• 而且伴随着ARM32处理器普及,原来的8MCU逐步走向淘汰边缘,原有的8位控制系统面临着系统升级的迫切要求。

    Moreover, with the popularization of ARM and 32bit microprocessor, 8bit MCU is moving gradually toward the edge of elimination, the original 8bit control system is also facing the system's upgrade.


  • 最后看到时正发疯似地跨步走向酒店前台

    He was last seen striding maniacally to the hotel reception.


  • 逐渐看成阻碍自己走向未来的绊脚石

    He came to be seen as a drag on his own party's prospects.


  • 张艺谋导演的《长城认为中国电影走向世界一部力作。

    The Great Wall, directed by Zhang Yimou is being regarded as one that can help the Chinese film take on the world.


  • 踉踉跄跄走向过道撞在中间的张桌子上,别人咖啡湿了。

    He lurched up the aisle, falling against two tables on the way and getting his hand wet in somebody's coffee.


  • 那时玛丽小狗鲜血染红了的连衣裙纱裙下面了出来过鲜血很伤心地,慢慢地走向她的头颅。

    And then Mary's little dog came out from under her bloody dress and veil, and walked slowly, unhappily, through the blood towards her head.


  • 积蓄化为乌有的时候,“节俭使人走向毁灭。

    When savings are melting away being thrifty can be the road to ruin.


  • 随后的几千年中,那些埋在地下先前压缩紧扣古老断层开始慢慢走向灾难性的崩溃

    As the millennia passed, ancient, buried faults that had been compressed and locked tight began inching closer to catastrophic failure.


  • 当年提出星座”计划时,重返月球当作走向火星的实验台。

    When Constellation was proposed, returning to the Moon was said to be a testbed for going on to Mars.


  • 我们下一物品人类走出非洲走向全世界最初身上物品,称之为石器时代瑞士军刀

    Our next object is the tool that people took with them when they first left Africa and began to spread around the world - it's been called the Swiss Army knife of the Stone Age ...


  • 发明词汇web 2.0”网络权威奥莱礼警告说:“我们正在走向争夺网络控制权引发战争将阻碍网络成为个能大家共同使用平台。”

    We’re heading into a war for the control of the weband against the web as an interoperable platform, ” warns Tim O’Reilly, the internet guru who coined the termweb 2.0”.


  • 许多交易员相信这些曲线是会重复发生的,因此可以用来预测未来走向

    Many traders believe that these patterns are repetitive and therefore can be used to predict future movements.


  • 一定不要忽略以下事实人员技术架构不能独自引领企业SOA走向成功除非它们关键过程活动支持。

    One must not forget the fact that people, technology and architecture alone will not take an enterprise through SOA journey successfully, unless they are supported by key processes and activities.


  • 正如新约中讲到的,人们教导走向智慧以及光明

    Throughout the New Testament, we are told to walk in wisdom, love, light, and obedience.


  • 他们梦想着有一走向上流社会却着实的欺骗了

    They bought into a dream of upward mobility and were effectively cheated.


  • 那里仔细定位惠普微软产品走向上的关系,就关注企业事情

    What he's doing there is carefully positioning HP's relationship with Microsoft on new products going forward as being focused on the enterprise side of things.


  • 改造过生物体自然生物体混从而更具竞争力,使原有物种走向灭绝,环境带来未知影响

    Modified organisms may interbreed with natural organisms and out-compete them, leading to extinction of the original organism or to other unpredictable environmental effects.


  • 除了那些物种走向灭绝情况地球问题肩上抖掉的能力经常性的低估了。

    Except in those cases in which a species is driven to extinction, the Earth's ability to shrug such things off is often underestimated.


  • 人类天生多样化天生倾向于一个探索者找到自己路那样走向未来人类这些天性那些亚特兰大海岸线英国殖民地里释放了出来

    The natural diversity of human beings, thenatural tendency of man to go into the future like an explorer finding his ownway, was released in those English colonies on the Atlantic coast.


  • 我们是否正在走向乏味数字世界,自由的网络浏览手机应用程序订制取代、迎合个人偏好量体裁衣

    Are we heading for a less romantic digital world, in which open-ended surfing of the web is replaced by an ordered world phone "apps", tailored to individual preferences?


  • 这个下个深入观点进行铺垫。公司社会来说比起最初闪现发明火花更具价值科技走向商业化,广泛运用

    That points to his next insight, that the commercialisation, diffusion and use of inventions is of more value to companies and societies than the initial bright spark.


  • 当然我们知道固有一死现在死亡更多看作医学的无能为力而不是人类自然走向

    Of course, at one level we know that we shall all die; but death has come to be looked upon more as a medical failure than a human norm.


  • 那些矮小山丘东西走向山谷截断,这里看到个耶斯列山谷;,富饶肥沃的山谷。

    These low mountains are cut by some valleys that sort of run east-west ; you will see one there, the Valley of Jezreel, in particular; that was a particularly fertile valley.


  • 举报了罪行,该名男子指控犯罪。法庭年之后,放走向自由

    She reported the crime and the man was charged, but after a court case that dragged on for four years, he walked free.


  • 试图领导公司进行变革年轻默多克名声也损害了,公司这里走向何方

    The young man who was attempting to lead the company’s transformation has been tarnished. Where does the firm go from here?


  • 天蓬遮盖床边缓慢走向专属的私人泳池或者顺着阶梯直接通向大海

    Amble from your canopied bed to your own private pool or descend a ladder directly to the sea.


  • 当然,海沃德不是唯一注定走向辞职首席执行官

    He is not the only chief executive apparently destined for the door.


  • 我们曾经以为事情走向正确的,现在这种信心全粉碎了。

    And any confidence we had that things could be put right were smashed.


  • 我们曾经以为事情走向正确的,现在这种信心全粉碎了。

    And any confidence we had that things could be put right were smashed.


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