• 最高层的被动吸烟探秘每个

    The Secret to being at the top of Every Bass tournament?


  • 移动业务上,我们收购了贝斯公司。

    In mobile we bought Sybase.


  • 一个赛贝斯公司开发软件仓库管理系统,管理仓库方便实用

    This is a company with Sybase to develop software to do warehouse management system, convenient and practical.


  • 贝斯市场人员制作了一张电子表格,罗列了他们认为最强引荐40个人员。

    The Sybase marketers created a spreadsheet of the 40 existing accounts they believed could provide them with the most powerful references.


  • 提出反对观点是柏拉图赛贝斯提出但是苏格拉底从没回应这个反对观点。

    Raise the objection, that's Plato raises the objection in the voice of Cebes but Socrates, on Plato's behalf, never answers the objection.


  • 赛贝斯提出了他的担心,他即使我们同意灵魂几乎不可摧毁不足以我们不朽

    The worry gets raised by Cebes who says even if we grant the soul is nearly indestructible, that's not good enough to get us immortality.


  • 贝斯提出反对观点,个人来看奇异处在于苏格拉底从未对此作出回应。

    That's the objection that Cebes raises and one of the oddities is that as far as I can see, Socrates never responds to that objection.


  • 贝斯使用的方式相比客户想法更具挑战性:超越了一个公司一般性意见,提供了全新视角

    The approach Sybase employed is more challenging to the customer's thinking: Instead of aligning with a company's prevailing outlook, it provides a new Angle on the situation.


  • 贝斯培训会上高管们充当金融服务首席信息首席风险官的角色,从而方便销售团队操练技巧

    At Sybase's training sessions, senior executives played the roles of financial services chief information officers and chief risk officers so that sales teams could practice their new techniques.


  • 赛贝斯之后金融服务销售团队进行了培训,培训内容是传统产品导向及解决方案销售法煽动式销售法的区别

    Sybase then trained its financial services sales team on the difference between traditional product or solution selling and provocation-based selling.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁·、詹姆·卡维尔保罗加拉乔治迪法诺普洛、还有希拉里曼彻天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 汤姆·汉克、摩根·弗里曼戴米恩·路易缪尔·杰克逊、汤姆·克鲁里维还有汤姆伦杰名单的前头。

    Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Damien Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Cruise, Ron Livingston, and Tom Berenger are at the top of my list.


  • 菲茨杰拉德先生华盛顿地区已经损失了家克莱,现在关心手中某些店面多样进口特许权比如马里兰州达的菲茨杰拉德汽车大卖场

    After losing five Chrysler stores in the Washington area, he will focus on the multiple import franchises he handles at places like the Fitzgerald Auto Mall in North Bethesda, Maryland.


  • 美国卫生公共服务部部长凯瑟琳赛贝(Kathleen Sebelius)国会能源商务委员会(Energy and Commerce Committee)举行听证会宣布了甲流疫苗消息。

    The approval was announced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at a hearing that was held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.


  • 亚于2006年8月至2010年8月富国银行俄勒冈州分行工作。

    Saia worked at the Wells Fargo branch located in Coos Bay, Oregon from August 2006—August 2010.


  • 利用跨平台传播优势本次活动覆盖超过40家博客网站,这已包括了有主流中文博客网站。

    Making full use of cross-platform advantages of sinobase, this event covers more than 40 blog websites, including.


  • 谈到对尤文图的友谊:“表现的不好,但是我会科尼上恢复最佳状态,无论如何我继续努力

    If I can rejoin the group before the Luigi Berlusconi trophy I will have some chances to play, otherwise I will continue working.


  • 格瑞诺博士美国国家过敏性传染病学会研究领导者马里兰州:“我们这些结果兴奋。

    Dr. Gary Nabel, the study leader from the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, said:"We are excited by these results. ""


  • 克拉迪奥。拉涅利关于科尼杯想法,这场杯明天米兰开打。尤文图开始最后一场重要热身

    This is the thought of Claudio Ranieri, with regards to the Trofeo Berlusconi, which will be played tomorrow in Milan, the last important friendly match for Juventus before the start of the league.


  • 但是如果不到更多赞助的话,下个全德汽车俱乐部杯德国拉力成为季的最后一亮相

    However, unless more support can be found, next month's ADAC Rallye Deutschland could be Ostberg's last appearance of the season.


  • 演员休·杰克曼,凯特·理查·劳伯格舒勒·评论

    Commentary by actors Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh and Shuler Hensley.


  • 托雷教练现在回到利物浦准备周五和拉齐奥友谊——他们享受这次短暂的挪威之旅。

    Torres and co now head back to Merseyside ahead of their final pre-season friendly against Lazio on Friday – and Benitez claims they will do so carrying fond memories of their Scandinavian jaunt.


  • 格瑞·诺博士美国国家过敏性传染病学会研究领导者马里兰州:“我们这些结果兴奋。”

    Dr Gary Nabel, the study leader from the us National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, said: "We are excited by these results."


  • 课程讨论了一些经济学现象概念,例如均衡理性选择收益最大化、信念理论不确定条件行为等。

    Economic concepts such as equilibrium, rational choice, utility maximization, Bayesian beliefs, game theory, and behavior under uncertainty are discussed in light of these phenomena.


  • 比鲁这里拍摄的,在1932年世界系列16年后小熊棒球麦加这个动议

    Babe Ruth called his shot here during the 1932 World Series, 16 years after the Cubs moved into this baseball Mecca.


  • 比鲁这里拍摄的,在1932年世界系列16年后小熊棒球麦加这个动议

    Babe Ruth called his shot here during the 1932 World Series, 16 years after the Cubs moved into this baseball Mecca.


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