• 金志焕说:“但是问题上市大多数韩国公司是以出口贸易为主。”

    "But the problem is that most of the Korean big companies listed in the stock market are mostly export driven," said Kim.


  • 湖南股份有限公司一家成立时间短、生猪养殖出口贸易为主上市企业企业在生猪养殖产业链具有较丰富资源

    Hunan New Wellfull CO. , LTD is a new and public company in the business of pork production and export, which has lots of experience and resources in the industry.


  • 广交会出口贸易为主进口生意,还可以开展多种形式的经济技术合作交流,以及商检、保险、运输、广告、咨询等业务活动。

    China Import and Export Fair Trade flexible manner, in addition to the traditional look-like transactions, the Internet also organized trade fairs.


  • 因此国际贸易原材料小麦木材铁矿石加工商品肉类钢铁为主

    International commerce was therefore dominated by raw materials, such as wheat, wood and iron ore, or processed commodities, such as meat and steel.


  • 法院表示成员国对此采取行动必须有效均衡以劝止为主不能形成贸易壁垒,妨碍合法商业活动”。

    The court said action taken by member states must be "effective, proportionate and dissuasive, and must not create barriers to legitimate trade".


  • 沙特央行行长埃尔亚瑟费尽苦心强调石油出口为主海湾经济体贸易顺差问题被夸大了。”

    Muhammad al-Jasser of Saudi Arabia is at pains to emphasise thatthe surpluses of the oil-exporting economies of the Gulf [are] overstated as a problem.”


  • 上海易派壹国际贸易有限公司一家新近成立的、经营职业安全防护用品提供各类相关服务为主股份制公司。

    Shanghai EPPE International Trading Co., Ltd is a recently established shareholding Company which taking dealing with personal protective equipments and offering all kinds of relevant services.


  • 绿色壁垒是以严格环境标准其他环境要求内涵的一种贸易壁垒。

    Green barrier is a trade barrier with strict environmental standards and other environmental requirement as its main contends.


  • 山东集团具有五十多年历史是以建筑、房地产市政国际贸易教育为主产业集团

    The Shandong three arrow groups have more than 50 years history, is by constructs, the real estate, the municipal administration, the international trade, the education industry group primarily.


  • 赫克歇尔-俄林的生产要素禀赋理论经济学派理论国际贸易理论总体系中的影响力巨大深远的。

    As the mainstream theory, Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment theorem has a vast and far-reaching impact in the system of trade theory.


  • 目前选择出口贸易应收款预期知识产权转让收入资产进行证券化具有一定可行性。

    At present, the export account receivable and the transfer revenue of expected intellectual property right can be taken in the major assets to issue securities.


  • 贸易壁垒是对当前国际贸易逐渐角色贸易壁垒的总称。

    The new trade barriers are gradually becoming the general names of several kinds of trade barriers playing the main role in present international trade.


  • GTEN全球经贸网络一个高度资源整合专业国际贸易平台

    GTEN global trade network, is a high degree of integration of resources for the subject of professional international trade platform.


  • 随着国际贸易航运事业日益繁荣船员海事力量海事活动中越来越重要作用

    With the flourishing of international trade and shipping business, seafarers, as the main maritime force, play a more and more important role in maritime activities.


  • 以海运为主要表现形式的国际贸易运输中,中途停运提单运输存在着法律冲突

    In international carriage of goods by sea, conflicts exist between Right of Stoppage in Transitu and Bill of Lading transportation.


  • 国际贸易进口黄麻铁矿石煤焦其它化工原料为主,进口质量稳定客户建立长期良好的合作关系

    We mainly import Jute, Iron ore, Coal Char And other Chemical Raw Materials with stable quality, besides we have entered into long term business relation with customers all over the world.


  • 不仅印度进行直接贸易而且印度的古里佛等待波斯、阿拉伯商人进行交易进口商品主要为主

    They not only carried on direct trade with india but also at gulifo waited for persia arab businessman carry on indirect trade in india the import goods rely mainly on fragrant medicine;


  • 不仅印度进行直接贸易而且印度的古里佛等待波斯、阿拉伯商人进行交易进口商品主要为主

    They not only carried on direct trade with india but also at gulifo waited for persia arab businessman carry on indirect trade in india the import goods rely mainly on fragrant medicine;


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