• 圣诞精神超越信仰传统文化习俗仁慈给予新生直接打动心灵

    The spirit of Christmas transcends beliefs, traditions, culture and customs. It speaks directly to the heart, of love and grace, of giving and of renewal.


  • 只要父母超越信仰不管早晚他们孩子短暂的一生都可以变得远远超出他们的期望而富有成就

    Whenever parents can make that leap of faith, their children’s short lives can become fruitful far beyond their expectations.


  • 本周末,为了纪念911事件超越信仰妇女组织将举办每年的第二届A -OK

    This weekend, on the anniversary of the attacks, Women Transcending Boundaries is conducting the second annual A-OK!


  • 仍然在那保持着他们真正内在气力信仰鼓励他们超越自己强加于自己的限制成为自己本成为的人。

    You are still there, holding your faith in their true strength and inner power, encouraging them to go beyond their self-imposed limitations and be all that they can be.


  • 看起来这种被称为积极好斗世俗主义,其鼓吹来源超越了党派之争,然而,他们早已忘记了,世俗主义还有个真正的来源——就是一个世俗国家不是信仰敌人;相反,从很多角度来看,世俗国家正是世俗主义的产物

    What seems to have escaped the cross-party purveyors of this so-called militant secularism is that a secular state is not the enemy of religion; in many ways it is its product.


  • 当然工作很大一部分,而且工作得到的回报远远超越薪资补偿信仰家庭朋友爱好创造出真正的平衡

    Certainly, work is a big piece of that and work is rewarding well beyond compensation. But faith, family, friends and hobbies create real balance.


  • 忠诚信仰最终并非上帝带来那种看似良好安全情绪超越这些简单感情给予人生真正承诺。

    In the end, faith is not simply the good, secure feeling that God exists. Faith is a commitment to a way of living beyond good and secure feelings.


  • 对于许多而言,信仰让您拥有一个支持社群,为生命赋予意义,给人以归宿感,使您问题的角度超越您自身之外、将人生苦痛视为永恒

    For many people faith provides a support community, a sense of life's meaning, feelings of ultimate acceptance, a reason to focus beyond yourself, and a timeless perspective on life's woes.


  • 查阅过百科全书,行为超越了一个生活严谨的拉斯特·法里主义信仰者的行为范围,但是也是自己南非生活的体验

    It was much bound up with the clean-living Rastafarianism he had plucked out of the encyclopedia, but it was also drawn from his own South African experience.


  • 信仰自然生存有限性、自我能力社会存在有限性精神上的超越,是对生命不朽的精神追求

    Faith is a kind of human's spiritual transcendence of the limit of his natural existence, self-ability, and social existence, and is the spiritual pursuit of immortal life.


  • 共同信仰帮助我们超越文化差异打破这些潜在友情障碍来自不同国家聚在一起

    Common faith helps transcend cultural differences, breaks down potential barriers to friendships and brings people of different nationalities together.


  • 不过,“信仰这种似乎需要一些私人化的方法,对有助于帮助个体审视生活全貌信仰超越,和一些此践行的准则

    But, this "this I Believe" thing seems to demand something more personal, some leap of faith that helps one see life's big picture, some rules to live by.


  • 上帝光明生命但是上帝超越一切……上帝甚至无神论者信仰

    God is the source of light and life and yet he is above and beyond all these... he is even the atheism of the atheist.


  • 只有这样一颗心才能超越知识局限去发现是否存在超越一切人类思想信仰神圣东西

    Only such a mind can transcend the limitations of knowledge and discover if there is something sacred that is beyond all human thoughts and belief.


  • 术语进化创造说用于特定信仰信仰上帝超越正常时空不依赖意志自然存在

    The term evolutionary creationism is used in particular for beliefs in which God transcends normal time and space, with nature having no existence independent of His will.


  • 我们帮助指出信仰选择释放超越过去现在移入活着真相基础上。

    We can assist in pinpointing the belief so that one may so choose to release and transcend it, past and present, and move into a newfound foundation based upon one's living truth.


  • 道德信仰本质就是道德人格自我超越

    The essence of moral belief is the self - transcendent in moral personality.


  • 信仰不能超越理性

    Legal belief can not surpass rationality.


  • 我们,都是超越国籍种族信仰个体,都是面对叫做体制”的铜墙铁的危

    We are all human beings, individuals transcending nationality and race and religion, fragile eggs faced with a solid wall called The System.


  • 历史性存在,但同时又有着超越既定历史性的信仰

    Man is a historic being, who also have a belief transcending his established historic existences simultaneously.


  • 历史已然证明,弘扬哲学信仰人类实现正向自我超越必然选择

    History has testified that carrying forward philosophical belief is the inevitable choice to go beyond human being self.


  • 信仰没有必要超越愿意体验过程

    Belief is not necessary beyond a willingness to experience the processes.


  • 他用坚定信仰从精神上超越自我,让沉重的肉身苦难复活

    He surpasses himself spiritually with firm belief, reviving his heave body from suffering.


  • 认为只有超越理性信仰超越自然约束的积极自由才能道德提供内在理由从而使其成为可能

    He only think faith of surmount the reasonableness and freedom of surmount the natural law stipulation can provide the inside reason to make morality possible.


  • 信仰坚定生活态度超越现实终极性价值追求,对个体日常思维行为有着决定性的作用

    Belief is a firm attitude toward life and an ultimate value pursuit that transcends the actual reality, which plays a decisive role in daily thinking and behaviors of the individuals.


  • 自由崇拜已经超越一切变成信仰

    T he worship to freedom has gone beyond everything, and become faith.


  • 一方面,信仰理性超越实现

    On the other hand, faith is the transcension and realization of reason.


  • 最后,如果你信仰某种永恒的东西可以超越我们我们存在具有超凡的意义也许你会更幸福。

    Finally, the belief that something 35 permanent 36 transcends us and that our existence has some larger meaning can help us be happier.


  • 尤其是人生民俗信仰民俗超越性功能,更为审美活动提供了同构超越心理基础

    The transcendence of living in and believing in folk customs, in particular, offers a psychological basis of uniform transcendence for aesthetic activity.


  • 尤其是人生民俗信仰民俗超越性功能,更为审美活动提供了同构超越心理基础

    The transcendence of living in and believing in folk customs, in particular, offers a psychological basis of uniform transcendence for aesthetic activity.


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