• 目前危机中,决策者先进各种原因使用资本注入资产收购保持金融机构运作而不是去关闭他们

    In the current crisis, policymakers have advanced a variety of reasons for using capital injections and asset purchases to keep financial institutions going rather than shutting them down.


  • 为了鼓励(交易)这些平台转移保持私下交易的合同引致更加高昂资本利润成本

    To encourage migration to these platforms, contracts that remain privately traded will incur much higher capital and margin charges.


  • 流动性美国国债成为期间保持价值为数不多资产之一使所大学满足私募股权公司资本要求

    The highly liquid Treasurys were one of the few assets to hold their value over the period and also enabled the university to meet capital calls from private-equity firms.


  • 但是如果世界最大经济体停滞不前,而第二大经济体保持货币处于汇率封闭资本账户,那僵化货币体系必将走向腐朽

    But if the world's biggest economy stagnates and the second-biggest keeps its currency cheap and its capital account closed, a rigid monetary system will eventually buckle.


  • 它们需要保持一定数量资本需要中央银行里存储一定流动资产

    They will hold a certain amount of capital, they'll hold some of their liquid assets on deposit with the central bank.


  • 如果保持十年成功态势,那么它们可能就能拥有足够规模多余资本技术抓住时机危机顶峰购进陷入困境银行

    With another decade under their belt they might have had the size, excess capital and skills to seize the moment and buy big bombed-out banks at the peak of the crisis.


  • 作为帮助保持流动性增强经济实力并且银行重建资本途径这些补助还说得过去;毕竟,打算这些补助金流银行雇员的口袋里去。

    As a way to keep cash flowing to the wider economy and help Banks rebuild their capital, this subsidy made sense; nobody intended it to go to employees.


  • 起到累积资本效果就算最低比率保持不变。

    That will also have the effect of building up capital, even if the minimum ratio remains unchanged.


  • 通货膨胀方面很大担忧资产泡沫资本流入方面很大的担忧,这些因素保持经济增长也是很关键的。

    There's going to be major concerns about inflation - there is still a major concern about asset bubbles, capital inflows, and it's critical to sustain that economic growth.


  • 所以如果每月平均收入每月现金流量不能保持大致相同逐月检查流动资本

    So if monthly income and monthly cash flow aren't in the same ballpark, look at the changes in working capital month over month.


  • 资金不足加剧、资本成本不断上升威胁英国企业财务主管协会领导人成员提出的建议是“保持冷静坚持到底”。

    The head of Britain's Association of Corporate Treasurers advises his members to "keep calm and carry on" under the threat of scarcer and more costly finance.


  • 巴克莱银行核心一级资本依然保持10%,和上半年基本持平

    The lender’s Core Tier 1 ratio remained at 10 percent, unchanged from the first half, Barclays said.


  • 瑞士银行努力一级资本充足率保持10%以上安抚资金放在公司理财部门富有个人客户,让他们相信:他们财务状况非常好的机构打交道。

    UBS strives to keep its Tier 1 ratio above 10% to reassure the rich individuals who keep money in its wealth management division that they are doing business with a super-sound institution.


  • 尽管如此,巴克莱资本集团公司利润贡献率保持稳定,2006年达30%。

    But Barclays Capital has contributed solidly to the group's profits, accounting for 30% of the total in 2006.


  • 如果一国用保持本国货币估值偏低,就是一件坏事如果该国货币正处于升值过程中,资本控制或许能够上述目标上道保险

    If it does so to preserve an undervalued currency, that's bad, but if the currency is appreciating maybe capital controls can serve that safety valve purpose mentioned above.


  • 知情人还表示爱尔兰筹集资金,把各家银行核心一级资本保持在10.5%12之间

    Ireland will seek to raise the core tier 1 capital levels of its Banks to between 10.5 percent and 12 percent, the people said.


  • 保持资本一致透明自我约束

    Is consistent, transparent and disciplined capital.


  • 中国许多理由这种调整保持谨慎——毕竟金融危机可能北京取消资本管制感到舒适

    There are plenty of reasons for China to be cautious about such changes - after all, the financial crisis is unlikely to have made Beijing more comfortable about lifting its capital controls.


  • 只要仍然保持上述情形,发达世界蚱蜢可能仍然资本接收方,它们肯定继续浪费这些资本

    So long as this remains true, the grasshopper colonies of the developed world are likely to remain net recipients of capital, which they will surely continue to waste.


  • 它们保持资本充足率,吸收了大量储蓄

    They have also maintained adequate capital ratios and ample deposit funding.


  • 好在保持在6%这个临界点之上美国监管者就是这一临界点限定机构以及他们的资本化的。

    It remains comfortably above the 6% threshold that American regulators use to define institutions as well capitalised.


  • 再者债务期限结构匹配模型使得企业管理者债务的期限结构保持科学合理的状态从而实现资本结构的优化。

    Third, the matching model of debts maturity structure enables business managers to keep the structure at a reasonable level so as to optimize capital structure.


  • 保持人民币汇率合理均衡水平上基本稳定扩大汇率双向浮动区间推进人民币资本项目可兑换

    We will keep the renminbi exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate, balanced level, expand its floating range, and move toward renminbi convertibility under capital accounts.


  • 但是其他人认为保持这种利润原因全球化影响中国印度兴起改变有利于资本的力量平衡和不利于劳动力的力量平衡。

    But others argue that profits can be sustained because of the effects of globalisation: the emergence of China and India has shifted the balance of power in favour of capital and against Labour.


  • 但是2001年之前中国资本帐户各项保持进出平衡。

    Until 2001, however, China also had a balancing outflow in the rest of its capital account.


  • 如何替换某些句子其他单词同时保持正确资本有效吗?

    How can I replace certain words in a sentence with other words while maintaining the correct capitalization efficiently?


  • 1993年以来,我国国际收支个别年份外,都保持经常项目资本和金融项目“顺差”的格局。

    Since 1993, excepting the individual years, the international payment balance of our country has maintained "the double favorable balance" among current accounts and capital accounts.


  • 他们显示资本产量比率,发现就算税率变动,这一比率却能长期保持平稳令人惊异。

    They point to ratios of capital to output, which are surprisingly stable over time despite tax swings.


  • 他们显示资本产量比率,发现就算税率变动,这一比率却能长期保持平稳令人惊异。

    They point to ratios of capital to output, which are surprisingly stable over time despite tax swings.


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