• 另一个例子古吉拉特邦北部莫德赫拉亚宫,它旁边是比玛一世国王1026年纪念太阳神亚而建造太阳

    Another example is the Surya Kund in Modhera, northern Gujarat, next to the Sun Temple, built by King Bhima I in 1026 to honour the sun god Surya.


  • 赫拉盆地古老火星海洋位置的另一个候选地点,据测量跨度大约为3000并且底部位于盆地边缘下方接近9的位置。

    The Hellas Basin, which measures some 3,000 kilometers across and has a floor that lies nearly 9 kilometers below the basin's rim, is another candidate for an ancient Martian sea.


  • 想象让莎德活过了那一千零一夜——故事

    It kept Scheherazade alive through those one thousand and one nights - in the story.


  • 星期一早上印度宇航局火箭安得拉邦戈达航天发射场发射升空,几分钟之内搭载的颗卫星送入地球运行轨道

    A rocket belonging to India's space agency lifted off from the Sriharikota space station in Andhra Pradesh early Monday, putting a cluster of ten satellites into earth orbit within minutes.


  • 但是赫德选择了甲骨文。甲骨文的创始人,同时也是惠普战略合作者,拉·曾经公开强烈建议惠普解雇

    But no - Hurd chose to go to Oracle, a former strategic partner to HP whose founder, Larry Ellison, had very publicly lambasted HP's board for firing him.


  • 就是奥瓦··塔拉·宾·阿杜拉西斯·沃苏王子陛下,是沙特国王法赫德侄子沙特创建人孙子也是当今黎巴嫩创建人外孙

    He is His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, grandson of the country's founder, grandson also of the founder of modern day Lebanon.


  • 然而赫罗德告诉纽约讯记者,赞安诺并没有溶解,所以相信特拉维斯其实一点药都没喝进去。

    However, Herold told New York station WABC that the Xanax didn't dissolve in the tea, and she doesn't believe Travis had any of the drug in his system.


  • 不过别的地方发现这个乔杜·拉赫马特·可不只是一个剑桥大学生那么简单。

    But looking elsewhere I see that this Chaudhary Rahmat Ali was more than a Cambridge student.


  • 住在位于特赫(Tehri)大坝东南费坡拉(pipola)大坝横跨恒河前段之一,并且印度最大水力发电工程

    Her village, Pipola, sits just southeast of the Tehri Dam, which bestrides one of the precursors of the Ganges River and is India's largest hydropower project.


  • 在衣架上的衣服结合在一起,这种设计来自赫托·塞拉诺。

    Lamp and clothes hanger combo designed by Hector Serrano.


  • 6月26日阿富汗矿工西赫拉特市以东100煤矿

    Afghan miners work in a coal mine 100 km east of the western city of Herat on June 26, 2010 in Afghanistan.


  • 好的一步——接下来安理会可以联合国大会推荐候选人了。”德拉特赫在接受记者采访时说

    "It is a positive step... towards getting a candidate that the Security Council can recommend to the General Assembly in the next few weeks," Delattre told reporters.


  • 星期天伊朗官方通讯社确认赫拉姆·阿米处决

    The execution of Shahram Amiri was confirmed Sunday by Iran's official news agency, IRNA.


  • 阿摩斯''。'斯'。'',赫克卡珊德拉父亲特洛伊国王,在特洛希腊人攻陷被杀。

    The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and king of Troy, who was killed when his city fell to the Greeks.


  • 八个国家资格参赛,所有比赛安排德耳塔的奥哈拉、欧勒、瓦市。

    Eight countries have qualified for the tournament, which is being hosted in Oghara, Oleh, Warri and Ughelli, all situated in the country's Delta province.


  • 电影中重要角色得特写,有哈利罗恩赫敏卢娜、纳不利多、乌姆教授金妮德拉克卢修斯·马尔福父子。

    Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Umbridge, Ginny, Draco and Lucius Malfoy will each be featured on their very own stamp.


  • 位于大门前希腊女神赫拉大理石雕像,原来伫立座大宅火山爆发尘暴掀到了户外。

    Standing in front of the gate is a marble statue of the Greek goddess Hera, which used to stand in a mansion, but was thrown into the open by a gust of dust and mud when the volcano erupted.


  • 位于大门前希腊女神赫拉大理石雕像,原来伫立座大宅火山爆发尘暴掀到了户外。

    Standing in front of the gate is a marble statue of the Greek goddess Hera, which used to stand in a mansion, but was thrown into the open by a gust of dust and mud when the volcano erupted.


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