• 贿赂他们罪行保持沉默

    He bribed them to keep silent about his crime.


  • 真的不想警察局因为以前经常塞拉利昂的警察打交道,大多数他们车拖走让我贿赂他们,但是我都拒绝了。

    I was reluctant to go to the police station; my previous encounters with the Sierra Leonean force had consisted mostly of my refusing their requests for bribes when they pulled my car over.


  • 他们香烟贿赂看守

    They bribed the guards with cigarettes.


  • 意思是,我感到有些受侮辱他们认为收受贿赂才肯闭嘴

    I mean, I was a bit insulted that they thought I needed bribing to shut up.


  • 他们贿赂便宜仿制药对手

    They bribe the cheaper generic opponents.


  • 他们贵重的礼物贿赂

    They bribed him with costly presents.


  • 规划时常变动因此,填表格申请者可能受到罚款或者被暗示贿赂来使得官员们忽视他们错误

    The layout would change regularly, so that applicants with the wrong form could be fined or encouraged to pay a bribe to have their mistake overlooked.


  • 因此建议访客不要公布贿赂事件当事人的名字,也不要说出他们职务或是其他私人信息

    As a result, he advised visitors not to name the people involved in the bribery cases, identify their positions or other private information.


  • 预计上述被告将会今日庭审中辩称他们收到其中一些金额铁矿石销售的正当佣金不是贿赂试图减轻自己刑期

    The accused are expected to argue in today's session that some of the amounts they received were legitimate commissions on iron ore sales and not bribes, in an attempt to reduce their sentence.


  • 最近逃离委内瑞拉古巴迈阿密告诉一份报纸,他们贿赂了一名在加拉卡斯飞机场负责检查护照的古巴官员

    A group of Cubans who recently fled Venezuela told a newspaper in Miami that they had bribed a Cuban official working in passport control at Caracas airport.


  • 土地持有者公平竞争的主动性最终使他们处于不利地位,贿赂费用处理时间增加了

    An initiative that was intended to level the playing field for small landholders ended up penalizing them; bribery costs and processing time actually increased.


  • 解释说,他将随机致电买家卖家了解他们是否要求支付任何额外的贿赂佣金

    He explained that he would be calling buyers and sellers at random to find out whether they had been asked to pay any extra bribes or commissions.


  • 警察支付贿赂如同例行公事,否则他们阻碍穿过喀布尔有时天里会遇上宗这样的事情。

    Mr. Ghafar said he routinely paid bribes to the police who threatened to hinder his passage through Kabul, sometimes several in a day.


  • 另外几家“我贿赂了”网站创立者表示他们不想经营网站而招惹麻烦

    Other founders of the "I-paid-a-bribe" sites said they did not want trouble for running the websites.


  • 美国英国情报机构试图贿赂买通我们位科学家他们最终拒绝了一切诱惑此事报告

    The American and British intelligence agencies tried to bribe and buy two of our scientists, who refused all sorts of incentives and reported the matter to me.


  • 贿赂包含而不是一个当事人。痛骂贫穷国家官员们不停的伸手调查给了他们好处要简单得多(也司法质询那样公开)。

    BRIBERY involves two parties, not one. Lambasting officials in poor countries for their sticky fingers is usually easier (and less open to legal challenge) than investigating those who suborn them.


  • 首领贿赂审判祭司价施训诲先知为银钱行占卜。他们却倚赖耶和华,耶和华不是我们中间吗。

    The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us?


  • 知道怎样定义那些收买毒害儿童的人,他们竟然接受贿赂

    I don't know how else to put it but that people are being bribed to poison children - and accepting the bribe.


  • 当然,效力警队的履历也应该深知检察官法官不是不侵,他们也同样接受贿赂受到威胁恐吓。

    His police career would have certainly taught him that prosecutors and judges are far from immune to bribery or intimidation.


  • 料想个接受了良好教育,有着广阔发展前景群体需要贿赂的方式来使他们自我提升

    A well-educated population with an improved outlook would not need bribes to better itself, he reckons.


  • 但是欧洲一些公司首席执行官告诉我们行贿受贿行为一度无孔不入德国,二十世纪九十年代大部分时间里,贿赂都是合法的。因此他们常常知道信任自己的哪个员工

    But European CEOs have told us that bribery was once so pervasive - in Germany, bribes were legal through most of the 90s - that they often did not know which of their own employees that could trust.


  • 他们手中奸恶右手贿赂

    10in whose hands are wicked schemes, whose right hands are full of bribes.


  • 他们认为承包商达成了不可告人交易;承包商私下贿赂得到修建城市道路桥梁合约

    They think he's cut some shady deals with contractors who paid him bribes under the table to get contracts to repair city roads and Bridges.


  • 但是打击他们收入来源意味着他们用来贿赂警察政客更少

    But you would hurt their revenue stream, which would mean less money to corrupt police and politicians.


  • 官员可以直接挪用现金他们可以因为行贿夸大人们损失补偿要求重建合同索取贿赂

    Public officials can embezzle cash directly; they can overstate peoples' damage claims in return for a bribe, or demand kick-backs for rebuilding contracts.


  • 官员可以直接挪用现金他们可以因为行贿夸大人们损失补偿要求重建合同索取贿赂

    Public officials can embezzle cash directly; they can overstate peoples' damage claims in return for a bribe, or demand kick-backs for rebuilding contracts.


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