• 一个大型数据库(称为资产服务器)存储每个3d模型纹理角色其他资产详细信息

    A large database (known as the asset Server) holds the details of every 3d model, texture, avatar, or other asset.


  • 一些认为企业支出事项购买服务器实际上资产负债表里企业资产列示。

    Some things you might think of as expenses of a business, like buying servers, are actually posted to the Balance Sheet.


  • 部署上下文中一些团队错误地认为服务器服务器配置固定不变资产

    In the context of deployment, some teams erroneously look at servers and server configuration as fixed assets - that they do not change.


  • 架构原则可能采用执行层决策形式比如选择开源资产还是软件厂商服务器基础设施

    Architectural principles - for example, to prefer open source assets or certain software vendors and server infrastructures - might also take the form of executive decisions.


  • 资产本身可以承载SAE基础设施资产贡献者外部合作伙伴拥有服务器上。

    The assets themselves may be hosted on the SAE infrastructure, on servers owned by the asset contributors, or by external partners.


  • 原因同样是耗用现金增加流动资产大部分不动产厂房其他设备比如服务器)。

    The reason is your business used some of your cash to increase its Non-Current Assets, most likely Property, Plant, and Equipment (like servers).


  • 多个项目资产副本存在同样帮助最小化停工返工以及其它服务器损耗带来的影响灾难

    The existence of multiple replicas of project assets also helps minimize the downtime, rework, and other impacts of server outages or even disasters.


  • 这里我们看到是一物理资产服务器网络设备以及作为供给服务提供给使用者存储磁盘

    Here, we see a set of physical assets such as servers, network devices, and storage disks offered as provisioned services to consumers.


  • 众所周知有效虚拟化可以提高资产利用率服务器存储网络其他功能模块化由此提高可重用性

    It is well known that effective virtualization can improve asset utilization making servers, storage, network and other capabilities more modular and hence more reusable.


  • 大部分现代企业中,IT资产(软硬件),包括网络设备服务器系统软件应用程序,对于保持业务持续运行关键。

    In the majority of modern enterprises, it assets (both hardware and software), including network devices, servers, system software, and applications, are critical to keeping the business running.


  • 不仅仅产品折旧一致既定资产管理而且服务器稳定性可用生命周期有关

    "It's a scheduled management of assets that lines up with depreciation but also with stability and the useful life of the boxes," he says.


  • 例如被普遍接受SOA,将焦点集中到联合可重用资产这个案例中服务器如何开发的问题上。

    The widespread acceptance of SOAs, for example, has led to a focus on how the associated reusable assets (services, in this case) are developed.


  • 昂贵人力资源需求包括要求基础架构资产(服务器路由器交换机)所在数据中心网络管理员进行24小时监控

    Expensive manpower requirements, including 24-hour monitoring by network administrators located in the data centers where the infrastructure assets (servers, routers, switches, and so on) are held.


  • 创建下载资产之前需要RAM服务器添加连接

    Before you create an or download an asset, you need to add a connection to a RAM server.


  • 减少服务器数量意味着减少不动资产能耗冷却管理成本

    With reduced servers comes reduced real estate, power consumption, cooling (less energy costs), and management costs.


  • 提供这些可配置资产服务器组件需要这些portlet的内容之间松耦合

    To provide these configurable assets, the server component needs to be loosely coupled to the content of these portlets.


  • 我们考虑WebSphereCommerce用户个WebSphere Commerce数据库服务器中提取目录资产数据并且加载另一个数据库中去。

    Let's consider a WebSphere Commerce customer who wants to extract catalog asset data from one WebSphere Commerce database server and to load it to another.


  • 有时他们会选择资产保存Web服务器或者wiki站点

    Sometimes, they resort to storing the assets on a Web server or on a wiki site.


  • 使用资产存储库一步配置AssetManager服务器

    The first step to use an asset repository is to configure the Asset Manager server.


  • 参与调查者还选择了以下电力冷却方案服务或者存储虚拟化服务器负载平衡、电力度量工具以及资产管理

    For power cooling solutions the responded chose: server or storage virtualization, server load balancing, power measurement tools and asset management.


  • 可以应用服务器使用资产或者服务资产发布适用接口比如WebSphereService Registry andRepository

    You can either make your assets available on an application server, or you can publish the interfaces for a service asset to service registries, such as WebSphere service Registry and Repository.


  • Web服务器发布静态内容直观,因为已经servletJSP组件站点其他动态资产分离

    Publishing the static content to a Web server is straightforward since it's already separated from the servlets, JSP components, and other dynamic assets of the site.


  • RAS资产及其关联数据可以随后部署 RAS服务器developerWorks RAS 存储库)。

    The RAS asset, along with its associated metadata, can then be deployed to a RAS server such as the developerWorks RAS repository.


  • 服务器集成RationalAssetManager可以使用RationalClearCase存储库替代自己文件系统存储资产

    Server integration: Rational asset Manager can use the Rational ClearCase repository to store the assets instead of using its own file system.


  • 虽然verizon将此次交易看作服务迈进重要一步,但该交易实际上可以看作是购买大量服务器资产

    While Verizon is spinning the purchase as a way to advance its cloud services, the deal really boils down to buying a lot of real estate for servers.


  • 同时一些认为企业费用事项,比如购买服务器实际上是在资产负债表里以企业资产列示,然后时间进行折旧(费用化)。

    Also, some things you might think of as expenses of a business, like buying servers, are actually posted to the Balance Sheet as property of the business and then depreciated (ie expensed) over time.


  • 如果J2EE资产使用任何唯一无法这些资产部署任何其他应用服务器

    If you use any of these unique classes in your J2EE assets, you will be unable to deploy those assets to any other application server.


  • CDN服务能够缓存静态资产它们分布式地部署在许多互联网服务器

    Services called CDNs cache the static assets and distribute them across many servers around the Internet.


  • 有形资产包括数据中心服务器财产物质基础设施

    Tangible assets include physical infrastructure, such as data centers, servers, and property.


  • 模式存储库一个服务器(尽管可以本地计算机上),其中保存作为可重用资产规范(Reusable Asset Specification,RAS)文件部署模式

    Answer: a pattern repository is a server (although it can be on your local machine) that holds patterns deployed as Reusable Asset Specification (RAS) files.


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