• 我们知道原子核之间的,电子密度保持两个原子在一键的。

    And we know that it's electron density between the nuclei that holds two atoms together in a bond.


  • 一旦所有要素已经建立时候他们结合在一一个完整动画

    Once all the elements have been created it's time to meld them all together into one complete animation.


  • 收集模板结合在一一个层次结构普通HTML文件

    It compiles a bunch of templates together into a hierarchy of plain old HTML files.


  • 熟悉各种原材料名称产地特点价格起成淡旺季供应需求信息

    Being familiar with the information concerning the name, source, specification, price, rate and seasonal demand of the food.


  • 许多气泡小组黑色或深棕色气泡是典型风挡加温控制系统缺陷迹象

    Multiple bubbles together in a small group, or black or dark brown bubbles are a typical indication of a defective window heat control system.


  • 两个囚犯手铐在一时却分别往灯柱两边,结果没跑

    Two prisoners bungled an escape bid after running either side of a lamppost while handcuffed.


  • 嘴唇并在嘴角条直线向下

    Press your lips together with the corners straight or down.


  • 瀑布下降高度非常,以致使部分流水为模糊不清的云朵然后细流与大瀑布跌到山下底部,并继续穿越几个像小瀑布那样的飞奔急流

    The height of the fall is so great that the stream of water atomizes into a cloud of mist, then trickles back together at the bottom of the plunge and continues on through a cascading run of rapids.


  • 我们背上皮肤向下延伸个“V”,就像鸟儿身体上的翅膀——一段覆盖光滑皮肤下,绞缠在骨头。我们的脊椎底部在一

    The skin of our backs descends into a v, like a bird's wing does to its body-a bone hinge covered in smooth skin, our spines locked together at the base.


  • 现在,我站在这里,看着的长辈们以前坐在一那样,我又重新体会到了那种感觉。

    That same feeling I felt again, as I stood there seeing them all lying as they used to sit, in those two long rows.


  • 尽管知道好几种方法它们工作没有必要世界统一一个SOA

    While I recognize that there are means to have them work together it doesn't necessarily unite the world into one SOA.


  • 注意敲打之间差别不是简单混合的:很多次敲打时的少量时间差别并不累积总体匹配失效

    Note that the differences between knocks is not compounded: missing the timing on many knocks by a small amount will not accumulate into a total match failure.


  • 这个问题胶水不变的,更遑论花费时间粘合在一摆在首位。

    The problem with glue is that it is inflexible, not to mention the time it takes to glue things together in the first place.


  • 与其一工作同步框架同步构件设计服务器安装作为服务运行

    The synchronization framework and the synchronizer components that work with it are designed to be installed on a server and run as a service.


  • 因为即使G20员国奇怪的无规律组合,最初因为1997年亚洲金融危机汇聚到一开会,但它们世界秩序代表着一个全新元素

    For even if the G20 countries are a strange ad hoc selection, initially brought together by the Asian financial crisis in 1997, they represent a whole new element in the world order.


  • 这个游戏中的玩家旋转下降的样子以便他们把并列在一不必拯救动物

    In this game players rotate falling shapes so that they slot neatly together instead of saving self-destructive furry animals.


  • 马锡有三分之一侨民职员1974年立之初外国人执掌过

    A third of Temasek's staff are expatriates but since its creation in 1974, it has never been led by a foreigner.


  • 周五三星大厦房间里,在与公众会面过后,当提到关于年龄问题讨论时,队员坐在一的何可欣低垂着双手冰冷蜷曲一团。

    As the team sat in a room in the Samsung building Friday after meeting the public, he's head was down and her hands were frozen, folded on her lap as the debate over her age ensued.


  • 法兰克福戈恩先生展示了被描述买得电动汽车整个系列

    At Frankfurt, Mr Ghosn presented what he described as a complete range of affordable purely electric cars.


  • 每个眼睛就像绑缚的显像管,当移动时,著你管子显示黑色,因此你会有种错觉,认为它在盯著你看。

    Rather, each large eye is a dome-shaped bundle of tubes.As you move about, only the tubes that are oriented toward you appear black, giving the illusion that you are being tracked.


  • 下来豆类玉米一锅粥——这整晚仪式中的部分期间载歌载舞,直到第二天早上仪式才就此结束。

    The flesh was then cooked with beans and corn and eaten in a type of soup—part of an all-night village ritual, complete with singing and dancing, according to missionaries' reports.


  • 每天早上9两个俄国人请日本夫妇有伏特加早餐,日本夫妇把这说非常有趣的文化交流。”

    "A very interesting cultural exchange, " was how they termed the invitation to join their room-mates for a vodka-fuelled breakfast every morning at 9am.


  • 将报纸弄球状它们劈柴放在一

    Crumple a few sheets into balls and place them in with piles of kindling.


  • 中新社报道,20国内航空公司实行新的运价体系,由此,国内航班出售的经济舱打折票价普遍上涨约两

    Prices of discounted tickets for economy class will rise by 20% starting Monday with a new pricing scheme taking effect among domestic airlines, China News Service reported.


  • 循环一个关键部分就是——大气,将纯净的氮固定氮化合物的形式——少要完全依赖于生物(闪电一点儿作用)。

    One crucial part of this cycle-the fixing of pure nitrogen from the atmosphere into useful nitrogen-containing chemicals-depends more or less entirely on living things (lightning helps a bit).


  • 上海航空公司1985年第一天保证飞行安全视作自己的生命线

    Since the inception of Shanghai Airlines in 1985, it is lifeline to guarantee safety flight.


  • 宽松货币波动大宗商品市场以及农业歉收(例如最近印度出现的情况)交织对于贫穷国家食品价格而言可能会2010年又一个危险年份

    The combination of loose money, volatile commodity markets and poor harvests - such as occurred recently in India - could make 2010 another dangerous year for food prices in poor countries.


  • 恒星结构经常想象一系列套在薄层就像洋葱一样

    The structure of a star can often be thought of as a series of thin nested shells, somewhat like an onion.


  • 恒星结构经常想象一系列套在薄层就像洋葱一样

    The structure of a star can often be thought of as a series of thin nested shells, somewhat like an onion.


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