• 上述事项外,其他所有一切重大事宜决定由董事会简单多数董事赞成通过

    Save as disclosed above, all other material matters shall be approved by simple majority voting of the board.


  • 超过75%格陵兰赞成通过逐步控制地区安全司法警务事务而获得脱离丹麦权力

    Over 75% of Greenlanders voted to give themselves the right to loosen ties with Denmark by slowly taking control of such areas as security, justice and police affairs.


  • 斯本采用的两种方式极为大胆:一方面决定速度挥砍赤字,另一方面赞成通过支出削减以达成目的。

    Mr Osborne was surprisingly bold in two ways. He decided to clip the deficit at a brisk pace. And he plumped for doing it mainly through spending cuts.


  • 一般来说,这样项目都是立法机关之间相互投赞成票所通过议案结果

    Often, such projects are the result of legislative log-rolling.


  • 这项决议非常大多数票赞成而获得通过

    The resolution was carried by a huge majority.


  • 多布森责备激进派法官通过赞成同性婚姻裁决破坏家庭

    Dobson blames activist judges for undermining families with favourable gay-marriage rulings.


  • 初期结果显示人们意见相左大部分提案都是低票通过项关键政策赞成不足

    The early results suggested a split decision, with most of the proposals narrowly passing but two key measures falling short.


  • 参议院100席位只有53赞成不足到达60%多数通过程序门槛

    Only 53 of 100 senators voted in favour, not enough to clear a 60-vote procedural threshold.


  • 他们赞成提高透明度例如,可以通过更好地利用卫生信息技术来到达这个目的。

    They endorse greater transparency, for example through better use of health-information technologies.


  • 周三芬兰通过赞成救援扩充虽然芬兰曾威胁希腊救援计划抽身

    On Wednesday, Finland voted in favour of expanding the fund's powers despite earlier threats to pull out of a rescue plan for Greece.


  • Shirakawa赞成Kan的做法,Kan一直致力于通过促进自由贸易提高生产率

    Mr Shirakawa supports Mr Kan’s efforts to raise productivity by promoting free trade.


  • 全体代表赞成这项建议,因此该议案全体一致通过

    All the representatives seconded the proposal, and it was carried unanimously.


  • 萨科奇来说。真正麻烦即使选民投票通过利比亚行动,也代表他们赞成个人。

    The real trouble for Mr Sarkozy is that, even if voters approve of the Libyan operation, they do not yet approve of him.


  • 关于利比亚局势中国一贯不赞成国际关系使用武力主张通过对话谈判等和平方式解决有关争端分歧

    Regarding the situation in Libya, China disapproves the use of force in international relations and stands for handling disputes and disagreements peacefully through dialogue and negotiations.


  • 约翰C .卡尔参议员法案通过南方而言一次糟糕失败糟糕的,这一失败却是南方参议员赞成而引起的。

    Senator John C. Calhoun said it was a bad defeat for the south. But what was worse was the fact that it was caused by the votes of two southern senators.


  • 对比之下,三年前这时候通过同样方式得到的数据42%投票赞成,53%反对

    By contrast, at this time two years ago, the Numbers were 42 percent in favor and 53 percent opposed, according to the same technique.


  • 不论哪种方法——是国会通过一揽子计划还是触发自动削减都会出现第二次债务上限上调,国会赞成

    Either way — with the package passed by congress or the trigger of automatic cuts — a second increase in the debt ceiling would occur, but with an accompanying congressional vote of disapproval.


  • 修正案要求两院都三分之二多数赞成才能通过然后是38个认可——这过程可能持续

    S. Constitution. Such an amendment would require two-thirds majorities in both chambers to pass, followed by ratification by 38 states -- a process likely to take years.


  • 与会领导人赞成重新开启全球贸易谈判承诺未来12个月内不会通过设置贸易壁垒保护本国产业

    The leaders embraced a renewed effort to unblock global trade talks and promised they will refrain from using commercial barriers to protect their own industries for the next 12 months.


  • 上个月美国众议院两党绝大部分赞成的情况下通过一项法案允许美国企业汇率过低国家寻求关税保护

    Last month the House of Representatives passed a law allowing firms to seek tariff protection against countries with undervalued currencies, with a huge bipartisan majority.


  • 此次投票244票赞成,188票反对轻松通过但是没有共和党人投了赞成

    The bill passed comfortably by 244 votes to 188. But not a single Republican supported it.


  • 完全赞成但是英语那么。我通过那些考试吗?

    I totally agree with you. But my English is not that good. How can I pass these exams?


  • 赞成现代技术声称书本时代已经过去了,信息传递通过录象机电脑电视电影等

    Who agree with modern technology claim that the term of book have past, and we should transmit information through video, computer, TV and movie.


  • 此类决策需要85%赞成方可获通过——独揽imf17 %投票权美国从未投过赞成票。

    Such decisions require 85% support-and America, with nearly 17% of the votes in the IMF, never approved it.


  • 有些赞成因为这样机会通过考试,有些人则因为某些原因反对观点

    Some approve to have such opportunity to past this exam, while others hold the opposite opinion for some reasons.


  • 1月28日刺激法案众议院通过,但共和党人没有赞成票。

    On January 28th the stimulus bill passed in the House of Representatives without a single Republican vote.


  • 1月28日刺激法案众议院通过,但共和党人没有赞成票。

    On January 28th the stimulus bill passed in the House of Representatives without a single Republican vote.


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