• 运输主要流向三角方向

    Passenger and cargo transportation flow is in the direction of the Yangtze River Delta region.


  • 运输世界海洋运输重要组成部分

    The most important part of Sea transportation is the transportation of dry and bulk Cargos.


  • 运输市场国际航运市场重要组成部分。

    The transportation of dry-bulk cargo is one of the most important fields of the international shipping market.


  • 建立里程模型铁路运输应用计算机非常重要

    To set up mileage model is very important for computer application in railway passenger and freight transport.


  • 退运输成本应该由商店支付还是应该由顾客支付呢?

    Does the store pay shipping to return something, or does the customer?


  • 产品货运输通过了质量检验,合作双方签署合约

    The two sides signed the supply contract after the shipments passed quality verification, he said.


  • 运输每年20%速度递增业务量本系统总量40%。

    Bulk cargo transportation: it increases progressively with the annual speed of 20%, business take systematic amount 40%.


  • 传统运输存在很多不足因此,非常必要进行分析改进

    There are many deficiencies in the traditional bulk cargo transport, therefore, it is necessary for analysis and improvement.


  • 国内沿海运输市场国际干散货运输市场之间联系因此越来越紧密

    The connection between domestic coastal dry bulk transportation and international dry bulk transportation is also therefore tighter and tighter.


  • 城市交通网络既是城市骨架,又是城市社会经济活动、城市运输载体

    Urban traffic network is the framework of a city and the carrier of the social economic activities and the passenger-cargo transportation of a city.


  • 2005年,全年各种运输方式完成运输周转量1723.68亿吨公里

    In 2005, turnover of passenger and freight traffic with varied transportation means is 172.368billion ton-km.


  • 场景中,客户希望对进运输情况进行验证确保供应商下订单顺序相同。

    In this scenario, a customer wants to validate incoming shipments to ensure it matches the order placed with the supplier.


  • 因此各个国家地区各自港口国际集装箱运输体系中的作用地位十分重视

    Thus, all countries and regions are very concerned about the role and status of the respective ports in international container and bulk cargo transport system.


  • 国际运输市场充满风险的市场,运价风险是其中航运企业影响较为重大的一种。

    International dry bulk freight market is full of various risks and freight risk is one of them which have great impact on the maritime companies.


  • 韩黎明处长一行先后我市环球运输公司亚之运输公司)、联创化工一矿进行安全督导检查

    Director Han Liming and his entourage on my global transportation company (inferior bridge dangerous goods transport company), LIAN chemical, Ji coal mine the safety supervision and inspection.


  • 涉及运输与调配第三方物流服务,成功的例子则寥若晨星,即使国外干散物流也只是刚刚起步

    For example, in shipping industry TPL of container shipping is prosperous, jet it is hardly to hear something about TPL of dry bulk and it has just begin in foreign country.


  • 运输又是海运重要组成部分,2004年干运量已经突破20亿世界海运量30%以上。

    The main part of sea transportation is the transportation of dry and bulk cargos, whose volume in 2004 exceeded 2 billion tons, accounting for 30% world seaborne trade volume.


  • 食品进口国际行李散运输庄家,国际参展中国展览物进口清关,国际大宗机电设备工程运输专家。

    Food import customs clearance, international luggage transport. China international Exhibition exhibitors cargo import clearance, international Electrical Engineering Equipment logistics.


  • 食品进口国际行李散运输庄家,国际参展中国展览物进口清关,国际大宗机电设备工程运输专家。

    Food import customs clearance, international luggage transport. China international Exhibition exhibitors cargo import clearance, international Electrical Engineering.


  • 他们知道衍生品广泛用于商品中,如石油铁矿石运输油轮运输。它即将用于集装箱运输,”她

    "They all know derivatives are used in commodities, oil, iron ore, dry shipping and tanker shipping. It is going to arrive in container shipping," she said.


  • GBLT船管公司BLT集团下属子公司,专注液体运输,是世界第三化学品船运营公司,总部设在新加坡

    GBLT Ship management company is a subsidiary of BLT Group, specializing in liquid bulk cargo transport, is the world's third largest chemical tanker operating company, headquartered in Singapore.


  • 经济危机影响长江运输企业经营现状进行分析,提出了长江干散货运输企业可采取的经营战略类型及模式。

    It focuses on the current operating situation of the Yangtze River dry bulk cargo shipping enterprise, on the basis of market conditions affected by economic crisis.


  • 经济危机影响长江运输企业经营现状进行了分析,提出了长江干散货运输企业可采取经营战略类型模式。

    And then put forth the operating strategy of the Yangtze River dry bulk cargo shipping enterprise, under the situation of economic crisis.


  • 小件散杂货运输专业公司FreeSeas认为,目前这个市场混乱历史性的买机会这种机会也许一生只能遇到一次

    Handy and handymax dry bulk specialist FreeSeas has identified the current market turmoil as a historic opportunity to acquire vessels that may come only once in a generation.


  • 公司立场如何合理选择适当吨级船舶在适当的航线进行运输才能使收益最大也就成了我国从事运输企业关注的问题。

    On the standpoint of the shipping company, how to choose reasonable tonnage ship on adaptive routes become a hot topic which dry bulk transportation company concerns.


  • 本文试图运用具体相关条款,结合较典型案例隐藏损害责任之确定加以叙述,从而货运输下“隐藏损害”的处理有所借鉴。

    Hereby the article states the definitions of responsibilities of "Hidden Damage" by analyzing typical cases with the concerned clauses in hope of benefiting the handling of "Hidden Damage" of FCL.


  • 申请加入欧盟国家预计将出现强劲经济增长导致交通运输流量增加,特别是公路运量

    The strong economic growth expected in countries which are candidates for entry to the EU will also increase transport flows, in particular road haulage traffic.


  • 明年一系列合并完成后铁路公司控制主要铁路运输公司90%以上的

    Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.


  • 明年一系列合并完成后铁路公司控制主要铁路运输公司90%以上的

    Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.


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