• 扩展属性某些方面类似MacOS系统中的资源分支”。

    In a way, extended attributes resemble the "resource fork" that exists on MacOS systems.


  • 动态注册事务分支包括那些向事务管理注册资源管理器。

    In dynamic registration, only those resource managers which register with the transaction manager get involved in the transaction branch.


  • XAER_RMERR:这个错误表示事务分支中,某个资源管理器出错了。

    XAER_RMERR: This error indicates that a resource manager error occurred in the transaction branch.


  • 静态注册事务管理包括向其注册所有资源管器即使资源管理器在事务分支中没有扮演角色也是如此

    In static registration, the transaction manager involves all the resource managers that are registered with it, even if a resource manager does not have a role to play in a transaction branch.


  • 因此同样编码人员可以2.0版本中需要相同技能的相似的任务工作而不是每个分支中的同样功能的重复资源中。

    So, instead of duplicating resources with that same talent on each branch, that same coder can work on similar tasks that require that same skill on Version 2.


  • 应用程序调用事务管理启动全局事务时,事务管理器可以使用xa _接口通知事务分支资源管理器。

    When an application program calls a transaction manager to start a global transaction, the transaction manager can use the xa_ interface to inform resource managers of the transaction branch.


  • 中心存储可以创建分支允许多个开发人员协作于针对位于存储库(必须在mainlinetip之外)资源变更

    Branches can also be created at the central repository, allowing multiple developers to collaborate on a set of changes to the source at the repository, but outside of the mainline (or tip).


  • 通常资源管理器执行XAResource,它用于支持资源管理事务分支对外协调

    Typically, an XAResource is implemented by a resource manager and is used to support the external coordination of the resource manager's transaction branch.


  • 另一个选项通过选定CVS资源分支导入代码创建新的工作台项目

    Another option is to create a new workbench project by importing code from the selected branch of the CVS repository.


  • 资源可以分支多条这些名称加以区别。

    A repository can branch into multiple streams, which are distinguished by name.


  • 团队成员将资源提交分支影响这些相关性

    As resources are committed to the branch, these dependencies can be affected.


  • 例如CVS资源库中条流可以对应干线HEAD可以对应为分支

    In a CVS repository, for example, a stream maps to the main trunk HEAD or to a branch.


  • 上月渣打银行(虽然总部设于英国但是在亚洲很多分支机构)出炉了营业警告日趋激烈人力资源竞争”造成的成本压力

    Last month, Standard chartered-based in Britain but with a large footprint in asia-issued a trading statement that warned of cost pressures related to "increasing competition for staff".


  • 人力资源会计会计学科中的分支主要是鉴别计量人力资源数据一种会计程序方法

    Human resource accounting is a new branch of disciplines, mainly including procedures and methods of identifying and measuring human resources data.


  • 一个称为HEAD特殊分支用来表示资源中的主要工作流程(HEAD通常被称为主干)。

    A special branch, referred to as head, represents the main course of work in the repository (a head is often referred to as the trunk).


  • 取决于使用版本管理系统不同而不同是否资源文件存放在不同分支(比如,经常获取[fetch]的分支)影响复制出的资源(而不是资源库)。

    Depending on the version system used, whether you store large assets in different branches (i.e. ones that you don't fetch regularly) can affect the size of the cloned repository (but not the source).


  • 这样代办处应该社区设有分支以便发生紧急情况时,所有潜在资源可以联系起来

    Such an agency should have ramifications down to the community level, so that, in an emergency, all potential sources of blood could be tapped.


  • 人力资源开发决策属于人力资源会计一个分支——人力资源管理会计的范畴

    The development decision for human resource belongs to a branch of accounting for human resources-a category of managerial accounting for human resource.


  • 人力资源会计会计学新兴重要分支学科,是一种针对人力资源价值管理方法。

    Human resources (HR) accounting is a new important branch of accounting, which is aimed at the management of human resources value.


  • 人力资源会计会计学科崭新分支,是鉴别计量人力资源数据的一会计程序方法

    The accountancy of the human resource is a brand-new branch of accountancy's course, is a kind of accountancy's procedure and methods that discriminates and calculates the human resource data.


  • 区域矿产资源经济综合评价矿产普查勘探学科地质经济学科十分重要分支

    The economic synthesis evaluation of regional mineral resources is a new inportant subject of the mineral deposits prospecting and exploration and the geological economy.


  • 人力资源会计知识经济条件下产生一个新的会计分支假设原则是人力资源会计理论实践基石

    The accountant of human resource is a new branch that knowledge economic condition produced. Its assumption and principle is the base of the theory and practice of human resource accounting.


  • 但是资源,一个文件或是一个文件夹资源树中对应于很复杂版本,这些版本图基于每个资源所创建分支。(这么看起来,VOB一个虚拟。)

    But each resource - a file or folder - in this source tree can have complicated version graphs, based on the branches created for each resource. (so in this sense a VOB is like a virtual repository).


  • 人力资源研究对象人力资源会计会计学领域一个崭新分支愈来愈重要

    Human resource accounting, taking the human resource as its researching aim, is a new branch in the field of accounting study, and is getting more and more important.


  • 对于任何全球性汽车制造商来说,无人驾驶汽车并不是核心业务只是一个分支项目这些汽车制造商资源探索新项目。

    Autonomy isn't the core business of any global car makers, so they have the luxury of exploring it as a side project.


  • 人力资源会计会计学一个新兴重要分支学科市场经…

    Human resources accounting is a new important branch of accounting. It is the result of market economics. First in this article the author arguea …


  • 分支机构强大的网络资源下,我们能够拉近客户之间的关系锁定客户的需求确保顺利完成订单。

    With our International Network of Affiliates we are able to build relationships "in Country", locating what our clients want, and securing that everything runs smoothly.


  • 分支机构强大的网络资源下,我们能够拉近客户之间的关系锁定客户的需求确保顺利完成订单。

    With our International Network of Affiliates we are able to build relationships "in Country", locating what our clients want, and securing that everything runs smoothly.


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