• 提供API以便任意数量子系统添加特性超越核心提供特性。

    It also provides an API so an arbitrary number of subsystems can add features above and beyond those offered by the core.


  • 超越自己核心竞争力一般描述,开始讨论你们两个组织可能匹配具体实施情况时,一步往往需要时间

    This step is often the one that takes time, as you move beyond the general descriptors of your core competencies to the specific application in which your two organisations may match up.


  • 承诺将“像激光一样集中精力确保公司运营安全性和稳定性”,他精简管理架构,淡化了“超越石油”这样的浮夸口号,专注于公司核心业务

    He streamlined the company’s management. He played down the Beyond Petroleum rhetoric in favour of a greater emphasis on the company’s core business.


  • 25am-我们开始使用这些先进强悍管理科技而且还要超越这些科技——核心作业系统引擎可以管理全部芯片感应器、和的应用程序,而且全部自动化。”

    25am - "we started with those advanced power management techniques and went beyond that — the core OS power manages all of the chips, all the sensors, your application, automatically."


  • 过去一年中美联储获得了超越自身职责权力——金融系统不好,核心职能负责稳定价格就业的美联储本身没有好处。

    The Fed has taken on extensive new powers in the past yearwhich may not be healthy either for the financial system or for the Fed, whose principal duties are to maintain stable prices and jobs.


  • 许多星系都呈现出泡状物质喷流并且伴有核心区域喷发能量不过费米气泡已然超越了这种简单解释

    Lots of galaxies exhibit two-lobed jets of matter and energy erupting from their cores, but the "Fermi bubbles" defy easy explanation.


  • 从研究艺术作品的角度切入美学艺术作为美学的核心生长点,一定程度超越传统美学。

    The science aesthetics has transcended the traditional aesthetics, however, it turns into a science on technology and knowledge as Munro relied heavily on cognitive theory and positivism.


  • 后现代认为,现代性问题核心主体问题,超越现代性,必须批判先验主体这一现代性问题的根源开始。

    Post-modernity considers the question of subject as the core of modernity, in order to transcend modernity we have to begin with criticizing transcendental subject.


  • 建筑师表示:“两侧敞开的起居空间住宅核心起居空间边界超越建筑外墙,延伸至室外入口庭院后部平台整合在一起。”

    "The double-orientation living room is the house's central area but the boundaries extend beyond the enclosure, integrating the entrance courtyard and the rear terrace," said the architects.


  • 理论的核心:何以通过丹修炼能够超越个体生命限度达成长生以及如何通过内丹修炼达成长生的问题

    Its core issue is the question about why people can surmount the individual life limits and how to achieve the eternal lives through inner alchemic exercise.


  • 功能超越了原来业绩测评系统局限成为一体化的战略管理系统核心

    Its functions also has exceeded the scope of performance measurement system and become the center of the strategic management system.


  • 创建学习型企业过程推动企业不断增强学习创造力核心竞争力,不断实现自我超越过程。

    The course of building enterprise of study type is also the course of promoting enterprise to strengthen study capacity, creation force and central competitive, continually realizing self-improvement.


  • 社会意识、崇高精神以及企业家能力一直植根于我们民族核心价值之中,这一种“我能”态度,坚信没有挑战是不能被超越的。

    Embedded in our nation's core values is a spirit of community, generosity and entrepreneurship-a can-do attitude that says no challenge is insurmountable.


  • 本文核心任务在于说明马克思是如何批判超越19世纪德国历史主义,以及马克思本人历史性质的根本态度

    The core task of this paper is to explain how Marx criticize and exceed the 19th century German historicism, and to clarify his own attitude to history.


  • 庄子关注核心问题只有以其通达的精神超越现实世界回归绝对自然世界才能获得无限的自由心灵的真正的平安

    Zhuangzi's focus of attention is that only when human beings go spiritually beyond reality and back to the natural world can they achieve freedom and safety.


  • 以自我超越核心理念深入人心

    Beyond the core concept of self-popular.


  • 笔者认为精神才是文化深层,文化核心灵魂,是超越时空与阶级局限的,精神是永恒不灭的。

    It is believed by the author that only the spirit is just the deepest step, the heart and the soul of culture, and it is perpetual beyond the limitation of time, space and class.


  • 中国传统哲学关于智慧超越知识)哲学,”、“阴阳”、“悟”为其主题内容以阴阳哲学为核心

    Taoism is the core of Chinese traditional philosophy which talks about wisdom(beyond truth)and focus on the three themes of Tao, Yin-yang, and Wu(Enlightenment).


  • 此举旨在反映校内网7千万用户增长网络认为已经超越大学生核心用户群。

    The move is designed to reflect Xiaonei's growth to 70 million users. The network feels it has grown beyond its initial core of university students.


  • 本文终极关怀超越关系讨论核心,初步建立起一个哲学讨论构架

    This paper focuses on discussing the relationship between the value of ultimate and extramundane road, and building a simple frame of meta philosophy.


  • 在与进化思想进行比较后可以得出目的性、价值性、自主性超越本质特征以及创造超越思想核心结论。

    Comparing with the theory of evolution, we can find that intention, value, self-determination is the essential character and creation is the kernel of the transcending thought.


  • 巨大帮助核心问题超越爱情

    This will be of enormous help to you in matters of the heart, but will go beyond love.


  • 公司荣耀在于超越核心理念客户需求出发打造核心竞争力成为世界地毯行业知名品牌

    The company take "the glory, lies in transcendence" as the core idea, embarks from the customer demand, makes the core competitive ability, becomes the world rug profession the well-known brand.


  • 21世纪品牌角逐世纪,品牌已经超越管理、人力、技术资金等,成为企业核心资源

    It is a brand competition time in the 21st century, because the brand has become more important than management, technology and capital, to serve as the core resources of enterprises.


  • 追求杰出就是以顾客为存眷核心,持续改良超越顾客希冀

    Pursuiting the excellence needs us focus on the customer and improve ourselves so that we could exceed what our customer anticipanting.


  • 广告深入企业的文化核心挖掘一企业核心价值核心竞争力超越一般品牌管理服务

    It is a success that we analyse an enterprise's core value and competitiveness through Ad, and it totally goes beyond general brand management services;


  • 我们致力于成为国际涡轮增压器核心部件市场领跑者。一直以来,我们供应商,战略合作伙伴公司员工一起通力合作,不断提供超越客户期望产品服务

    We aim to be a leader in international turbocharger parts market. Our close cooperation with suppliers, partners and personnel will offer our customers with superior value products and service.


  • 我们致力于成为国际涡轮增压器核心部件市场领跑者。一直以来,我们供应商,战略合作伙伴公司员工一起通力合作,不断提供超越客户期望产品服务

    We aim to be a leader in international turbocharger parts market. Our close cooperation with suppliers, partners and personnel will offer our customers with superior value products and service.


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