• 线性调频连续波雷达一种通过连续进行频率调制获得距离速度信息雷达体制

    LFMCW (Linear frequency Modulation continuous wave) radar is a radar system which can get the information of range and velocity through modulating the frequency of continuous wave.


  • 从理论上给出了密立根实验中油滴下落达到终极速度下落距离速度之间函数关系

    In this essay, the function relation between the velovity and the distance of the oil drop before it got the ultimate velovity was given.


  • 由于PS 波以不同相当恒定速度传播它们到达间隔震源初始破裂距离比例增加

    Because P and S waves travel at different but fairly constant speeds, the interval between their arrivals increases in proportion to the distance from the earthquake focus, or initial rupture point.


  • 许多跑步者借助他们GPS刷新自己速度距离

    Many runners swear by their GPS watches that constantly update pace and distance.


  • 其中,速度表示星系后退速度H0哈勃常数也即宇宙膨胀速率参数距离指的星系相比较星系之间的距离

    H0 is the Hubble constant, or parameter that indicates the rate at which the universe is expanding; and distance is the galaxy's distance from the one with which it's being compared.


  • 贝尔格莱德萨拉热窝之间距离200公里,坐飞机只需45分钟,如果不是那种螺旋浆推进的飞机,速度更快。

    The daily flight between Belgrade and Sarajevo takes 45 minutes to cover the 200-odd kilometres; it would be quicker in a plane that was not propellor-powered.


  • 需要声明的是,上述表达式中,a表示跳楼最大速度此外,我还假设跳楼者完全停下所经过的距离整个下落距离相比可以忽略不计

    Just to be clear, I am putting the maximum acceleration in for a. Also, I have made the assumption that the stopping distance (s) is small compared to the jumping height.


  • 这个能量释放不平衡很多工艺参数密切相关等离子压缩程度切割速度喷嘴工件的距离

    This energy release imbalance, closely related with many process parameters, such as plasma arc compression degree, cutting speed and nozzle to the distance, etc.


  • 冥王星距离水星的一百那么引力向心速度,均水星的一万分之一。

    So if you are 100 times further away like Pluto compared to Mercury then the gravitational... the centripetal acceleration which is due to gravity is 10,000 times smaller.


  • 速度等于距离时间比。

    Speed is the ratio of distance to time.


  • 面料,两个印象中仿佛永远不能和谐接触事物,在这通过速度距离精细控制,演绎品质升华过程。

    Fabric and flame seem impossible to exist in harmony, but here, with fine control of flame by appropriate speed and interval, the quality of the fabric is greatly improved.


  • 速度距离改变时间之间比率

    Speed is the rate between the change of distance and time.


  • 通过对击球瞬间挥拍速度击出的球飞距离关系进行了实验研究。

    The relationship between the instant speed of swing during smash and the bounce distance of the ball hit were studied by experiment.


  • 媒体缩短了体育运动社会之间距离加大体育运动传播社会覆盖面加快了体育传播速度

    The new media has shortened the distance between sports and society, enlarged the social coverage of sports, and accelerated the sports propagation speed.


  • 通过两种不同计算得到速度加速区的运动时间距离关系

    Though adopting two different calculation, the relation of initial gas and particle velocity ratio and movement time and kinematic range in accelerating zone was gained.


  • 距离传播时间速度倒数正比测井中,以英尺多少毫秒来量度用符号t或DT表示。

    The amount of time for a wave to travel a certain distance, proportional to the reciprocal of velocity, typically measured in microseconds per foot by an acoustic log and symbolized by tor DT.


  • 结果发现挥拍速度飞出距离变量存在强相关关系。

    The results showed that there was close relation between the two variables of swing speed and the bounce distance of the ball.


  • 涌流浊流的流体厚度速度搬运距离坡成正比

    The flow height and velocity of surge-type turbidity current is proportional to the motion distance and under slope.


  • 首先,高温下常规地层矿物反应速度酸液有效作用距离活性酸不能到达地层深部

    First, the speed of the reaction between mud acid and rock is very fast, the effective distance of acid is short, active acid can not reach deep formation.


  • 时间果断地向前挺进,过去犹豫徘徊,由于逆向行驶,时间的距离以双倍速度在增长。

    It rolls on with no hesitation, while I'm still lingering in the past, which lengthens our distance twice the usual speed, as we move in opposite directions.


  • 如果我们已知介质中横波纵波速度比值水平界面埋藏深度检距,炮到共转换点的水平距离可以通过一个方程求出

    Given the velocity ratio of S-to P-waves, the depth of reflector and the offset, the horizontal distance between source and the converting point can be determined by solving a quartic equation.


  • 提出最佳的指数范围速度距离曲线从而短跑教学训练提供参考

    We put forward the best index range and speed distance curve, thus providing some references and advises in sprint training and teaching.


  • 距离铁路运输空运海运区别在于成本速度

    Long distance rail cargo splits the difference between airplane and boat delivery in terms of price and speed.


  • 例如随着车辆行驶速度增加,车辆驾驶者眼睛正立等大空间图像之间距离增加

    For example, as the vehicle travel speed increases, the distance between the vehicle driver's eyes and the erecting magnification space image is increased.


  • 距离两倍时间平方最佳拟合曲线斜率就是重力速度

    The slope of the best fit line for distance doubled and time squared gives the acceleration due to gravity.


  • 弯曲表面可以集中阳光从而加速凹陷处的升华速度,逐渐地高处拉开距离,这样一来就形成了一高耸的冰峰森林

    The curved surfaces then concentrate sunlight and speed up sublimation in the depressions, leaving the higher points behind as forests of towering spikes.


  • 结果显示高模态影响下表面波有效速度不仅频率有关而且传播距离有关。

    The results indicate that influenced by higher modes and the source, the effective phase velocity is related to frequency as well as the distance from the source.


  • 结果显示高模态影响下表面波有效速度不仅频率有关而且传播距离有关。

    The results indicate that influenced by higher modes and the source, the effective phase velocity is related to frequency as well as the distance from the source.


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