• 这个时代我们集体责任摆脱这种愚蠢行为光荣地朝着我们的目标努力

    It is our collective duty in this age to throw off such idiocy, and work honorably toward our intent.


  • 现代女性时代姐妹们肩负许多责任解放出来了。

    Modern woman has been freed from many of the duties that befell her sisters in times past.


  • 尽管极力责任推卸到其他地方最终不得不承认习惯时代技术没什么关系,而与传统的拖延症关系更大

    Though I desperately wanted to lay blame elsewhere, I finally had to admit that my bad habits had less to do with new-age technology and more to do with old-fashioned procrastination.


  • 不过认为身处数字时代掌握用户密码牢牢记住它们,恰恰就是一项重要责任

    However, I would say that learning and memorizing user names and passwords in this digital age is just as important of a responsibility.


  • 巴马说:“责任时代不是从不犯错而是知错就改努力确保不再犯同样的错误。”

    "The era of responsibility is not never making mistakes, it is owning up to them and trying to make sure you don't repeat them," said President Obama.


  • 尼克尔森目前一个提倡绿色医疗机构中工作告诉时代》,这个判决对于那些不断要求“公司责任”的人来说是个胜利

    Nicholson, who now works for an organization lobbying for greener health care, tells TIME he feels the decision is a victory for those pushing for corporate responsibility.


  • 这个数字时代一位个体研究者遵守道德准则责任,这一点相当重要。

    At the end of the day, in this digital era, it is the individual researcher's responsibility to stay ethical.


  • 双方都认识我们有共同责任迎接我们这个时代面临的各项挑战,应对气候变化制止核扩散重新平衡全球经济等。

    But we recognize that we share a responsibility for meeting the challenges of our time, from combating climate change to curbing nuclear proliferation and rebalancing the global economy.


  • 使我们机构反映这个时代现实我们国际货币基金组织内部新兴经济体承担更多责任赋予它们大的发言权

    To make our institutions reflect the reality of our times, we will shift more responsibility to emerging economies within the International Monetary Fund, and give them a greater voice.


  • 面对时代巨变我们青年一代更深感肩负责任重大

    Facing such unprecedented changes of The Times, we, the youth, feel an urgent sense of responsibility.


  • 是的现在不是石器时代我们男人还是认为挣面包依然是自己义务责任

    Yes, it's a little Stone Age, but we men consider it our manly obligation to bring home the bacon.


  • 一个新的经济时代西方管理者必须意识自己责任直面挑战领导变革

    We are in a new economic age. Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change.


  • 曾经以为需要公开透明责任分明时代坦诚地说,我受不了这个时代,”现居俄亥俄州的南森。佩尔切

    "I thought I wanted a new era of transparency and accountability, but honestly, I just can't handle it," Ohio resident Nathan Pletcher said.


  • 成就维多利亚时代为维多利亚时代,最重要原因维多利亚时代的人们的社会责任一种明显有别与其祖先浪漫主义的最基本态度

    More than anything else what makes Victorians Victorian is their sense of social responsibility, a basic attitude that obviously differentiates them from their immediate predecessors, the Romantics.


  • 栈桥一个时代遗迹,桥板之上汇聚了19世纪投机狂热,对于新兴有限责任公司股份制欣喜还有属于那个时代的梦想。

    They are monuments to 19th-century speculation, to the new delights of limited companies and shareholder security, and to dreams.


  • 马克尔说道:“使用伟大工具会带来巨大责任”,“骚扰死者,这在跨越很多社会制度,很多时代为了某些有益理由,都忌讳的。”

    "With great tools come great responsibilities," says Markel. "Disturbing the dead is taboo across many societies, many time periods, and for good reason."


  • 生命如果跟时代崇高责任联系在一起就会感到它永垂不朽。

    Life, with the lofty responsibility of The Times together, you will be immortal.


  • 西部拓荒时代选择媒体广告购买者愿意探索新的领域不是追究责任

    In the Wild West of media options, buyers of advertising are willing to explore new territory, but not without accountability.


  • 认为是这样时代的前沿,实现人生价值理想,有监督的人生信念,有对社会承担责任追求

    I think so, keep pace with the Times, achieves the life value ideal, have life of faith and supervision of social responsibility pursuit.


  • 公司经常合并公司时代我们领导人责任守护消费者

    And in an era when large corporations often merge to form even larger ones, our leaders have an even greater responsibility to look out for us as consumers.


  • 我们理解时代变化,我们同样需要变革。对建国精神的忠诚,需要我们肩负起新的责任,迎接新的挑战

    We are always understood that when times change, so much we, that a fedelity to our founding principles requires a new responses to new challenges.


  • 是个思想发酵时代关于王权本质、国家功能义务责任道德

    When a ferment of ideas grows about the nature of kingship, the function of states, duties, obligation and morality.


  • 寻求团结一致,为应付时代挑战命运这项责任加诸我国

    To produce this unity, to meet the challenge of our time, destiny has laid upon our country the responsibility.


  • 因此倡导和推进高校安全文化建设成为时代赋予高校社会责任

    So, to push the safety cultural construction on campus has become a kind of social responsibility entrusted by era to colleges.


  • 寻求团结一致,为应付时代挑战命运这项责任我国

    To produce this unity, to meet the challenge of our time, desiting has laid upon our country the responsibility .


  • 这个时代赋予我们更多责任使命给我们提供了更大更广阔运营平台和空间。

    The era gives us more responsibility and mission, but also larger and wider operating platform and space.


  • 这个时代赋予我们更多责任使命给我们提供了更大更广阔运营平台和空间。

    The era gives us more responsibility and mission, but also larger and wider operating platform and space.


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