• 其他大气污染防治有关情况资料

    Other information and data with respect to the prevention of air pollution.


  • 根据国际自然自然资源保护联盟资料显示,对这个物种最大威胁包括污染大坝建设湿地面积缩小。

    Major threats to the species' survival include water pollution, dam construction, and wetlands loss, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


  • 洛德,对这种资料进行分析,科学家得以更好地预测大气有害污染物质的分布

    Jarraud says an analysis of this data enables scientists to better forecast the distribution of potentially harmful pollutants in the atmosphere.


  • 许多资料表明我们呼吸空气受到污染

    There is much information to show that the air we breathe is polluted.


  • 实验数据有关资料表明,建筑给水系统中受到了不同程度污染,不合格水的外排,导致水量浪费

    According to experiment data and relevant material, water in the building water supply systems suffers contamination to different extent, so water wastes as a result of polluted water drainage.


  • 针对污染机率概念城市总体规划工作中应用可行性不同意见本文利用合肥市资料提出看法

    To counter some different viewpoints on the feasibility for appling air pollution probability in the urban master plan, using data of hefei, this paper shows my opinion.


  • 引用翔实资料分析概括了目前中国环境面临的主要问题水体污染水资源短缺旱涝灾害。

    In this paper, recent water environmental problems in China, water pollution, short of water resources and drought and flood, are analyzed and generalized by quoting detailed data.


  • 根据2003朝阳市大气环境监测资料分析了朝阳地区大气污染时间变化特征。

    The dynamics of air pollution in Chaoyang during recent years was analyzed, in terms of atmospheric environmental monitoring data in the year of 2003.


  • 本文根据实测资料,对黄浦江水质受到有机物质污染情况加以评价

    On the basis of available data, the paper deals with water quality assessment of Huangpujiang polluted by organic matters.


  • 图书馆密集人群建筑装饰图书资料长期保藏导致空气污染真菌感染环境效应

    Dense crowd in the library, architecture decoration and the books for a long-time preservation will lead to environmental effect such as air pollution and epiphyte infection.


  • 根据4吐鲁番城区大气污染监测资料,对城区大气污染状况进行了分析评价成因进行了分析,提出具体的防治对策。

    According to air pollution monitoring data of Turpan city zone near 4 years, this paper analyses and appraises air pollution status and cause of city zone and its cause.


  • 根据渡口空气污染监测资料首次鉴别一种特殊形式空气污染过程——山谷转换期的漫烟过程。

    A special form of air pollution called fumigation with mountain-valley wind shift is first distinguished based on air pollution monitoring data in Dukou city.


  • 针对非点源污染模型中的输出系数模型,提出了一种基于历史水文水质资料参数确定方法

    A method for obtaining parameters of export coefficient model by using hydrology and water quality data is presented.


  • 今天电视看到了一些关于环境污染报道十分着急,我知道清楚信息于是,我上网资料

    Today, I saw on the TV of some stories about the pollution of the environment, so try so hard, I want to know more clear information, so I surf the Internet to find information.


  • 调查资料表明奎河沿岸居民饮用水源受到来自奎河的污染

    The results also showed that potable water source from the river is polluted.


  • 本文采用1982年至1987年广州市东郊降水监测资料,初步探讨了该区酸雨污染特征

    The characteristics of acid rain pollution in the east suburb of Guangzhou are studied on the basis of rainfall records from 1982 to 1987.


  • 为了满足污染控制规划流域水资源保护需要,在土门西沟出口径流量、径流水质进行同步监测,结合以前监测资料,对径流量污染负荷之间关系进行分析

    For meeting the needs of the water resources protection and the water pollution control planning, this paper makes the analysis of relationship between runoff and pollution load of Tumenxigou outlet.


  • 经过吸水剖面测井资料进行污染校正二次解释,使资料解释精度应用水平得到很大提高。

    The interpretation precision and application degree of this information can be improved very well through the corrective method and secondary interpretation to water injection profile information.


  • 借助现有气象资料剖析我地气候概况污染特征,浅述了两者关系。

    By means of present weather documents, climate general situation and pollution characters were analyzed in our area. Their relation were described.


  • 本论文利用MODIS资料遥感北京及其周边地区气溶胶光学厚度为了提供监测城市大气污染新的经济便捷观测手段

    Retrieval aerosols optical thickness over Beijing and its surrounding area from MODIS data aims at providing a new, economical and convenient measurement for urban air pollution monitoring.


  • 通过本区水质监测资料废水排放资料分析评价区域水资源污染情况,找出目前主要环境问题提出解决区内水环境问题的途径或措施。

    By analysing the datum about water quality and draining of waste water, this paper was to evaluate the questions of water environment, and to find some methods, which can solve these questions.


  • 以1998年污染调查统计资料例,提出污染排放总量控制监测方案有关监测质量保证措施

    On the basis of investigation data on polluting source in 1998, the paper presented the monitoring scheme for total discharge control of pollutants and the quality guarantee of related monitoring.


  • 前言: 文章根据宜宾市2001~2005年大气降水监测数据资料酸雨污染状况及变化趋势进行分析。

    The routine monitoring data of acid rain in Yibin City are collected covering the period from January 2001 to December 2005.


  • 由于存在同位素污染造成测井资料失真解释评价带来困难

    It's very difficult to explain and evaluate information owing to the isotopic pollution which leads to untruth well log information.


  • 科学家正在继续积累有关其他类型有害污染影响和危害数据资料

    Scientists are continuing to amass data concerning the effects of many other types of toxic pollutants.


  • 环境污染来源人体暴露途径及其检测方法等方面进行综述预防治理汞污染提供了资料

    Mercury pollution has become an environmental public health issue. This review was focusing on the sources, the pathways of mercury exposure and the measuring method of environmental mercury.


  • 本文根据有关资料简要介绍环境中常见有机污染人类生殖影响

    This paper deals with the effects of some organic pollutants on the reproduction of human beings.


  • 本文根据有关资料简要介绍环境中常见有机污染人类生殖影响

    This paper deals with the effects of some organic pollutants on the reproduction of human beings.


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