• 至少平均人口增长60万的加州,人们正在建设更多住宅

    In California, where population growth has averaged more than 600,000 a year for at least a decade, more residential housing is being built.


  • 1982感知觉全域测试先驱之一美国的心灵学家查尔斯·霍诺顿分析首次感知觉全域测试的研究结果

    In 1982, the results from the first ganzfeld studies were analysed by one of its pioneers, the American parapsychologist Charles Honorton.


  • 2030德国计划安装600万个充电站

    By 2030, Germany plans on having over 6 million charging stations installed.


  • 1987,霍诺顿在“分析”中研究数百项自动感官知觉全域测试结果,这种分析一种统计方法,旨在从一系列研究中得出全面的结果。

    In 1987, results from hundreds of autoganzfeld tests were studied by Honorton in a "meta-analysis", a statistical technique for finding the overall results from a set of studies.


  • 1965,一位想象力丰富的数学家欧文·古德推测说,人们终会发明出一台“智能机器”,不管是多聪明的人,它都能远其智力活动的总和。

    In 1965, an imaginative mathematician called Irving Good predicted the eventual creation of an "ultra-intelligent machine…that can far surpass all the intellectual (智力的) activities of any man, however clever".


  • 不由得它们另一个热门”联系起来,2005女”这个词几乎风靡全国。

    I cannot help associating them with another hot word "supergirl", which almost swept over every Chinese in the year 2005.


  • 仅仅之后,全球纤维1970问世。

    The first ultrapure fiber was made just four years later, in 1970.


  • 2006一项哈佛大学营养学家研究发现,含饮料消费直接导致青少体重

    A 2006 study by Harvard nutritionists found sugar-sweetened beverage consumption is linked to higher body weight among adolescents.


  • 今天公布官方数据显示英国四月份通货膨胀率预期降低,至来的最低水平

    Inflation in Britain fell by more than expected in April to its lowest level in more than a year, official data released today showed.


  • 根据会计师事务所普华永道的报告,2007-08几乎每个俱乐部都实现盈利或者至少收支相抵。

    According to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm, almost every SPL club made a profit, or nearly did, in 2007-08.


  • 但是理论活跃几十却没有什么突破。弦理论失败激励一种理论的倡导者

    But string theory has been around for decades without delivering the goods, and that failure has encouraged the protagonists of an alternative explanation to push themselves forward.


  • 那个时候没有那么大学,”刘启父亲刘杰(音)刘杰1980高中毕业,从事纺织机械生意。

    "There just were not a lot of universities then," said his father, Liu Jie, who graduated from high school in 1980 and sells textile machinery.


  • 报告预测,截止2025中国221个人口百万城市,而现在欧洲只有35个。

    By 2025, the report predicts that China will have 221 cities with more than a million inhabitants, compared with 35 in Europe today.


  • 1984虽然杰拉尔丁•菲拉罗起先竞选搭档沃尔特蒙代尔民意测验中实现

    In 1984 Geraldine Ferraro at first achieved a bump in the polls for her running mate, Walter Mondale.


  • 最新预测上次预测高出了20%,原因2010全球石油需求增长预期,供应响应滞后

    That's 20% above its previous forecast, thanks to stronger-than-expected global petroleum growth in 2010 and a less than enthusiastic supply response.


  • 曼哈顿上西城,其公立初中30教学生涯让有了这样一些重要的思考

    I experienced precious little of such thinking in 30 years of teaching in the public junior high schools of Manhattan's ultra-progressive Upper West Side.


  • 两种解释都商品循环”,这一长期价格增长可能要持续15 - 20

    Both explanations add weight to the idea of a "commodity supercycle", a long-term surge in prices that might last for 15-20 years.


  • 公司慈善稳步增长,拨款卡耐基基金会的了。

    Its corporate philanthropy has grown steadily, so that its annual grants now exceed those of the Carnegie Corporation.


  • 公司宣布,排除部分项目第二季度利润分析师预测平均值20%,是2009一季度以来最小预期幅度。

    The biggest maker of flash-memory cards reported second-quarter profit excluding some items that topped the average analyst estimate by 20 percent, the smallest beat since the first quarter of 2009.


  • 行星1054爆炸后剩余物4,我会,详细讲它,这里看到不是脉冲星那时,聚集的物质

    It is the remnant of a supernova explosion in the year 1054 much more about that during my next lecture and what you see here is not stuff that is generated at this moment in time by the pulsar.


  • 以去八月央行认为通胀率月会略2%,事实上央行认为2010早期通胀率达到峰值1.4%。

    Last August, for example, the bank thought that inflation would barely rise above 2% in the first three months of this year. Indeed, a year ago, the bank thought it would peak in early 2010 at 1.4%.


  • 过去因为不够用他们种的作物不过一季

    In the past, there was not enough water so they couldn't grow more than one and a half crops a year.


  • 2008青啤占有市场份额13%。

    It occupied a little over 13% of the market in 2008.


  • 蟹状星云行星1054大爆炸产物节课我会详细讲

    The Crab Nebula is the result of a supernova explosion that went off in the year 1054, and during my next lecture I will talk a lot more about that.


  • 研究人员认为天体已有132亿历史哈勃空影像仪器观测到的。

    The object is thought to be 13.2 billion years old and was seen by the Hubble Ultra Deep Field instrument.


  • 不得20过20船龄船只,卖方应负担船龄外保险费。

    Nevertheless, the maximum age of the vessel shall not exceed 20 years at.


  • 不得20过20船龄船只,卖方应负担船龄外保险费。

    Nevertheless, the maximum age of the vessel shall not exceed 20 years at.


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