• 本文项目出发深入阐述全国矿产资源潜力评价数据模型管理系统设计开发全过程

    Paper based on the national mineral resources potential evaluation project in-depth describes the design, development process of management system.


  • 因此,在GIS平台上应用其强大空间分析功能进行矿产资源潜力评价使用高新技术的标志

    So it is a sign of utilizing high-technique that applies GIS spatial analysis carries through potentiality assessment of mineral resources.


  • 这些模型的开发较好的完成研究区矿床定位预测资源潜力评估生产部门提出评价成果工作建议

    The models fulfill an ore deposit location assessment and gold ore resources assessment successfully, and bring forward an assessment outcome and work Suggestions for production departments.


  • 气源气态产率评价气源岩生气潜力重要指标,也是盆地资源评价中的重要参数

    Gaseous hydrocarbon generation of gas source rock is a key index in evaluating gas source rock. It is also an important parameter of basin resource assessment.


  • 准噶尔盆地第三次资源评价认为,盆地侏罗系油气资源潜力,侏罗系分布广泛,探明程度

    The third resources assessment on Junggar basin revealed its great petroleum resource prospects of the Jurassic system for its broad distribution and low degrees of proved reserves.


  • 介绍了近年来华东地区资源调查评价成果表明地区仍具有较大潜力

    The new results of mineral resources investigation are introduced in this paper showing more ore-finding potential in Southeast China.


  • 最后全面评价海洋生物资源开发潜力

    Finally it evaluates the developing potentiality of Marine biological resources.


  • 土地生产潜力土地资源评价重要内容之一。

    Land potential productivity is an important content on the assessment of land resources.


  • 新增可供水量区域资源开发利用潜力评价也是区域需水量增长可行性依据

    The new increased water supply is the estimate of exploitation utilization potential of area water resource, is also the feasibility base of the area water supply increase.


  • 应用基于证据权模型结合GIS空间分析技术评价昆仑野马泉地区金属矿产资源潜力

    Assessment on potentiality of the poly-metallic mineral resources in Yemaquan Area, Eastern Kunlun was performed, combining weights-of-evidence model with GIS spatial analysis technology.


  • 渤海湾盆地目前具有巨大剩余资源潜力然而勘探难度越来越大,因此要求进行新一轮评价勘探。

    There are still large quantity of remaining resources in Bohai Bay Basin, however, the exploration difficulty is ever increasing; so a new round appraisal and exploration must be carried out.


  • 开展李家铅锌矿远景找矿进一步评价厂坝—李家沟铅锌矿资源危机程度资源潜力提供依据

    The developing of perspective prospecting of Changba - Lijiagou lead-zinc mine provides the basis for further appraising mine resources crisis degree and the resources potential.


  • 另外数字地质勘查区的资源潜力地质统计学方法作出定量评价给出成矿概率,对勘查设计方案作出优化选择。

    In addition, it can make quantitative appraisal on the resource potentiality of the target area by geological statistics method, provide the probability of mineralizing, and cho...


  • 另外数字地质勘查区的资源潜力地质统计学方法作出定量评价,并给出成矿概率勘查设计方案作出优化选择。

    In addition, it can make quantitative appraisal on the resource potentiality of the target area by geological statistics method, provide the probability of min...


  • 综合评价显示该区煤层气储层质量好,资源潜力开发难度较大,尚适宜开采技术

    The comprehensive evaluation shows that the CBM reservoir has a good quality and great potential; however, its development is relatively difficult. Therefore, suitable mining technology is needed.


  • 矿产资源经济学新兴学科。本文系统介绍了矿产资源经济学基本原理研究内容研究对象,以及矿产资源经济潜力评价主要方法

    The mineral resources economy is a new subject . In this paper, the basic principle, research content, and major method of appraising resources economy potential are systematically introduced.


  • 宁德市旅游资源开发潜力评价过程和结果来看,本文提出评价体系科学、方便、可行评价体系。

    In short, the evaluation system by the author proves to be scientific and feasible in the case study of the evaluation of Ningde City tourism resource development.


  • 地下水潜力评价资源评价重要内容之一

    Evaluation of the groundwater potential is one of the important content for evaluation of the groundwater resources.


  • 结果表明资源环境系统潜力占据主要部分.评价指标体系能综合反映研究区耕地整理所要解决的主要问题,符合整理区实际需求

    The results indicate that the index system and evaluation method reflect the main problems in land consolidation project, conforming to the practical demand.


  • 辽宁省盘锦市辖区辽河平原储藏丰富第四纪卤水资源开采潜力巨大必要对进行特征分析和资源评价

    The Lower Liaohe River Plain, in Panjin city Liaoning province, has plenty of Quaternary brine resources, with the huge exploitation potential.


  • 中小学财政支出绩效评价指标包括学校财力资源投入方向、学校财力资源利用效率、学校财力资源产出结果学校发展潜力四个模块。

    The index system should include the financial investment areas, the efficiency of school financial investment, result of financial investment and school's potential for development.


  • 指出洪水资源利用评价应解决洪水资源计算、洪水资源利用水平分析、洪水资源利用量评价洪水资源利用潜力评估四个基本问题。

    Start with setting the concept of available water resources, this paper puts forward the calculation matheds for available surface water resources and total available water res.


  • 未发现矿产资源潜力资源定量估算一直资源评价重要工作,关于资源估算的方法不断的探索中。

    Quantitative estimation of unknown mineral resource is an important step of resource assessment. Geologists have been keeping on searching for proper methods of reserve estimate.


  • 未发现矿产资源潜力资源定量估算一直资源评价重要工作,关于资源估算的方法不断的探索中。

    Quantitative estimation of unknown mineral resource is an important step of resource assessment. Geologists have been keeping on searching for proper methods of reserve estimate.


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