• 虽然美林很快美国银行巨额存款靠山,但传统商业银行仍然因为商业消费者贷款违约拖欠事件不断上升而遭受沉重打击。

    While Merrill will now have quick access to Bank of America's deposits, traditional commercial banks are being pummeled by rising delinquencies and defaults in commercial and consumer loans.


  • 失业继续导致贷款违约

    Job losses continue to drive loan defaults.


  • 投资者担心如果衍生品遭受损失公司发生贷款违约银行可能会遭殃

    Investors were concerned that Banks could suffer if companies with derivatives losses default on their loans.


  • 2007年上半年个人破产上升了48%,下半年可能更多,掀起了一消费者贷款违约浪潮。

    Personal bankruptcies rose 48 per cent in first half of 2007, probably even more in the second half, which means a wave of defaults on consumer loans.


  • 可能会美国房地产市政债券保险公司完全不同但是房地产行业开始衰退,人们开始抵押贷款违约

    The housing sector in the United States, you might say, is completely different from municipal bond insurers; but when the housing sector starts going down, people start defaulting on their mortgages.


  • 美国房屋抵押贷款违约率依旧在上升一季度季节性调整利率仍然所有类别较高的。

    Delinquencies on American mortgage loans are still rising: the seasonally adjusted rate in the first quarter was higher across all categories.


  • 提出,计划解决贷款违约问题,是治本的方案,不仅容易解救困境中的银行业而且能使房屋拥有者保留房产。

    He argued that by tackling mortgage defaults, his plan would deal with the roots of the financial difficulties and make it easier to rescue Banks, while keeping homeowners under their roofs.


  • 帕帕·德莫斯欧洲央行的数据考虑到了这些差异还有贷款违约上的差异

    Papademos said the ECB's figures account for those differences, as well as for how euro-zone loan default rates differ from those in the U.S..


  • 某人贷款违约时,银行除了与之对簿公堂,或是厉声恐吓之外,还有什么办法?

    What’s a bank to do when a person defaults on his loan payments, doesn’t respond to legal notices, and isn’t intimidated by tough talk?


  • 另外,微型金融依靠的是竞相还贷趋同心理,必定主流银行家眼红因为他们要疲于应付日渐增多的抵押贷款违约(表现为日益上升的止赎[注4]越来越多的钥匙的包裹[注5]),而微型金融的违约率微乎其微。

    And microfinance’s reliance on peer pressure for repayment must be the envy of any mainstream banker struggling with rising foreclosures and “jingle mail”; delinquency rates are microscopic.


  • 第三季度,不能如约偿还贷款消费者有所减少标志着贷款违约损失惨重的阶段已经过去

    Fewer customers failed to repay loans during the quarter, another sign that the worst losses from loan defaults could be in the past.


  • 而因信贷危机房产迅速贬值所引发贷款违约潮则使抵押贷款业务受到重创。

    It has been battered by floods of loan defaults caused by the credit crunch and plummeting home values.


  • 2007年,全国各地住房抵押贷款违约引发了高风险次级房贷市场崩溃造成了70年来严重经济衰退

    In 2007, mortgage defaults around the country sparked a crash in the high-risk sub-prime mortgage market, creating the worst recession in 70 years.


  • 总体债务水平下降最快美国家庭负债减少很多住房抵押贷款违约价值记的结果。

    In America, where overall debt levels have fallen fastest, a lot of the reduction in household debt has been thanks to mortgage defaults and write-downs.


  • 另外很多授予贷款机构不同程度权限,它们没收抵押贷款违约者的银行存款汽车其他资产

    In addition, many states give lenders varying degrees of scope to seize bank deposits, cars or other assets of people who default on mortgages.


  • 随着抵押贷款违约人数上升失业率趋近7%,美国消费者面临选择无几,不得不开始节俭储蓄

    But with mortgage delinquencies surging and the unemployment rate headed towards 7%, American consumers may have little choice but to start saving.


  • 研究作者发现如果还贷缺口在房屋价值的10%以内,几乎没人选择贷款违约一部分原因是搬迁费用不低。

    Few would opt to renege on their mortgage if the equity gap were below 10% of their home's value, the authors find, partly because of the costs of moving.


  • 眼前的这场危机肇始房地产泡沫的破裂,继而引发了广泛抵押贷款违约许多金融机构造成巨大损失

    The current crisis started with a burst housing bubble, which led to widespread mortgage defaults, and hence to large losses at many financial institutions.


  • 问题这些情况是否造成一系列贷款违约现象

    The question is whether all these developments will add up to a series of defaults.


  • 如果美国人不能使自己财务好转(如果抵押贷款违约信用卡不良行为继续走高),银行害怕放贷萧条逗留不去

    If Americans don't get their finances in better shape - if mortgage defaults keep rising and credit card delinquencies soar - Banks will remain afraid to lend, and the recession will linger.


  • 事实证明,这个世界上很多穷人贷款违约率居然低于当初雷曼兄弟推销优质资产的违约率,这真是一种讽刺

    Ironic, then, that many of the world's poor are better credit risks than the once-high-flyers at Lehman Brothers.


  • 商业抵押担保贷款违约率升高连同不良建筑业贷款一起,可能造成美国银行商业物业上损失两千两千三百亿美元。

    Together with bad construction loans, that could push the losses of American banks on commercial property to $200 billion-230 billion.


  • 如果人们企业预计到价格将要下跌,停止消费需求从而会下降贷款违约会上升

    If people and firms expect prices to fall, they stop spending, and as demand sinks, loan defaults rise.


  • 信贷泡沫另一个担忧巴西俄罗斯印度中国新兴市场大国的信贷规模都迅速扩大。巴西的贷款违约近来有所上升

    Credit bubbles are another concern. Credit is rising rapidly in the big emerging-market countries-Brazil, Russia, India and China. Lately, loan-default rates have ticked up in Brazil.


  • 我们已经看到了一些信托贷款违约事件但没有造成很大轰动不过,已经两三件存款人救助案例,但这些案例并未显示出消除过分信贷坚定努力

    We've had a few trust loan defaults that haven't caused a big stir yet, but there have been a couple of depositor bail outs that don't point to a determined attempt to curb the excess yet.


  • 如果银行贷款定价贷款收入则不能抵补贷款违约所造成的损失经营成本

    If loan price is over low, the loan revenue cannot compensate loss by default and operation cost.


  • 如果银行贷款定价贷款收入则不能抵补贷款违约所造成的损失经营成本

    If loan price is over low, the loan revenue cannot compensate loss by default and operation cost.


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