• 取消行程,保险要回来吗?

    Will my travel insurance policy pay out if I cancel my trip?


  • 这项服务人的,要是保证座位我就愿意付钱

    The service charge is a rip-off, but I'm willing to pay if I'm guaranteed a seat.


  • 我们共享文化一部分,每个人都应该享有。无论穷人还是富人应该要求支付入场

    This is part of our shared culture that should be available to everyone. Rich or poor, people should never be asked to pay an entrance fee.


  • 版权局注册剧本更多保护防止有人盗用你的作品,并且在发生侵权案件时判给损害赔偿金律师

    Registering a screenplay with the copyright office gives it added protection, helps keep people from stealing your work, and can entitle you to damages and lawyer fees in an infringement case.


  • 曼联球迷们认为局外人大举借债收购他们的俱乐部俱乐部收入支付利息接着又付给自己笔可观管理,这么做是不对的。

    The fans think it wrong that outsiders can borrow millions to take over their club, use its takings to pay the interest, and then pay themselves a handsome fee.


  • 有没有什么(音乐家木匠作家)帮你赚一些兼职

    Do you have skills (musician, carpenter, writer, etc.) that you can use to get some part time gigs?


  • 由于不用向艾米支付任何薪资电话公司估计每年省下三百万美元用,因为有了不用雇用昂贵、高生活的人类。

    Emily is paid no wages and the telephone company reckons it saves three million dollars a year by employing her instead of a crowd of expensive, high-maintenance human-beings.


  • 需要一些事情恢复活力,并且并非偶然地需要赡养孩子抚养的方法。

    He needed something to renew his energies and, not incidentally, a means of making his alimony and child-support payments.


  • 承包商需要了解用轻质材料节省运输劳动力设备用,以及潜在维护

    What contractors need to understand, he said, is that there are transportation, labor and equipment savings from using lighter components, and potential maintenance savings, too.


  • 如果衣物需要熨烫暂时又懒得弄,不如把他们都整整齐齐地衣橱这样等你熨衣服时也力气除了。

    If your clothes need to be ironed but you don't plan to do it right then, hang them up in your closet anyway so they won't be more wrinkled.


  • 德洛夫调侃道:“要是,我会将整个脸都让胡子覆盖依然可以透过毛发空隙看人没人认出。”

    "I pull my beard up and it covers my eyes," Federoff explains. "I can still see through it, but nobody knows it's me.


  • 应该签约之前计算这些数字以便评估交易为多少对你最有利

    You should really calculate these Numbers before you sign up so that you can evaluate which per-transaction rates will work best for you.


  • 数字电视快速转换这个辩论日趋激烈,机顶盒告诉我们一个用户是否某个频道

    The rapid shift to digital TV makes the debate especially pressing. Set-top boxes can tell whether a household has paid for a channel or not.


  • 除了销售招聘广告网站既向用户额外收取某些与职业相关服务,也向公司收取帮助识别有前途求职者专有软件使用

    As well as selling job advertising, the site charges users a premium for some career-related services and firms for the use of proprietary software that helps them identify promising candidates.


  • 在某个角落光学器材目录发现了阻隔可见光片。

    Tucked away in the corner of an optics catalog, Fergus found a special filter that blocks visible light, but not IR or UV.


  • 工人的工资也通过手机支付出租车司机投递员收到服务,而且无需在身上;资金轻松朋友家人的名下。

    Workers can then be paid by phone; taxi-drivers and delivery-drivers can accept payments without carrying cash around; money can be easily sent to friends and family.


  • 随着探索的增加大脑扫描高速科技进步期待很快找出了解男女情感爱情在大脑中位置的方法。

    With more research and the rapid technological advancement in brain scanners, Fisher expects soon to have a formula for understanding the brain locations for love and emotions in both men and women.


  • 排名第四纽卡斯尔如果下这场比赛,他们曼联差将缩小至分,爵爷更加提防第五的状态不佳的切尔西

    Fourth-placed Newcastle could move within a point of United if they win today, but it is out-of-form Chelsea, in fifth, who Ferguson has his eye on.


  • 但是德勒希望巨头在下赛季得到更多挑战,像乔-威尔弗雷德·特加以及其排名前10位选手来争夺大赛冠军。

    But Federer expects the Big Four will be challenged even more in the coming season, with the likes of Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and others in the Top 10 also in contention for major titles.


  • 目前已经来了机票,火车票,旅馆比萨饼冷饮咖啡用你支付了,你怎么吝啬这区区几个小钱呢?

    You've already come so far; you've paid for the plane ticket, for the train, the hotel, the pizza, the cold drinks, the coffee. How can you now begrudge a few extra cents?


  • 西班牙税法十分优惠,非西班牙国籍临时居民24%征收所得税,再缴纳数额很小社会保险相比之下,西班牙公民最高税率达到43%。

    Under Spain's favourable tax laws, temporary non-Spanish residents are taxed at 24%, with minimal social security contributions, as compared to the top rate of 43% for Spanish nationals.


  • 如果企业证明将面临项广泛的、永久性损失,还有可将企业内所有员工的遣散降低20的收入。

    This could fall to 20 days’ pay for all workers at firms that can show they face large and persistent losses.


  • 儿童津贴须限定是有低龄子女父母领取冬季取暖年龄提高65更高

    Child benefit could be limited to parents with younger children. The age at which winter-fuel payments are paid could rise to 65 or higher.


  • 预付宠物保险保证宠物得到照料。

    Prepaid pet insurance is yet another way to help make sure your animal will be cared for.


  • 马吕斯克的身旁自由地呼吸,这,来说,是相当新鲜的事。

    Marius breathed freely in Courfeyrac's society, a decidedly new thing for him.


  • 伯奇沙龙就是珠宝一个经得起时间检验珠宝,无价之宝

    The Faberge Salon is Hayon 's jewel. A jewel that will stand the test of time because it is made up of priceless elements that will never loose their value...


  • 我们希望人们关注自己历史。”西佛罗里达大学考古学尔戈.斯瑞: “很多历史我们尚未知晓我们还有很多工作

    Says University of West Florida archaeologist Margo Stringfield, "With all this history we've yet to uncover, there's still a lot of work to do."


  • 赛后情绪激动穆雷差点难掩泪水他说:“哭得德勒那样我却无法打得像他那样好。”

    An emotional Murray was close to tears afterwards, saying: "I can cry like Roger, it's a shame I can't play like him."


  • ·迪南德接受太阳报采访时鼓励曼联的年轻一代在他名一线队员受伤之时也正是曼联兵少将之时顶上去发挥自己的作用为曼联争分。

    The Sun has Rio Ferdinand backing United’s youngsters to shine in the absence of several injured first-team players including himself.


  • 13基础训练舍尔塑造了幅坚强的体魄——他完成长达十英里的马拉松行进,途中有一系列高压力的测试最终达到一叫做光荣的地方。

    Thirteen weeks of basic training had led Fisher to this—a 10-mile march through a series of high-stress combat tests that ended at a place called Honor Hill.


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