• 近年来因火灾原因事故责任认定产生纠纷诉讼频发

    Disputes and litigations about the cause and liability affirmation of the fire arise frequently.


  • 然而无人驾驶汽车发生车祸时责任认定问题有待解决

    However, the issue of liability in the event of a driverless car crashing has yet to be resolved.


  • 因而产品是否存在缺陷就成为产品责任认定中的重中之重

    Thus, whether a product has the defect becomes the best important part about the definition of the product liability.


  • 研究结论南方岩溶发育地区开采损害预计责任认定提供依据。

    This results are very usetul for the predicting mining damage and dividing the damage duty in the southern China where there are plentiful under water and Karst growth.


  • 火灾事故责任认定是否问题一直行政司法实践争论焦点之一

    Whether the recognize of fire duty is litigable or not is one of most controversial focus in administrative judicatory practice.


  • 鉴定过程中所涉及的检测缺陷原因分析责任认定损失测算提出了看法

    Some viewpoints on test, disfigurement analysis, responsibility cognizance and loss estimate in appraisal program are proposed.


  • 朝阳区交通支队作出的交通事故责任认定认定吴先生承担此事故全部责任

    Chaoyang District traffic detachment made traffic accident responsibility confirmation that, Mr. Wu bear full responsibility for this accident.


  • 医疗损害鉴定及其鉴定结论决定医疗纠纷案件责任认定赔偿标准关键环节。

    The appraisement of medical damage and its expert conclusions is the key in deciding the responsibility accounts and reparation criterion of the medical disputes cases.


  • 探讨火灾原因事故责任认定性质从而认识火灾原因和事故责任认定不可

    But the cause and liability affirmation of the fire should be not suability according to its property.


  • 应当日照权侵权责任认定承担责任方式等重新审视的基础上加以明确规定。

    What should be clearly defined is the confirmation and responsibility of tortious liability concerning sunshine interests violation on the basis of re-examination.


  • 交通安全法实施进一步确定了交通事故责任认定诉讼过程作为证据使用说法

    Traffic safety law confirm traffic accident responsibility it asserts to be should as statement that evidence use in the course of lawsuit further after implementing.


  • 我国相关的规章条例司法实践倾向于对网络服务提供商责任认定适用疏忽责任原则

    There is a tendency to apply the negligence liability principle for ISP in rules and regulations on Internet and judicial practice in china.


  • 理论实践分析研究交通安全法一弊端提出道路交通事故责任认定救济途径

    This paper have studied this abuse of traffic safe law from theory and practice, and put forward relief channel about determination of liabilities for road traffic auiclent.


  • 利用专家系统完成事故责任认定和赔偿,从而实现高科技为主要手段的完整的事故处理

    Finally, it performs the accident transaction based on expert system, which provides a scientific, unbiased, transpar


  • 其次重构野生动物致害责任认定其中包括确定了责任的归责原则构成要件免责事由

    Secondly, the reconstruction of a wild animal virulence of Responsibility, including the determination of the principles of Liability, Components, exemptions.


  • 然而,路权原则交通安全管理研究实践往往被滥用在交通事故责任认定表现得尤为突出。

    Howe ver, the road rights' principles are often abused in the research and practice of traffic security management, specifically in the endorsement of traffic accident responsibility.


  • 城市1997年已处理结案典型交通事故案例作为学习样本,构建智能化的交通事故责任认定模型

    By using a number of closed cases in certain Cities in 1997 as learning object, the intellectualized traffic accident liability judgment model is proposed. As a new deci...


  • 城市1997年已处理结案典型交通事故案例作为学习样本,构建智能化的交通事故责任认定模型

    By using a number of closed cases in certain Cities in 1997 as learning object, the intellectualized traffic accident liability judgment model is proposed. As a new decision support...


  • 汽车数量剧增以及各种安全因素导致了我国交通事故率居高不下,交通事故责任认定成为重要问题。

    There is also a dramatic increase in the number of automobiles, which, along with many unsafe factors, has lead to a high traffic accident rate.


  • 论文工作重点解决典型电子政务模型中安全信息交换网络信任管理、用户授权访问、责任认定服务等问题。

    This paper focus on the exchange of security information, management of network trust domain, authority control and duty confirmation.


  • 事故现场重现、事故原因分析以及事故责任认定提供详细准确数据便于事故现场快速恢复交通防止交通拥堵。

    It provides detailed and precise data for reproducing the accident spot and analyzing the reason and responsibility. It helps the traffic to recover and prevent traffic jam.


  • 第一章“肇事逃逸对事故责任认定影响”,论述了肇事逃逸对事故责任认定的影响以及法院对事故事实责任重新认定

    In chapter one, the author discoursed on impact of cognizance of traffic accident responsibility and re - cognizance of traffic accident's truth and responsibility by court.


  • 分析道路交通事故责任认定法律性质及引起法律后果认为法律规定法学理论看,道路交通事故责任认定应当诉。

    The legal nature, along with consequences of the liability determination in road accidents is expounded that the liable determination can be actionable in terms of legal provisions and theories.


  • 因果关系民事侵权责任非常重要民事侵权责任构成中的一个必不可少要件也是民事侵权责任认定复杂问题

    Causal relations are very important in the tort liability; it is an essential element of tort liability and also the most complicated issue in the judgment of tort liability.


  • 克劳迪袭击遇害者亲属他们不满意所有这些年来的调查提供新的资料没有认定责任

    Relatives of those killed in Claudy say they are still dissatisfied: all these years of inquiry have produced new information but no accountability.


  • 交通事故认定应当载明交通事故基本事实成因当事人责任送达当事人。

    The written conclusion on the traffic accident shall state the basic facts, the causes of the traffic accident and the liabilities of the parties concerned, and be served to the parties concerned.


  • 交通事故交警部门认定被告王某事故全部责任

    Said traffic accident through deliver a Jing segment to recognize, respondent Wang Mou negative full liability.


  • 通过调查认定,都是重特大责任事故

    These accidents have been ascertained through investigation to be major liability accidents.


  • 通过调查认定,都是重特大责任事故

    These accidents have been ascertained through investigation to be major liability accidents.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定