• 央行发现,要明白这些新工具是如何影响货币情况或是到底起了什么作用并非易事。

    Central bankers will find it harder to know how they are affecting monetary conditions or to be clear about what they are doing.


  • 当地货币情况华尔街日报》报道称,去年十二月土耳其央行十六个月首次汇率5.75%下调至5.5%。

    Currency condition: Last December, the Central Bank of Turkey lowered its exchange rate for the first time in 16 months -from 5.75 percent to 5.5 percent, according to the Wall Street Journal.


  • 然而一些政府决策者坚持认为,采取紧缩货币财政政策情况下,直接控制工资价格能够成功降低通胀

    Nevertheless, some governments' policymakers insist that direct controls on wages and prices, without tight monetary and fiscal policies, can succeed in decreasing inflation.


  • 但是同时应该预留货币空间产生短期债务危机情况下支持重建

    But there should be the monetary room to finance reconstruction without generating a near-term debt crisis.


  • 前所,跨国货币情况显然易的:可以使做生意更容易

    The case for a transnational currency is, as we’ve already seen, obvious: it makes doing business easier.


  • 但是中国不会增加货币身风险情况下去厌恶美元

    But China cannot sour on the dollar without letting its own currency rise.


  • 欧洲央行此次市场注入流动性目的确保货币市场的正常运转不会出现信贷冻结情况

    This liquidity injection was designed to ensure that money markets continued to function and did not succumb to a credit freeze.


  • 这种情况下,决策者试图释放货币压力时,至少促成一些附加的改变。

    All this is at least leading to some accidental reforms as policy makers try to vent monetary pressures.


  • 历史上这样情况直接导致货币贬值然后黄金价格相对上涨因为黄金是他们唯一不能印刷”的货币

    Historically, this has lead to devaluation in currency and a relative rise in the value of gold, as it's one of the only "currencies" they can't just print.


  • 使情况有所好转来自货币财政政策刺激方案必须得到施行

    For the picture to get better, the stimulus from monetary and fiscal measures must take hold.


  • 因为国内财政市场十分薄弱,所以很多非洲国家大部分债款都是以外币形式储存,如此一来,一旦本国货币贬值,情况十分危险了。

    And because domestic financial markets are very thin, most African countries hold a large part of their debt in foreign currency, which is especially hazardous when local currencies plunge.


  • 美元价值依照其他主要流通货币而定,现在情况年前一样

    The dollar’s value in terms of other major currencies is about the same now as it was three years ago.


  • 通常这样情况推动德国货币升值,由于南欧危机重重,欧元贬值德国出口甚至有竞争力了。

    Normally that would cause Germany's currency to strengthen, but since there was trouble down south, the euro weakened, making German exports even more competitive.


  • 现在中央银行通常货币视为被动经济情况反映而不会去制造

    Central Banks now generally see broad money as passive, responding to the economic weather, not making it.


  • 我们战略设计在一个完整信用市场周期内执行国家选择以及允许情况货币选择中获取超额回报

    Our strategy is designed to outperform over the full credit market cycle and to derive alpha from country selection and, where permitted, currency selection.


  • 根据最优货币区域理论,确立一个中央财政政策有必要因为单一利率并不适于货币区域所有地区情况

    According to the theory of optimal currency areas, a central fiscal policy is necessary because a single interest rate will not suit conditions in all parts of a currency zone.


  • 印度澳大利亚本周均在本国货币升值的情况提高了利率

    Both India and Australia raised interest rates this week despite rising currencies.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易统一货币交易有时会出现违约情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business. Sometimes, business involves default. It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


  • 欧元应该一种用来交易的统一货币,交易有时会出现违约情况复杂

    The euro is supposed to be a common currency in which people can do business.Sometimes, business involves default.It's not supposed to be any more complicated than that.


  • 然而,自从欧元危机开始动摇货币联盟以来,这一情况已经发生了改变

    That has changed since the euro crisis shook the monetary union and the realization sank in that things cannot continue as they are.


  • 另一个出人意料情况大多数新兴亚洲货币看起来都是高估了

    Another surprise is that most other emerging Asian currencies now look overvalued.


  • 美国加州大学伯克利分校国际经济学家埃成博格(BarryEichengreen)那些允许市场决定货币汇率国家情况很快就了起来”。

    Countries that allowed the markets to move their currencies were 'immensely better off,' says international economist Barry Eichengreen of the University of California, Berkeley.


  • 但是希腊西班牙爱尔兰没有这种选择——他们没有自己货币任何情况需要通过通货紧缩使成本控制在范围之内。

    But Greece, Spain and Ireland don't have that option - they don't even have their own monies, and in any case they need deflation to get their costs in line.


  • 然而实际上根据得到所有情况这项决定并不货币,对美元任何影响。”挑战性语言

    But what he actually said was "From everything I can see, this decision was not one designed to have an impact on the currency, on the dollar." Fighting words!


  • 美元集团倒塌如果继续下去,加重这次汇率波动以及坏的情况,使得“以邻为壑”的货币操作更加容易

    The collapse of the dollar bloc, if it continues, will add to this exchange-rate volatility and in the worst case make it easier for beggar-thy-neighbor currency manipulation.


  • 商人个人可以自由选择接受哪种货币没有法定货币存在的情况下,相信选择的多货币体系得到更多推动

    Merchants and individuals are free to choose which currencies they accept, and in the absence of legal tender laws I believe that alternative currencies will gain more traction.


  • 罕见例外情况区域同时其他货币流通,其他货币数量增加会引起本地货币物价上涨

    A rare exception is when other currencies also circulate within the same currency area, and an increase in the quantity of the other currencies causes prices to rise in that currency.


  • 罕见例外情况区域同时其他货币流通,其他货币数量增加会引起本地货币物价上涨

    A rare exception is when other currencies also circulate within the same currency area, and an increase in the quantity of the other currencies causes prices to rise in that currency.


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