• 超声波能量机械性质,可温度工作

    Ultrasonic energy is mechanical in nature and works at much lower temperatures.


  • 这些功能实现通过系统中电控部分的电源时钟存储超声波脉冲信号发生处理温度采集串行通信电路实现的。

    These functions are realized by the circuits of power, clock, memory, ultrasonic pulse signal occurs and handle, temperature gathered and serial communication in system.


  • 共聚率随超声波强度反应时间、反应环境温度表面活性剂用量增加而提高

    The yields of copolymer increase respectively with the rise of ultrasonic intensity, reaction time , temperature and the amount of an anion surfactant (SDS).


  • 结果采用超声波提取鱼腥草总黄酮较佳,含量温度的升高时间的延长而有所增加。

    The factors of temperature and time are analyzed in ultrasonic extracting method and the content of flavonoids are detected.


  • 基础上利用PC 104,手持式超声波测厚温度采集模块,以及无线收发模块,构成实验平台

    This paper adopts PC104, in-hand ultrasonic thickness-measuring instrument, temperature collection module, wireless transceiver module to form experiment platform.


  • 超声波声化条件下,研究确定低浓度酸性除锈清洗介质温度下,快速有效去除钢丝表面的油污、铁锈磷化膜;

    The acidic medium could remove oil and rust at relatively low temperatures and in a short time due to the synergistic effect of ultrasonic and chemistry.


  • 结果表明常规染色相比,采用超声波进行染色可以提高染料的上染百分率降低染色温度缩短染色时间。

    The result shows that dyeing with ultrasonic wave can improve the dye uptake, lower dyeing temperature, shorten dyeing time.


  • 这些包括照相机,超声波红外线传感器一个测距仪传感器温度传感器和地面探测器

    These include a camera, ultrasound, infra-red and thermal sensors, a range-finder sensor, a temperature sensor and ground detectors.


  • 另外实时测量环境温度超声波传播速度加以修正,从而大大提高测量精度

    In addition, the real-time environmental temperature is also measured to calibrate the speed of ultrasonic, and the measures can improve measuring precision greatly.


  • 分析酸性溶液中浓度、溶解温度、溶解时间超声波作用对多组分磷酸盐玻璃化学浸蚀的影响。

    The etching effect factors such as solution concentration, temperature, reaction time and ultrasonic stirring etc were also investigated.


  • 温度湿度压力声音超声波传感器,构成了今天所有可用的传感器,他们可以容易的连接智能照明驱动决定是否需要系统输出

    Temperature, humidity, pressure, audio and ultrasonic sensors, are all available today and can be easily interfaced to intelligent lighting drivers to make decision upon required system light output.


  • 超声波引入不仅大大提高了低温加碱效果而且溶胞过程温度的要求有所降低

    The introduction of ultrasonic wave not only greatly improved the effect of lysis, but also decreased the requirements for the temperature during the lysis.


  • 分析了空气超声波测距原理提出了通过温度测量修正超声波传播速度提高空气中测量精度方法

    The principle of ultrasonic measuring distance in the air was analyzed. A method of improving the measurement precision by correcting transmission speed with inspecting temperature was put forward.


  • 温度乳化脱水敏感因素使用超声波处理污油降低污油处理温度

    Temperature was a sensitive factor on dehydration of the emulsified oil; and ultrasonic treatment could lower the treating temperature.


  • 本文采用一种新颖多功能传感器在线敏感溶液超声波传输速度电导率以及温度三个参量。

    In this paper, a novel multifunctional sensor was adopted to online sense temperature, ultrasonic velocity and electrical conductivity of ternary solution.


  • 今朝常用的传感器首要开关报警器震动报警器、超声波、次声波报警器、红外报警器、微波报警器、激光报警器、烟感报警器和温度报警器等。

    Now commonly used sensors are mainly switch alarm, vibration alarm, ultrasonic, infrared alarm device alarm, and microwave alarm, laser alarm, smoke alarm and temperature alarm and etc.


  • 另外实时测量环境温度超声波传播速度加以修正,从而大大提高测量精度

    In addition, the real-time environmental temperature is also measured to calibrate the speed of ultrasonic, consequently, improve measuring precision greatly.


  • 系统at89c 2051单片机超声波发射电路超声波接收放大电路、环境温度采集电路显示电路组成。

    The system is composed of AT89C2051 single chip processor, ultrasonic transmitting circuit, receiving and magnifying circuit, data collecting circuit and displaying circuit.


  • 系统at89c 2051单片机超声波发射电路超声波接收放大电路、环境温度采集电路显示电路组成。

    The system consists of single chip AT89C2051, ultrasonic transmitter circuit, ultrasonic receiver circuit, temperature collection circuit, and display circuit.


  • 此外温度补偿模块修正超声波传递误差提高系统测量精度

    In addition, the compensation module was used to amend ultrasonic transmission error for improving system accuracy.


  • 论文基于弹性原理温度应力测量方法进行理论推导得出适用于测量应力的超声波理论公式

    The paper presents a theoretic deduce to the stresses measurement based on acoustoelasticity theory, and worked out the mathematic formulas of the measurement.


  • 分析导致超声波测距误差原因,对温度引起误差进行补偿

    A compensation method is put forward to the error caused by temperature based on analysing the reasons of the errors in the ultrasonic measurement system.


  • 本文利用计算机模拟数据超声波温度梯度进行金属内部应力推断做了数值分析并引入了一种有效的提取应力信息的反演算法同时也给出了数值分析的初步结果

    In this paper an numerical analysis is made through computer data simulation to infer the residual stress profile by using temperature gradient and ultra-sound. A valid numerical algorithm fo...


  • 通过研究高温后砂岩超声变化、孔隙率变化规律得到温度砂岩损伤的影响规律。

    Through the experimental study on the law of ultrasonic wave and porosity, the law of effect of temperature on sandstone damage is obtained.


  • 3- 10%的水溶液,采用浸泡超声波擦刷方法根据用户实际条件选用适宜清洗温度清洗时间

    Make up 3-10% aqueous solution and clean the greasy dirt by soaking, brushing or ultrasonic wave method, choosing the right cleaning temp and time according to user's conditions.


  • 建立了超声损伤因子关系并且得到砂岩经历温度升高损伤因子逐渐增大的规律。

    The relation between ultrasonic velocity and damage factor is obtained, and the damage factor will increase as the temperature increases.


  • 结果表明PVC超声波辐照下可降解成低分子量产物,其分子结构玻璃温度基本未变。

    The results show that the molecular structure and glass transition temperature of PVC unchanged after degradation.


  • 根据超声波测距基本原理,结合温度传感器声速参数进行了修正使得系统不同环境下都能达到检测要求

    On the basis of ultrasonic, the system referred in the paper USES DS1820 for temperature correction, so as to reach the measurement demand in different environment.


  • 根据超声波测距基本原理,结合温度传感器声速参数进行了修正使得系统不同环境下都能达到检测要求

    On the basis of ultrasonic, the system referred in the paper USES DS1820 for temperature correction, so as to reach the measurement demand in different environment.


- 来自原声例句

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