• 亲爱的家族我们你们庆祝伟大转变时刻

    Beloved Family of Light, we celebrate with you this great moment of transformation.


  • 亨利先生属于胡子一类的家伙,但的习惯是冬季胡子到了春季

    Mr. Henrich liked to grow out his mustache and beard during the winter and shave it off later in the spring.


  • 某个人了一声,不同聚集到一就像火把回到它们的源头

    Someone shouted, and the disparate lights gathered like sparks of a fire returning to their source.


  • 于是,感受到相随的整体感觉一切都在宇宙在一

    So I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.


  • 他们可以通过脑袋发出或者乐音并且他们一个大球里。

    They can emit light and musical sounds through their heads and they all live together in a large ball.


  • 通过这种方式,把所有数据不同颜色,饿、问题变成了只要组织在不同时间到达数据的这么简单

    In this way, stringing together all the data in the different colours turns into the simpler problem of organising data that essentially arrive at different times.


  • 白色善良天真、纯洁贞洁联系在一

    White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity.


  • 如果基因激活的,样本中的RNA就会相应基因片段结合,再利用紫外观察,那些激活的基因成为一个个被染色的斑点

    If a gene is active, the RNA in the sample binds to the complementary gene fragment on the slide, and can be detected under ultraviolet light as a coloured dot.


  • 靠近画面顶部金星

    Starting near the top of the frame, the brightest beacon is Venus.


  • 结合绿led生成有效利用的潜在可能并且颜色还可以依据心情或者口味来调配

    Combining red, green and blue LEDs to produce white light has the potential to be more efficient, and the colour of the light could be tuned depending on mood or taste.


  • X检查显示封装制式决定A5是否是完全重新设计或者仅仅是两个捆绑在一A 4核心一个性能提升整合gpu

    An X-Ray examination of the PoP will actually determine whether or not the A5 is a totally new design, or simply two A4 cores tied together with an improved integrated GPU.


  • 大部分来说计算机个地方硬盘磁碟机,但是文件所有媒体上存在闪现驾驶唱碟数字化视频圆盘否则甚至带子预备的系统

    For most computers, this place is the hard disk drive, but files can exist on all sorts of media: flash drives, CD and DVD discs, or even tape backup systems.


  • 之城》系列只剩最后一部了,会是罗伯特克里斯汀、泰勒三人其他所有《暮之城》的演员最后一的影像了。

    With only one more movie to come in the franchise, these will be among the last photocalls and screenings Robert, Kristen, and Taylor do with their many cast mates.


  • 波导芯片表面可以控制信号多晶硅一种形态许多微小的、不同晶体硅簇在一

    Waveguides are ridges on the surface of a chip that can direct optical signals; polysilicon is a type of silicon that consists of tiny, distinct crystals of silicon clumped together.


  • 布伦丹穿过第十四街道公共汽车候车亭里

    Brendan crossed Fourteenth Street with the light and stood under the bus shelter.


  • 接着剧院下来,盘胶片开开停停一颤一颤闪着,密集在一的不像人的轮廓动作观众中传来口哨声

    Then the theatre was dark. There was the jerking flicker of a reel starting and stopping, conglomerate unhuman figures and motion, whistles from the audience.


  • 图片上蓝色代表灼热年轻星体它们2004年加入观察范围

    Bright blue dots represent hot young stars in the photo, which includes observations taken from 2004.


  • 一个阵列若干太阳能电池连接集合

    A photovoltaic array is a linked collection of multiple solar cells.


  • 灯泡内有少量,其加热后变成气态其他气体反应形成

    Inside a fluorescent bulb, a tiny amount of mercury is heated until it turns into a gas that reacts with other gases to produce light.


  • 安康县的延龙,张氏雪南夫妇两个孩子

    In yen Lung village, an Khanh commune, husband and wife Truong Thi Tuyet and Nguyen Quang Lam live with their two children.


  • 西延安西路外滩。每逢夜幕降临,整条南京路步行街闪亮五十色

    From the west Yan 'an Road in the west to the Bund in the east, the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street is lit up by neon light at twilight.


  • 在他们球队返回国歌的时候,无数相机都一将焦距对准了他,爆的次数决不亚于他的球员。

    When the team returned for the national anthems, as many cameras were focused on Maradona as the players.


  • 我们,第二第二场,你们记得吧罗密欧说但是温和的,那边窗子里,亮来的是什么就是东方朱丽叶就是太阳?

    So, let's look, Act II Scene II. You remember this, Romeo: "but soft, what light through yonder window breaks. It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."


  • 记得就同一等候,妈妈坐在等待X结果.

    She remembered sitting with her mother in this same room, waiting for the results of her mammogram.


  • 这些脉冲进入后,不同颜色之间可以加或减,混合在一创造出总数达350种不同颜色的一种都可以编码自己数据

    When these pulses are sent into an optical fibre, the different colours can mix together and create 325 different colours in total, each of which can be encoded with its own data stream.


  • 希勒西格尔字母顺序相邻所以在一排队X我们开始聊天,从此我就认识他了。

    Shiller and Siegel are next to each other in the alphabet, so I was standing in line with him for an X-ray and I got to talking with him and I've known him ever since.


  • 一个出人意料的受益人艾米丽·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)——《暮之城》系列之一放在一简装呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)成为“水石”最畅销古典文学已经好几个月了。”

    One unlikely beneficiary has been Emily Brontë – a paperback edition of Wuthering Heights with a Twilight-themed cover was been Waterstones' bestselling classic for months.


  • 一个出人意料的受益人艾米丽·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)——《暮之城》系列之一放在一简装呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)成为“水石”最畅销古典文学已经好几个月了。”

    One unlikely beneficiary has been Emily Brontë – a paperback edition of Wuthering Heights with a Twilight-themed cover was been Waterstones' bestselling classic for months.


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