• 得知农场工作,乐队童子表演,并且每天一顿丰盛的早餐所有回答简短的要命

    I learned that he'd worked on a farm, played in a band with the scouts and had always enjoyed a hearty breakfast, but all his replies were poignantly humble.


  • 科克决定建议提交华盛顿决定让他的产业到华盛顿。

    Coxey decided to take his proposal to Washington. He also decided to take his industrial army with him.


  • 父母孩子看足球、去骑马看曲棍球男孩女孩童子参加其他一些组织活动

    Parents take children to soccer and horseback riding and lacrosse and Boy and Girl Scouts and scads of other organized activities.


  • 来日黄昏,主公便而走;但见,即掩杀。

    Tomorrow evening when the enemy arrives, abandon camp. At the fire signal, turn back upon them.


  • 美国保证不会利比亚境内安置任何美国作战时支援作用飞机嗡嗡提供了监视录像

    The United States pledged not to place any U.S. ground troops in Libya and played a supporting role in much of the air campaign, flying drones that provide surveillance video.


  • 自从2008年一直处于病患状态,定期前往医院治疗留下工作任务由同事担任

    From early 2008 on, Zhu was essentially on sick leave. He traveled regularly to a hospital for treatment, leaving his duties as the head of post office security to a colleague.


  • 培训提供美国指导老师,阿富汗国民航空队ANAAC)一工作航空队美国采购了18G-222型运输机。

    The training will be provided to U.S. advisors who are set to work with the Afghanistan National Army Air Corps (ANAAC), which is acquiring 18 G-222 transport aircraft from the U.S.


  • 第二,美韩将于28日黄海举行联合,中方对此有评论?

    What is China's position? Second, how do you comment on the US-ROK joint military exercise in the Yellow Sea which is to start from November 28?


  • 父亲劳工,也是共和成员,现在弗朗哥长眠在,”他,“不带回来我们不会罢休的。”

    "My father was a labourer and a Republican but now he is with Franco," he said. "we won't rest until we get him back."


  • 6月13日,坎大哈南部农村Dand地区,加拿大第2战斗工兵团亚历克斯·卡巴纳中士美国徒步巡逻

    Sgt. Alex Cabana of the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment of the Canadian Army walks during a foot patrol with U.S. Army forces June 13, 2010 in rural Dand District, just south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.


  • 出生几年爷爷奶奶住一,之后,来到上海爸妈住,并在上海上了6小学

    Yu Jun spent the first few years of his life with his grandparents, before joining his parents in Shanghai, where he completed six years of elementary school.


  • [据防务系统网站2011年3月9日报道]美国计划建立一个总体战场网络统一的信息架构传输语音数据视频士兵指挥所车辆联系在一

    The Army plans to create an overarching battlefield network that will transport voice, data, and video across a consolidated information architecture linking soldiers, command posts and vehicles.


  • IS占据了大片领土情况下,2014年美国牵头国际联合一直在对伊拉克开展空袭

    An international coalition led by the US has been carrying out air strikes on Iraq since 2014, when IS seized large swathes of territory.


  • 不过很多的确发现难以脱身地方因为他们杀败千万马进入那家公司以后,他们的身份相当程度上与它绑了一

    But people really did find it very hard to leave, because so much of their identity was wrapped up in having won the competitions to get there in the first place.


  • 和众人一,狮心王理查德带领第三次十字拉丁所阻挡。

    The Third Crusade lead by, among others, Richard the Lion-hearted, is stopped by Saladin.


  • 德罗巴巴萨联系切尔西主帅里尼奥入主蓝黑之后有消息称德罗巴将会转会国米。

    Barcelona have been linked with Drogba, while a reunion with former Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho at Inter Milan has also been rumoured as a possibility.


  • 我们追根溯源1213世纪十字东侵“时期参加东征农奴不断放弃农田封建主义沉重打击

    Tracing to its source to join us in 12, the 13th century and "Crusades" period, the serfs continue to participate in the east to give up farmland, to feudalism in order to deal a heavy blow.


  • 古希腊科学哲学随着班师回国的东征十字涌入欧洲

    Ancient Greece as the Philosophy of Science and withdraw troops from the front of the home along with the influx of east crusade in Europe.


  • 一大队同那天使一赞颂天主

    And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying.


  • 另外第五大行星(即木星——亿注)地心日心的平衡并且随着火星左转也是极为重要应该关注的点。

    Also the geocentric and heliocentric average of the five major planets with Mars left out is of great importance and should be watched.


  • 豪华名义以及更好代表喷气机队,两协议分享这个最后确立企业标志的新体育馆

    In the name of more luxury boxes, and greater presence for the Jets, the teams agreed to share the new stadium with its eventual corporate logo.


  • 俭朴生活除了经营董志网店大多时间他们家里,自已做饭吃,电视

    The two lead a simple life; apart from working on Dong's online store, they mostly stay at home, cooking for themselves and watching TV together.


  • 人物可以供给大量或者两者只要出路,他就巨大的损失幸存

    The character can supply a massive army, or navy, or possibly both, and can normally survive even a powerful loss as long as there is some way out.


  • 人物可以供给大量或者两者只要出路,他就巨大的损失幸存

    The character can supply a massive army, or navy, or possibly both, and can normally survive even a powerful loss as long as there is some way out.


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