• 通货膨胀正在迅速上升人民币正在贬值

    Inflation is rising rapidly; the yuan is depreciating.


  • 通货膨胀使我们货币贬值

    Inflation erodes the value of our money.


  • 这些对外经常项目大额赤字国家本币支付较高利率补偿投资者通货贬值风险

    Those higher interest rates paid by countries with large external deficits were supposed to compensate investors for the risk of currency depreciation.


  • 新的欧洲通货成员面对一些贬值欧元债务并且采用货币的好处债务借贷成本减少

    Members of a new, “hardEuropean currency would leave behind a stock of depreciating euro debt and might be rewarded by lower borrowing costs on debt issues in the new currency.


  • 经济增长已经停滞八月份至今卢布已经贬值超过三分之一通货每年13%的速度膨胀。

    Growth has stopped, the rouble has lost more than a third of its value since August and inflation is running at around 13% a year.


  • 委内瑞拉人民回想起1983年“黑色星期五集体记忆,上一次发生通货贬值,让长达数十年全球稳定货币之一崩盘

    Burned into Venezuelans' collective memory is "Black Friday" in 1983, an earlier devaluation that marked the demise of what had been for decades one of the world's most stable currencies.


  • 这些让人紧张的信息一部分被夸大了,随着沙特阿拉伯迅速增长的通货膨胀,与贬值的美元相挂钩导致了一系列让头痛的问题。

    Some of this nervousness is exaggerated. With inflation rising fast in Saudi Arabia, the link to a falling dollar is causing a growing headache.


  • 英镑贬值减弱通货紧缩压力不然此压力有可能加剧信用危机因为价格开始下降时,计算债务负担则会增加

    The fall in sterling will also blunt deflationary pressures that might otherwise exacerbate the credit crisis, since when prices start falling the burden of debt rises in real terms.


  • 一些国家采取一种方法拒不通过通货膨胀货币贬值这样更加灵活方法不予支付。

    Some countries will do the former, either by an outright failure to repay their debts or via the more subtle approach of inflation and currency depreciation.


  • 因为通货膨胀期间,美元贬值的,主张持有金锭不持黄金交易所交易基金相信未来年内黄金以及黄金矿业类提供巨大的回报率

    Because in inflation the dollar is devalued, I am a proponent of owning bullion and avoiding gold ETFs, but I do believe gold and gold-miner stocks will provide great returns over the next few years.


  • 如果世界粮食价格突然回落什内尔夫妇财政魔术把戏很可能会弄巧成拙,并引发货币贬值通货膨胀的交替上升

    If world food prices were to fall suddenly, the Kirchners' fiscal conjuring trick might blow up in their faces, setting off a spiral of devaluation and inflation.


  • 想必愿意一直贬值下去吧,搞不好又回到了通货膨胀灰色岁月

    You don't wanna have it depreciate all the time, and that goes back to the bad old days of inflation.


  • 通货膨胀率高达35%,货币贬值过半大部分感觉比以前还要贫穷得

    With inflation hitting 35% and the currency having lost half its value, most people feel a lot poorer.


  • 如果我们同意通货膨胀即将来临的话,怎样哪?简单,拿出正在贬值美金选购那些会增值物品

    As for what you should do if you accept the premise that inflation is afoot, it's pretty simple: Trade your dollars, which are declining in value, for stuff that appreciates in value.


  • 今年瑞典克朗对欧元贬值,着导致通货膨胀增长

    The krona has depreciated against the euro this year, contributing to a rise in inflation.


  • 这样做结果就是通货膨胀货币贬值

    The result is inflation, which eats away at the value of money.


  • 美联储董事凯文·什,虽然这项措施投过赞成票,但他同时强调如果美国继续贬值或者消费品价格持续上涨通货膨胀进一步加剧,理由这项计划重新评估。

    Fed governor Kevin Warsh, who voted for the measures, warned that if the dollar continued to fall or commodity prices rose, pushing inflation up, there could be reason to reconsider the plan.


  • 如果他们干涉外汇市场货币贬值,又反过来加剧通货膨胀

    But if their interventions in the foreign-exchange market drive the currency down, that may boost inflation.


  • 日本过于依赖出口首选应当刺激国内需求终结通货紧缩,而使日元贬值

    Japan is too dependent on exports and its priority should be stimulating domestic demand and ending deflation, not cheapening the yen.


  • 而黄金抵御物价上涨(导致货币贬值)通货之一

    Gold is one of the assets that can provide a hedge against rising prices.


  • 半年来,批评人士一直嚷嚷说,伯南克宽松政策引发大规模通货膨胀,导致美元贬值

    For six months critics have been screaming that Bernanke's loose policy would set off massive inflation and destroy the value of the dollar.


  • 1990年以来(2),日元连年贬值加上其国内温和通货膨胀使得日元实际汇率低于平均值。

    Years of falling prices in Japan combinedwith modest inflation elsewhere mean the real effective exchange rate is belowits average since 1990 (see chart 2).


  • 目前通货膨胀失去控制很大程度上是暂时能源食品价格飞涨增值税消费税上调,以及英镑贬值造成的停滞。

    Much of today's inflation stems from temporary influences beyond its control: a surge in energy and food prices, increases in VAT, a consumption tax and the delayed effects of a weaker pound.


  • 目前通货膨胀失去控制很大程度上是暂时能源食品价格飞涨增值税消费税上调,以及英镑贬值造成的停滞。

    Much of today's inflation stems from temporary influences beyond its control: a surge in energy and food prices, increases in VAT, a consumption tax and the delayed effects of a weaker pound.


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