• 能否让复印其他笔记本,保证资料安全无虞。

    I asked if I could copy the rest of his notebooks, to keep that information safe, too.


  • 防止隐私文件泄漏确保资料安全成为当今人们十分关注和力求解决问题

    To prevent private file from blowing the gaff and to insure materials against losing have become the problem which people put strong attention to solve.


  • 锁定使用限制用于必须完整执行的程序能够写入确保资料安全多执行绪元件同时还是能够保持良好效能

    Restricting your locks only to code that must be executed atomically will allow you to write multithreaded components that ensure the safety of your data while still maintaining good performance.


  • 用户资料安全公司信誉基础,我公司采用行业标准尽力维护用户个人资料隐私性,如果对我们的个人信息保护有任何疑问,请联系我们

    When submitting feedback to the company, you can decide whether to fill in the contact information or not, of which the type is not limited.


  • 今年严重客户雇员资料泄漏事件使得管理者们匆忙仔细检查他们复杂的信息系统业务流程,以寻找可能存在的安全隐患。

    Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.


  • 用户注册登记过程包括输入社会安全号码生日其他资料

    The registration process for users involves entering your Social Security number, date of birth and other data.


  • 有关可用性安全问题更多信息请参阅参考资料部分

    More information about high availability and security issues is available in the resources section.


  • 受灾现场所有大型救援行动都设有通讯中心援助人员可以那里发送电子邮件阅读最新安全资料以及研读受灾地区卫星地图

    On the ground, all big relief operations have communications centres where aid workers go to send e-mails, read the latest security updates and study satellite maps of the affected area.


  • 如果希望使用安全协议请参阅参考资料中的CVS手册

    If you want to use a more secure protocol, refer to the CVS manual in Resources.


  • GACVS审议了一系列新近由专家递交关于乙脑病毒减毒活疫苗SA14 - 14 - 2株安全特性的资料

    GACVS considered recent data on the safety profile of live attenuated sa 14-14-2 JE vaccine, provided in a number of expert presentations to the Committee.


  • 警方安全部门获得法庭批准,即可查阅这些资料

    Police and security services would be able to have access to the information after seeking permission from the courts.


  • 现今资料存取控制精细个别资料中的资讯以便为重要资料机密客户资讯,提供更严密安全防护

    Access to data can now be controlled down to an individual cell of information, providing greater security for your critical data and sensitive customer information.


  • 蹩脚公司安全措施使得客户资料泄露造成致命的身份偷窃身份欺骗,鉴于此,许多运营转向隐蔽,技术专家们对此深感担忧。

    Technology professionals are getting cold feet about moving more operations onto the cloud when poor corporate security practices are exposing customers to devastating identity theft and fraud.


  • FDA看看这个安全”的资料决定是否批准上市药物足够安全

    The FDA will then look at this "safety" profile and decide whether or not the drug is safe enough to be approved for marketing.


  • 查找更多关于IBMDB2UDB安全的信息,请参见参考资料部分

    To find out more about IBM DB2 UDB Security, see the Resources section.


  • 卫报发言人称,“理由相信攻击危及用户理财银行资料安全

    A Guardian spokesman said there was "no reason to believe" that any financial or bank data had been compromised in the incident.


  • 医生拿到基因资料立刻就知道开出哪些安全,哪些药不然

    Doctors will be able to take a genttic profile and immediately know which drugs are safe to prescribe, and which ones are not.


  • IT信息安全资料保护

    Security of it information, data protection.


  • 有关这些属性文件更多信息请参见参考资料提供的关于ObjectGrid安全概述

    See the ObjectGrid security overview in Resources for more information about these properties files.


  • 受到广泛认可行业指导原则将能力成熟度模型集成(Capability Maturity Model Integration,CMMI)3-4级别(请参见 参考资料作为实现企业SOA安全战略基础

    The accepted industry guideline is Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) levels 3-4 (see Resources as a basis for pursuing an enterprisewide SOA security strategy.


  • 查阅了所有相关资料走访了证明这种扫描仪安全相关顾问委员会之后,他们回信中得出这样的结论。

    After running through all the reviews and advisory committees that have certified the scanners as safe, the letter concludes.


  • 疫苗安全咨询委员会邀请了更多专家提交证据资料意见参与讨论佐剂安全问题。

    The discussions on the safety of adjuvants took place with additional experts who presented evidence, information and opinion, and participated in the discussions.


  • 有时这些其它资料变更导致安全问题

    Sometimes, changing these other data can lead to a security problem.


  • 两份报告包括了一份详尽主要美国历史资料近期经验依据有关天花疫苗安全综述

    The reports included a detailed review of the safety of smallpox vaccine based on historical data as well as recent experience, particularly in the United States.


  • 当然男性新秀们爆发式增加几年就开始了但是演员们至少可以依赖相对可靠的资料保障自己安全

    Of course, the explosion in new male talent began years ago, but at least there was a relatively well-trusted database that performers could rely on to help keep them safe.


  • 世卫组织可方面发挥重要作用协助会员国审阅不同途径获得资料现有安全证据进行评估。

    In this respect, WHO could play a critical role in assisting Member States and reviewing data from various sources for the evaluation of the available safety evidence.


  • 清空驱动不要硬盘留下任何个人资料财政资料包括信用卡银行帐号社会安全号码

    Wipe the drive clean : Don't leave personal and financial data, including credit card, bank account, and social security numbers, on your hard drive.


  • 这个数据库中的每个条目包含安全漏洞简要说明相关参考资料

    Each entry in the database includes a brief description of the security vulnerability or exposure and any pertinent references.


  • 参阅GRUB手册安全部分参见参考资料),了解关于 GRUB 安全其他方面更多信息

    See the security section in the GRUB manual (see Resources) for more information on GRUB security and other aspects of GRUB.


  • 本次调查总体目标收集详细资料使分析师制定安全计划目标船只安全具体举措

    The overall goal of this survey is to collect detailed information which will allow analysts to target safety programs and initiatives to specific segments of the boating community.


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