• 这个俱乐部发展迅速成员人数达到180名,参加项目孩子们赢得几个冠军,在这之后,决定自己所有时间用来培养发展俱乐部。

    The club grew quickly and when it reached 180 members and the kids in the program won several state championships, she decided to devote all her time to cultivating and developing it.


  • 只能借赢得赛跑达到目标解决问题满足感经验接近了解女人分享与建立关系的经验。

    He can come close to understanding a woman's experience of sharing and relating by comparing it to the satisfaction he feels when he wins a race, achieves a goal, or solves a problem.


  • 或者工作表现达到某个标准,比如说赚到多少美元赢得多少百分比客户满意度

    Or perhaps you'll need to reach a certain benchmarkin your performance, for example a dollar value in revenue or a percentage of satisfied customers.


  • 肯尼亚选手成功非洲团队赢得5金牌,奖牌总数达到14枚。

    Kenya was one of the most successful African teams, winning five gold MEDALS and 14 MEDALS in all.


  • 任何一个游戏中,玩家累计达到100分时,赢得这个游戏,但游戏将继续直到所有三个游戏结果确定当然接下来的分数计入剩下的游戏中。

    When a player reaches 100 points in any game, he wins that game, but play continues until all three games have been decided, and subsequent scores are entered only in the remaining game or games.


  • 或者工作表现达到某个标准比如说到多少美元赢得多少百分比客户满意度

    Or perhaps you'll need to reach a certain benchmark in your performance, for example a dollar value in revenue or a percentage of satisfied customers.


  • 其他人达到终点才游完,勇气毅力赢得观众和其他运动员掌声

    He reached the finish line long after others had, but his perseverance and courage won the applause of the audience and other competitors.


  • 美国短道速滑选手阿波罗.大野在温哥华冬奥会上摘取了奖牌,使他职业生涯赢得奥运奖牌总数达到枚,巩固了他享有的美国获奖牌最多的冬奥运选手的地位。

    Short track speed skater Apolo Anton Ohno became the most decorated U.S. Winter Olympian, winning three medals for a career total of eight.


  • 荷兰冠军温特提振达到德国不来梅俱乐部2-0赢得第二希望五点移动

    Dutch champions Twente boosted their hopes of reaching the second round with a 2-0 win at German club Werder Bremen, moving onto five points.


  • 努力拼搏赢得了33 - 8记录平均击球率达到28.4%。

    She played hard with a winning record of 33-8 and a batting average of.284.


  • 我们赢得合同却是经过了多次不屈不挠谈判才达到的。

    We won the contract, but only through a lot of tough negotiating.


  • 我们赢得合同但是经过了多次不屈不挠谈判才达到目的。

    We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating.


  • 当然拥有一个非常好的工作但是达到必须努力地工作并且赢得许多胜利

    Of course you have a great job but to get it you have to work hard and achieve a lot of good results.


  • 用尽所有方法成功达到目标,他从不在乎他是否诚实,他只在乎赢得场比赛

    He used every trick in the book to reach his goal. He does not care about whether he is honest. What he really CARES is to win in every game.


  • 我们达到我们预定的目标赢得联赛,并且首先应当冠军杯做到晋级淘汰赛

    We want to achieve our targets which are to win the Premier League and, for a start, to be in the next stage of the Champions League.


  • 赢得徽章,可参加狼23项选修课直到达到第二级(达到9)。

    After he has earned the Wolf badge, a Wolf Cub Scout can work on the 23 Wolf electives until he finishes second grade (or turns 9 years old).


  • 他们比赛很好的体现,只要我们继续保持两个品质,我们就有机会赢得下一场比赛,正是希望达到的。

    They show that in every game and as long as we maintain these two qualities we have the chance to win the next game, which is what you want to achieve.


  • 奥巴马选择运用极富感染力词汇,多次重复使听众情绪受到感染,达到赢得听众支持效果。

    Obama USES the impressive words. The continuously repetition of the words impacts the audience's emotions greatly, which wins the support of the audience.


  • 队里每个人都赢得比赛,每个人都希望更好,每个人都希望赛季达到自己的目标——赢得总冠军”,阿里扎说道

    "Everybody on our team wants to win. Everybody wants to get better and everybody wants to reach our goal at the end of the end of the season which is to win the championship" Ariza said.


  • 如果总是不停地往前冲,我们不仅赢得丝毫,也会因为力量耗尽无法达到终点

    If we spring all the time, we not only fail to win the race, but never last long enough to reach the finish line.


  • 了解我们当中的许多人,目前还赢得父母的欢心努力,想要达到他们为我们下的目标

    I know some of us may still be trying to please our parents and gain their love by pursuing goals that they may have set for us.


  • 觉得轮胎可能达到极限最好使用轮胎赢得比赛。

    I think the tyres will be a bit on the limit, so I think whoever can use the tyres in the best way probably will make a bigger difference.


  • 胜利帮助保住了奖金排名第38位,赢得澳大利亚名人赛让他达到了这一年的顶峰。

    His win helped him to finish 38th on the money list, and he topped off his year by winning the Australian Masters.


  • 广泛领域中似乎需要至少10年刻苦实践训练达到世界级成就比如国际象棋锦标赛中赢得冠军。

    Across a wide range of fields, it seems to require at least a decade of dedicated practice and training to produce world-class performance, like winning an international chess tournament.


  • 勒布朗美国队赢得金牌重要原因也是一个明星在团队合作达到事业颠峰

    LeBron James was a key reason why team USA won the gold and that it is the pinnacle of team achievement for the superstar.


  • 优等品达到50%以上,目前产品大量出口韩国日本美国欧洲赢得了广泛的好评

    Our products, which own 50% a rate, are presently exported to Korean, Japan, American and European, earning board commendation.


  • 确立正确态度、磨练坚定的意志、完善心智模式、培育健康的情绪情感,是领导干部充善个性达到自我实现,并优秀的人格魅力赢得下属拥戴而实现有效领导、获得成功的重要途径

    Its an important way to achieve self-realization and with personal charm to achieve the effective leadership that establishing a correct attitude, strengthening the will to i.


  • 球员们用自己表现赢得了大家的掌声,队内的氛围情绪达到一个至高点,作为教练,对此感到由衷的高兴

    The players have done really well on the pitch and the atmosphere around the club and mood has been really good. I'm really happy.


  • 球员们用自己表现赢得了大家的掌声,队内的氛围情绪达到一个至高点,作为教练,对此感到由衷的高兴

    The players have done really well on the pitch and the atmosphere around the club and mood has been really good. I'm really happy.


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