• 美国国务卿不到一个的时间内访问中东星期天会见了以色列巴勒斯坦约旦领导人

    U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held talks Sunday with Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian leaders during her second trip the Middle East in less than a month.


  • 项的双边接触十月俄罗斯在阿塔瑞坎邦的海特举行军演

    The second bilateral engagement will be with Russia during October to be held near Ranikhet, Uttarakhand.


  • 先生欧宝第三季度需要大量款项在年底前不影响现金流

    Mr Reilly says that Opel will require the bulk of the money in the second and third quarters, but should be cash neutral by the end of the year.


  • 科学人士那场灾难性地震(有 400此次地震中丧生失踪市中心废墟一片)斯特彻奇如此,震源如此之,造成重大损失在所难免。

    Tuesday's cataclysmic tremor, which left nearly 400 people dead or missing and the city center in ruins, was so close to the city of 390,000 and so shallow that major damage was inevitable, they said.


  • 900多位受过灾难救援恢复训练的工作人员,地震之后几个国家,急速赶往斯特彻奇并且一直小心翼翼地搜寻着废墟

    More than 900 workers trained in disaster rescue and recovery rushed to Christchurch from several countries after the Feb. 22 quake, and have been gingerly picking through the wreckage.


  • 当地时间9月4凌晨新西兰城市斯特彻奇发生里氏7.1级地震,这个国家终日惶恐的恶梦应验了

    WHEN an earthquake of 7.1 magnitude struck Christchurch, New Zealand's second-largest city, in the early hours of September 4th, a long-held national nightmare came true.


  • 直到人们才上空辨认出了这个怪圈——它刚好出现农夫·瑞德地里

    Only on the following day the circle was spotted from the air-in the field of farmer Bryan Read.


  • 徳的住处完全一个度假我们通常那里渡过圣诞节以及月的两个星期

    The Telluride place is definitely a vacation home that we usually use for two weeks at Christmas and two weeks in February.


  • 作为助理国务卿,在2005年至六月期间,立克康铎里萨-主要助手

    As deputy secretary of state, Mr Zoellick was chief aide to Condoleezza Rice between February 2005 and June last year.


  • 线顿的星期回程回票。

    A two - week return to Brighton, second class, please.


  • 第41分钟,卡德·莱克传中,卡斯特罗首次射门被乌尔·希扑但是斯图加特无法扑住卡斯特罗的第次射门。

    With 41 minutes gone, Michal Kadlec crossed to Castro in the middle but Ulreich kept out his first effort.


  • 美国国务卿星期联合国安理会上表示,以色列同意星期三开始,在加沙开通条人道走廊

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told the U. N. Security Council Tuesday that Israel has agreed to open a humanitarian corridor into Gaza starting Wednesday.


  • 第一批冠方结果预期最早要督撑能出

    The first result is not expected until Tuesday at the earliest.


  • 中东访问

    Rice was expected to visit the Mideast on Tuesday.


  • 新西兰救援人员他们斯特彻奇市继续寻找地震生还者。该市在曾发生强烈地震。

    New Zealand rescuers say they are continuing to search for survivors in the aftermath of Tuesday's powerful earthquake in Christchurch.


  • 伊里·德,电影同类储蓄伤害锁柜世代告诉战争故事盛行很广的格式那时间

    From cave paintings, to the Iliad, to films like Saving Private Ryan and the Hurt Locker, every generation tells its battle stories in the prevailing format of the time.


  • 这些山坡却是滑翔爱好者胜地,他们就在空中发现布莱思•农场里的麦田怪圈

    But these slopes are popular with para-gliders, and the following day they spotted the circle from the air- in the field of farmer Bryan Read.


  • 强大的地震星期袭击斯特彻奇倒塌高层建筑物教堂压倒公共汽车并且最少65死亡

    The powerful earthquake struck Christchurch on Tuesday, toppling tall buildings and churches, crushing buses and killing at least 65 people.


  • 美国国务卿谴责星期贝鲁特发生攻击美国大使馆汽车爆炸事件,说一起恐怖行动

    U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice condemned the bomb blast that struck a U. S. embassy vehicle Tuesday in Beirut as an act of terrorism.


  • 本周离开英国前往布鲁塞尔参加北约外长会议。之后,她前往印度首都新德里会见印度官员上周,印度孟买市发生了连环爆炸恐怖袭击事件

    Rice moves on to Brussels Tuesday for a meeting of NATO foreign ministers and is then set to fly to New Delhi for meetings with Indian officials after last weeks attacks in Mumbai.


  • 个月来到博士办公室开始进行排毒疗程,时候开始,我减少了15(约7公斤),我觉得太好了。

    I came to Dr Lai's office two months ago and started a detox program, since then I have lost 15 LBS and I feel great.


  • 新西兰城市斯特彻奇遭遇了80年来该国最严重地震袭击,面临巨大的清理工作。

    New Zealand's second-biggest city, Christchurch, is facing an enormous clean-up after being struck by the country's worst earthquake in 80 years.


  • 菲尔·马什的射门对于曼联线队来说已经足够了他们又一次布莱恩·麦克莱尔吉姆-恩管理

    A solitary Phil Marsh strike was enough for the Reds second string, who were again under the charge of Brian McClair and Jim Ryan.


  • 上路,三人行变成了人行,一个厚颜无耻好吃懒做、偷耍滑、老头

    Second sky road, 3 people went to convert 4 people to work, many a thick Yan is shameless, inactive, embezzle crafty play slippery, the peel depend on Bei lazy dead old man.


  • 上路,三人行变成了人行,一个厚颜无耻好吃懒做、偷耍滑、老头

    Second sky road, 3 people went to convert 4 people to work, many a thick Yan is shameless, inactive, embezzle crafty play slippery, the peel depend on Bei lazy dead old man.


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