• 可能几个月薄公堂,人们根本清楚法庭获胜也不清楚哪一方会赢得公众舆论立法支持

    There will probably be months of legal confrontation, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor.


  • 《一站到底》节目中获胜之后你会赢得什么奖品?

    What prize will you win after winning the competition in the program Stay to the End?


  • 如果美国人赢得未来”,那么必须子女教育这场竞赛中获胜

    If Americans want to "win the future," he said, then they also have to win the race to educate their children.


  • 对于一些来讲,公平就是所有人建立相同规则,据此行事,优秀的获胜并且赢得全部

    To one lot of people, fairness means establishing the same rules for everybody, playing by them, and letting the best man win and the winner take all.


  • 获胜候选人必须赢得538张票数中的至少270张。

    The winning candidate must win at least 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538.


  • 1992年赢得更多选举人他们竞选中我出过力的七个参议员候选人中有四人获胜汤姆·哈金、蒂姆·约翰逊、约翰·克里路易斯安那州的玛丽·兰德里欧。

    I had won more electoral votes than in 1992, and four of the seven Senate candidates I had campaigned for won: Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, and, in Louisiana, Mary Landrieu.


  • 很明显相信只要,就如布莱尔1997,2001,2005选举获胜时那样,他赢得大选。

    But he apparently believes that a general election can now be won on a platform a few notches to the left of where Mr Blair triumphed in 1997, 2001 and 2005.


  • 艾迪塔罗德赛获胜赢得5万美元的奖金全新的卡车。

    The Iditarod winner will collect a prize of $50, 000 and a new pickup truck.


  • 但是共识公平游戏精神最终获胜我们所有人包括制药业赢得公平交易

    But a spirit of consensus and fair play eventually won, and we got a square deal for everyone, including the pharmaceutical industry.


  • 一个非常好的事情补充说毕竟保守党党花了十多年测试毁灭可以赢得更多核心投票从而获胜想法

    That is a very good thing, he adds: after all, the Tory party spent more than a decade testing to destruction the idea that it could win by rallying its core vote.


  • 在该结果中,获胜使用了粗体以便查看支队赢得场比赛

    This result even USES bold font for the winning teams to make it easy to see which team won which event.


  • 上周专程飞越大西洋丹麦游说国际奥委会,芝加哥一臂之力,赢得2016年奥运会主办权,似乎本该令这个城市成为获胜热门的,结果却事与愿违,芝加哥倒数第一的成绩败北

    It seemed to take a big hit exactly a week ago when he jetted across the Atlantic to lobby for Chicago to get the 2016 Olympics — and was rejected with a last-place finish.


  • 但是纽约州参议员希拉里·克林顿加利福尼亚德克·人口众多的大获胜,她赢得更多选民的投票。

    But New York Senator Hillary Clinton has won more votes overall - with primary victories in such populous states as California and Texas.


  • 开支问题上出现的对抗说明这样一个事实:去年共和党主要通过承诺保护“老年医保”计划而赢得去年的中期选举,获胜却立即投票肢解这项计划

    And a confrontation over spending would only highlight the fact that Republicans won big last year largely by promising to protect Medicare, then promptly voted to dismantle the program.


  • 爱奥华州赢得支持某位侯选人实际党内代表重要侯选人未来竞选势头的展望,就是说,如果一位侯选人彻底赢得爱奥华州预选,或是接近在这里获胜,那么他就获得一种取胜的势头。

    What is more important than the actual delegates won here is the perception of momentum a candidate may attain by either winning outright or coming close to winning.


  • 他们中的许多人都有野马才能,如果获胜就能赢得几千美元奖金

    Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.


  • 这里竞争厉害有很多可能赢得比赛有时前一场比赛获胜甚至通不过下一场比赛的排位赛。

    The competition is very big, many cars can win a race, sometimes the car that wins the previous race does not qualify for the next one.


  • 快乐使赢得比赛获胜反过来也增强了追求至爱事业的信心:写作

    That happiness helped him win, and winning ended up giving him the confidence he needed to pursue a career he loved: writing.


  • 认为阿森纳尔队会赢得这个季度奖杯选择比队获胜

    I don't think Arsenal will win the cup this season, for my money Derby has the best chance.


  • 胜队队长获胜赢得全部荣誉

    The captain of the winning team got all the glory for the victory.


  • 多年之前关于字比赛的文章,年轻人最终获胜赢得了拼字比赛。

    Some years ago I read about a spelling bee, and there was a young man who was declared the winner of the spelling bee.


  • 多年之前关于字比赛的文章,年轻人最终获胜赢得了拼字比赛。

    Some years ago I read about a spelling bee, and there was a young man who was declared the winner of the spelling bee.


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