器阵列成像变成椭圆影像。

    If the objective lens is closer to the compact disk than the focal length of the object lens, then the cylindrical lens creates an elliptical image on the photodetector array.


  • 根据尾流周围海水平均温度差计算出红外探测器潜艇热尾流的作用距离

    According to the difference in temperature between thermal wake and seawater, the operation range of the detector to thermal wake was calculated.


  • 窗口比较器LED大致显示墙体被测物体探测器之间距离

    With a simple window comparator and LEDs the distance between the detector and the object in a wall can be displayed approximately.


  • 颗行星地球相似性增加了希望未来某一天机器探测器可以掠过距离地观察它。

    And the planet's proximity to Earth gives hope that robotic probes could someday be zooming past the planet for a close-up look.


  • 结果发现放射源探测器之间屏蔽好坏合理探测距离提高线性很大关系

    The results show that the big relation for increasing linear degree is related by the good and bad screening between radiator and detector, and the reasonable geometric.


  • 本文给出了距离光子计数系统模型讨论了激光回波探测器通门之间同步问题

    This article provides the signal-to-noise ratio module of the range-gating photon counting system and discusses the synchronization between the laser echo wave and the detector gate.


  • 利用纤维光束柔软性,应用光纤耦合技术可以探测器致冷器组件放在万向支架一定距离上。

    In the light of the soft-ness of fibre bunch, the detector and refrigerator module can be placed at a distance from universal hold-er by optical fibre coupling technique.


  • 关于音量蝙蝠发出叫声50分贝高达120分贝,这比距离耳朵10厘米处烟雾探测器所发出的声音还要响。

    In terms of loudness, bats emit calls as low as 50 dB and as high as 120 dB, which is louder than a smoke detector 10 centimeters from your ear.


  • 现在旅行者1号”已到进入了恒星际空间迄今为止宇宙中飞行距离最远人造探测器它的“双胞胎兄弟”“旅行者2号”紧随其后

    Voyager 1, now in interstellar space, is the most distant man-made object in the universe, and Voyager 2 is not far behind.


  • 探测器主要灵敏,相对响应度探测器中心距离表现二次曲面关系

    The responsivity over the sensitive area has a quadratic relation with distance to detector center within the main sensitive area.


  • 随着潜艇噪声技术不断提高迫切需要研制灵敏度极高探测器其进行距离定位,光纤水听器的问世正是适应了这要求。

    With the improvement of the technology for submarine to eliminate noise, it is urgently to find out a kind of sensor with high sensitivity to orient submarine from long distance.


  • 旅行者1号的姐妹探测器——旅行者2号发射于1977年820号,已经到达距离太阳142亿公里的地方。

    A sister spacecraft, Voyager 2, was launched in Aug. 20, 1977 and has reached a position 14.2 billion kilometers (8.8 billion miles) from the sun.


  • 由于光纤损耗考虑探测器灵敏度限制不宜距离传输

    Transmission by ultraviolet fiber is not suitable for long distance considering the great losses and the sensitivity limited of detector.


  • 光源固定以及样片转动和探测器移动方法基础上设计新的转角装置通过使探测器沿悬臂移动来改变样片距离可适用不同波长的光源。

    An arm-adjustable corner device was designed for the BRDF system. Changing the distance to the sample by moving the detector arm made the device applicable to different wavelengths.


  • 光源固定以及样片转动和探测器移动方法基础上设计新的转角装置通过使探测器沿悬臂移动来改变样片距离可适用不同波长的光源。

    An arm-adjustable corner device was designed for the BRDF system. Changing the distance to the sample by moving the detector arm made the device applicable to different wavelengths.


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